
Side Story Chapter 31

Gabel was not the only knight staring at Maximilian's sister. The others seemed equally as enamored. Noting their reactions, Ursuline Ricaydo looked exasperated.

"We are here on official business. How disgraceful, gawking at a girl while the conflict still rages."

"I was not gawking," Gabel grumbled sheepishly, standing straighter.

The knight's face instantly darkened at the mention of the conflict. During the journey to Croyso Castle, the Remdragon Knights had engaged in a fierce battle with a band of raiders that outnumbered them threefold. They had lost one of Gabel's squires, a lad he had been extremely fond of. Though Gabel had quipped that anyone who could be bested by a bandit had no right to don the armor of a Remdragon Knight, he had readily shouldered the expense of the squire's costly funeral.

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