
Chapter 1 - Death

So this is it huh? its my end...

Ha, even now, I'm still pathetic.

But again, when does everything started?

Maybe from my family? well, you see, I grow up in not so poor family, my mother is a house wife, while my father is a taxi driver, earning money enough to feed us, support our study, bought clothes, gadgets etc., It was a peaceful, happy ordinary family... or maybe not?

Ever since I knew mom is conservative, she always cover my eyes whenever there's a kissing scene on TV, even in highschool, so um yeah, it wasn't hard to imagine how I grow up? a conservative, naive young man, Haha, Pathetic.

My father on the other hand, were strict. (maybe because that's how his parents raise him) he had a lot off rules, like I need to be home before 6 pm, I need choose whom to befriend, I need to ask permission before leaving our home and many more etc., ones again, i grow up as an obidient child and you know the rest.

My primary school, um, it did not end up well. You see, not to brag but I'm smart, I pick up things quicker than everyone, reading, mathematics, science, history etc, i always come to top and that's how the problem started.

Some kids were jealous at me, cause I'm smart, good looking, also, I'm quite popular to the teachers and girls, (not to brag). At first they are only taunting me, which i ignore, cause that's what my mother told me, and as an obidient child I did.

Naively believing that its cool to play a nice, like how most super Heroes are, Right?

Well, that what I thought, unfortunately, world didn't work like that, Instead of stopping, the bullies instead grow some guts as the day passed, things got worst, they started to play pranks on me, and soon they started to humiliate me.

But you know what's hillarious? Even after that, I still naively believing that ignoring it will made them stop HAHAHA pathetic tsk.

Years passed, Middle school, Highschool, College, didn't much remember what happen after that, all i knew is, I started to isolate myself from others, stop joining school events, never attend parties (not that I'm invited) Anyway you know the rest.

Long story short, I spent my youth devoted in my studies, which makes my parents proud (I don't really know how to feel), after graduating in college, major in Mechanical Engineering, I quickly got hired by a company, and got payed a salary higher than my father could earn.

The end.

So yep, where am I again? oh, I'm currently in the middle of highway by the way and... What am i doing here? Ahh! yes yes, that's right, I just save a girl from hitting a truck and got hit by it instead.

And currently I'm reminiscing my life. thinking how unfair it is, but thinking of it to another point of view, universe is actually not to blame, its actually my fault.

Maybe if I just fight the bullies back then, Maybe if I didn't listen to my parents, Maybe if I didn't believe those Superheroes stories, Maybe... Maybe I could've have a Better Life.

If only i could have a second chance... Sigh, what am i thinking?

How Pathetic.
