
Ugly duckling bride

Perhaps it was good luck that fell from the sky, Mo Rourou, the ugly duckling in the eyes of a man, accidentally married the handsome CEO Zhao Junlie because of his sister's escape from marriage, and became his bride. Zhao Junlie always wanted the best, no matter in business or in love, when he was a child, his parents adopted a professor's wife with very low money to a friend as an adopted son, but later his biological mother's youngest son died in a car accident, and he lacked a family heir, so Zhao Junlie read at the age of 20 University, returned to the home of his biological parents, accepted the rigorous training of the family business, and finally became the domineering and handsome president of Zhao's enterprise company. Mo Rourou has a deep love for Junlie. Although it is a commercial marriage, she is happy to complete her love fairy tale marriage and marry Prince Charming, who she secretly loves in her heart. However, it seems impossible for the fairy tale between the prince and the princess to be staged in reality. The lover returned from Harvard University in the United States, and he sent a divorce agreement to Mo Rourou? Faced with the ultimate disillusionment of her love, what should Mo Rourou do?

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115 Chs

Chapter 17

At 9:30 in the morning, Zhao Junlie was typing on the keyboard of the desktop computer with flying fingers, thinking that he had a nightmare last night crying in front of Rou Rou, and felt embarrassed, thinking that this would give Rou Rou a good reason to make fun of him.

"Mr. President, I have prepared your love bento. This is today's bento with mapo tofu and cauliflower!" Mo Rourou made sure that only Zhao Junlie was alone in the president's office, so she walked in with confidence.

"Rourou, don't waste your time in vain. I won't fall in love with you. The terms of the prostitution contract have been clearly written." Although Zhao Junlie said so, his hands were not idle. He found out how to prepare for Rourou every day. Love bento dishes, have a sense of anticipation?

When Mo Rourou heard his words, her heart ached, she couldn't just give up her pursuit of her husband.

Suddenly, she thought that if she wanted to know the reason for Jun Lie's nightmare, she should inquire about it from Jun Lie's mother, that is, her mother-in-law.

"I'm going to be busy with business, Rourou, I won't go home for dinner today." Zhao Junlie smiled wryly.


"Mom, I specially cooked steamed eggs to serve with rice!" At seven o'clock in the evening, when Zhao's parents and elders were having dinner together, Mo Rourou put the carefully cooked steamed eggs on the table, raising the sunshine With a smile like that, she stared at her mother-in-law.

"Rourou, you really have a heart!" Father Zhao took a bite and yelled praise with his thumb.

"Where did Jun Lie spend his childhood?" Mo Rourou mustered up the courage to ask.

She had heard that Zhao Junlie had been adopted by someone else's family, but she had no idea about his living conditions.

"Jun Lie, did he tell you anything?" Zhao's parents opened their eyes wide, their voices trembling.

"No." After thinking for a while, Mo Rourou still fully told about Jun Lie's nightmare and tears yesterday.

"So that's how things are." Mo Rourou raised her eyebrows.

"Jun Lie is a child who has suffered domestic violence." Mother Zhao's eyes glistened with tears.

"Huh? Domestic violence? What's going on here!" Mo Rourou opened her eyes in disbelief when she heard Zhao's mother's words, took a deep breath, and tried to find her own voice."

"Impossible!" Mo Rourou shook her head, thinking she decided to ask her new husband Jun Lie for information.


In Zhao's company, there are two beauties with outstanding temperament sitting in the internship manager's office, one is Ji Fufu, who is naturally beautiful, and the other is Mo Rourou, who is ordinary and graceful, an ugly duckling girl with a graceful attitude.

"I'm glad you, Fufu, came to work in Zhao's company." Mo Rourou was by her side for her best friend, and she couldn't express the comfort in her heart. She always felt that working in Jun Lie's company seemed out of place.

Maybe she has never been able to get Jun Lie's love and heart!

"Rourou, didn't he take the initiative to give you a penguin doll?" Although Ji Fufu is engaged, she has rich experience in love, and she can see the clue from Zhao Junlie's behavior towards Rourou. "He has you in his heart, but his heart is unwilling to admit it!"

"Yeah. Seeing the penguin doll will cheer me up more or less. I don't want to give up my pursuit of husband. I want Jun Lie to fall in love with me until death." Mo Rourou nodded, thinking of Jun Lie sending her off. The penguin doll finally showed a little smile.

"Rourou, your beauty is to shine from within, but now men! They only pay attention to the external appearance, ignoring the connotation of women." Ji Fufu put forward her opinion, eating chicken leg bento. It seems that Rourou's husband is no different from ordinary men!

"How are you going to ask Zhao Junlie about his childhood life tonight? Zhao Junlie is not easy to mess with! I'm really worried about you." Ji Fufu continued to speak, raising her eyebrows.

"Show me the trick!" Mo Rourou smiled sweetly.


Mo Rourou waited until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, thinking that Jun Lie might be very busy in the CEO's office, so she decided to delay the investigation a little bit.

She is wearing cream silk pajamas and sleeping on the bed.

After a few minutes, the door of the house was turned and the key was turned. Zhao Junlie went home. While drinking, he walked a bit unsteadily, couldn't stand steadily, and entered the room.

Mo Rourou opened her eyes to look at her husband, she stepped forward to help him lie down.

"Sleep well!" Mo Rourou used to deal with drunk male colleagues as a worker, so coaxing Jun Lie who was drunk was not a problem at all.

"Rourou, I'm so afraid that you hate me. When I see you, I can miss her without any thought." Zhao Junlie fell asleep for an hour, then woke up soon, and confessed his feelings for other women.

"Jun Lie, do you already have a woman you like?" Mo Rourou asked softly.

"It's just my unrequited love. I don't know her real name. That girl's friend is called Senior Sister Xiaorou." Zhao Junlie slapped his forehead with his hands, suffering from a headache. It seemed that he had drunk too much with a client and walked out of the room to the kitchen. Drinking a bottle of sugar-free green tea in the fridge.

Sister Xiaorou! It turned out that Zhao Junlie still remembered her in college. The current her is completely different from the college student in terms of temperament and thinking, so Jun Lie didn't recognize her.

Mo Rourou's heart hurts slightly, the irony is that in Jun Lie's eyes, she is just an ugly duckling girl who signed a prostitution contract, his plaything!

If she wants Jun Lie's love, this pursuit of her husband will be a sad bitter love.