
Chapter 92

"We've waited long enough. We can't afford to waste any more time," Breston snarled, wolf-like. He turned his scowl onto Kuahel Leon. "If you are unwilling to give the order, my men and I will ride into battle ourselves if necessary."

Kuahel stepped closer to Breston with the swiftness of a jaguar lunging at its prey. His voice rumbled with authority as he said, "I am the supreme commander of the coalition army. I will not condone unsanctioned operations."

Breston, a towering figure at nearly seven kevettes(Approximately 2.1 meters) tall, leaned forward threateningly. "I take orders only from my father, Geyhart Breston, and the King of Balto, Heimdall VI."

The commander of the Temple Knights did not even bat an eye despite the hulking knight looming a full head over him. "I am an apostle of God and the right hand of the pope. This is a holy war waged by the church, in which you have a duty to obey the apostle's will."

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