

I am dating someone...

Apparently, whenever someone sees the both of us together they say we look like siblings...

"Such cute siblings walking home together." an elderly person said with a smile passing by as we walk.

"Cute twins." Another person added.

Despite the fact that their statements were harmless, I despise hearing phrases like that...

"Lilian?" Daniel calls my name. It seems he noticed I was down since his voice looked worried when he called my name.


"You okay? "

"Yeah, why would I not be okay? haha" I bluffed, trying to reply in a cheerful way to not worry Daniel.

"...Alright then" Daniel seemed like he still wasn't convinced.

We arrived at Daniel's house, his mother welcomed us and gave me a hug. After a short greeting with his mom, we went straight to his room.

Even after distracting myself by playing games with my boyfriend. The words from those people passing by were still ringing in my head.

"Do you think we look alike?" I asked Daniel while laying on his bed

"What" The sudden question baffled Daniel, the boy was playing on his phone sitting on the floor not far from me.

"Let's be honest, you're just dating me because you think I look like you right?"

"Woah slow down, I'm still processing that first question you asked me" Daniel puts down his phone and went closer to me.

"Look, the reason why I'm dating you is that I love you alright?" Daniel puts both his hands on my cheek trying to stop my pouting face.

"...So you don't think we look alike?" I persisted.

"...Is it because of what those strangers said to us as we walked home?"

He got me...

"Pfttt" Daniel realized he was right and began to laugh.

"W-Why are you laughing!? I'm serious here!" I said loudly, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"S-sorry...pfft" Daniel covered his mouth, trying to stop himself from laughing.

"I swear why are you so cute" Daniel chuckled

His sudden phrase made me blush which made me throw a pillow at him


"That's what you get"

"Alright, let me ask you this"

Daniel took my hand in his and stared at me with soft eyes.

"Are we siblings?"


"Do we have the same parents?"


"Will you break up with me just because of what other people think?"

"Of course not!"

"Well, there you have it, to strangers we look like siblings but to our friends and family, we are a couple"

"Yeah, I know that already but..."

I hate myself for even thinking about this... not only that it's even making Daniel worry

"If I have to be honest, it would be a lie if I said that I never thought we have similar faces when we first met, I even thought if we were actually long-lost cousins" Daniel said.

"Wait what" I was taken aback by his sudden confession; it was the first time he had told me about it.

"But that's impossible, right? We don't live in the same house, we went to different elementary schools..."

Daniel kept on telling all kinds of reasons from childhood memories to our likes and dislikes to the point it became annoying but soon made me forget about my worries.

"Also we have different parents, neither one of us is adopted...or are we?" Daniel jokes with a teasing phase

"Haha so funny Cooper" I said sarcastically and softly flicked his forehead which made the both of us laugh

This had to be his way of cheering me up, and I must say, it worked.

I'm such a fool, why would I leave this dumbass just because of what some people say

Instead of changing ourselves for people who are not relevant in our lives, we should be enjoying ourselves and staying close to the people who we treasure the most.


Author's note:

This story is made purely for entertainment. I was inspired by a manga I read a long time ago about two people who looked like each other and fell in love. It was a long time ago so I forgot its title, it just suddenly popped in my mind and I suddenly got the motivation to create this story lol.

This story is made purely for entertainment. I was inspired by a manga I read a long time ago about two people who looked like each other and fell in love. It was a long time ago so I forgot its title, it just suddenly popped in my mind and I suddenly got the motivation to create this story lol.

Chantylcreators' thoughts