
Two Different Majors Reincarnated as Siblings in Another World

They fought each other for their country. They shed blood everywhere just for peace. They died and disappeared and their bodies were respected by the people of their respective countries for what they had given. A war involving two men who have the rank of Major in the army, who are enemies, from different countries, must end with the harsh reality that the war they are participating in is not for the peace of their country. They were betrayed, betrayed by the superiors of their own country, then died in that rotten war and were reborn in another world at the same time and became twin brothers.

Bolcurut · Fantaisie
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148 Chs

The Raid (3)

"What's going on here, Arsenio?" Ernesto asked in confusion after Helena explained something to Arsenio.

"I'll explain. But first, I want to ask you something," Arsenio replied, walking back away from Helena and arriving beside Ernesto.

"What do you want to ask? This is not the time for you to ask."

"That's why I wanted to ask you."

"Okay... So, what do you want to ask?"

"Before you buy a new smartphone, what do you do?"

"Hah!?" Ernesto was confused by the question. But in the end, he answered without questioning it. "Well, I read the specifications of that smartphone, whether it suits what I want or not. Then, if I have time, I look for some reviews about that smartphone. Some content creators usually advise about that smartphone, whether it's a good thing or not. That way, I know the advantages and disadvantages of the smartphone."

"I see. After you got that, what was the first thing you did?"