
Undeniable request

Mia231 · Action
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6 Chs


"I am going to miss you" he cried as I enjoyed his embrace and inhaled his smell which is what I loved the most about him. If anything he loved except me was cleanliness. He was the cleanest man I have ever saw in my life.

"My darling" my mom cooed as she engulfed me into her arms. My mother was an athlete when she was married to my father. She was really strong.

"Mom I can't breathe" I managed to speak with great difficulty and finally she let me go realizing it and I huffed out air feeling relaxed.

"Honey!" My Dad scolded her and she smiled sheepishly at me.

"Sorry I just got carried out with my emotions" she gave an explanation.

I smiled at her and squeezed her arm "it's okay mom".

"Okay it's time now" my dad spoke as he checked the time in his watch.

"I love you sweetheart" my mom kissed my forehead and Jace hugged me again as both of them began to leave.

Kiara was my bridesmaid. She took her place with the kids and showed me a thumbs up sign mouthing "All the best". I smiled at her as I linked my arms with my Dad and we waited for the gate to open.

The music began to play and the gate opened revealing a crowded church. It was filled with people as all of them waited patiently for the bride to appear.

Slowly we began to walk as we rehearsed earlier. My legs began to wobble out of nervousness and my palms began to sweat.

"Relax princess" my Dad whispered squeezing my arms assuring me that everything was going to be great.

I managed to smile at the people and hummed as a response to dad. I saw Emmett waiting for me looking confident standing on the alter. He looked so handsome wearing his black suite. His hair was combed back and his grey eyes twinkled when he saw me. Immediately, a smile broke into his lips as he licked his lips waiting for me.

I knew he was impatient.

He was talking the whole night with me on the phone discussing about our wedding night. He had planned so much and he wants everything just to be as he has planned.

He was really desperate to have me.

I blushed deep red when he winked at me. It took me a month to convince my family especially my father and Kiara. I don't know why but both of them disliked Emmett when they met him for the first time. But I loved him. Finally after so much difficulty I managed to convince them for this marriage.

"Take good care of her son. I hope you to take care her of her just like me" my father spoke as he handed my hand to Emmett.

"I promise I will take care of her even more than you" he replied as he smiled at Dad and dad nodded leaving me in the aisle.

"You look beautiful muffin" Emmett whispered to me as he placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

"I just can't wait to get you" he winked making me blush.

A clearing of throat made us snap out of our little moment. The priest cleared his throat probably hearing Emmett's words.

"Shall we began now?" The priest asked holding his book and we nodded.

He began to read his book while people sat down on their places watching us while the priest read his book.

"Now you may speak your vows" he told us and I nodded. Finally it was the time. I have waited for this moment from so long. As I was just going to open my mouth, we heard a gun shot and my eyes widened out of shock and fear.

I looked towards the entrance and saw a man standing with his one hand up with a gun. He smirked at the people who gasped at him because of fear and few man followed him as they pointed their gun towards the people to stop them from moving around.

"What's going on?" I heard people wishpering.

"Who are you?" My father stood up as a man pointed a gun towards him asking him to sit down.

My heart hammered against my ribcage seeing the sight.

I looked towards Emmett to find him sweating badly and his hands were trembling.

"What's wrong with him?" I thought to myself.

"Emmett What is going on? Why aren't you doing anything?" I called him and tried to touch him but the man who shot that gun earlier came and stood before me blocking my sight.

He towered my height and stood tall confidently before me with a hardened expression on his face. His brown eyes glaring down at me making me step away from him but he held my arm and steadied me on my place.

"L-Leave me" I stammered fearing him.

"Emmett!" I called him for help but when I looked at him his nose was bleeding and he was being held by two men who pulled him with them from the aisle.

"Juliette!" He called coughing a little. I gasped seeing his condition and tried to walk towards him only to be blocked again by the Brown-eyed man.

"Now you will feel how I felt when you took the most precious thing away from me you mutt" the brown-eyed man snarled looking towards Emmett.

"I will make sure to let you see what is going to happen now with your own eyes" he hissed at him with hatred in his eyes.

"You proceed what you were doing" he spoke pointing his gun towards the priest. The priest gulped and nodded continuing again.

"W-What are you doing? Leave me" I began to struggle against him. He tightened his grip and glared at me. Then he nodded towards the men and they all took their position surrounding both of my parents pointing their guns towards them. Everything was a Chaos now.

"Do as I say or you lose them" he hissed as he tightened his grip on my arm more. I stood paralyzed on my spot seeing the deadly weapons which were pointed against my family. One of is man handed him a piece of paper and he placed it on the officiant's book.

"Sign it!" he commanded as he gestured me to sign on the paper. The frightened officiant immediately took his pen out and handed it to me which I refused to take.

The brown-eyed man before me hissed at my refusal and pointed his gun towards my father.