
Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

“You ask who I am?” “Good question, friend!” He stood in front of her, spat out the yellow sand in his mouth, raised his hands high over his shoulders, and said proudly: “I am the boss of the gutter in Zaun, the ninth member of the Piltover Council. I am the honorary hero of Bilgewater.” “What have I done?” “I once set a fire in the stone forest of Demacia, and also compared heights with the dwarfs in Bandle City.” Standing in front of her, he spoke eloquently. “And now, I have met you in the sand-filled Shurima.” “Alright, lady, I have finished speaking, so can you put away your weapon first?” //translator note Hello, I’m currently translating a fanfiction from mtl and I’m planning to use ChatGPT to correct it. I’m posting it here because it makes it easier for me to read. This fanfiction is about someone who got transported to the world of Arcane (you know, from League of Legends?). Someone has already translated it and you can find it by searching for the title “Arcane: Champion Witness System”. You might want to read it there because they were the first to do it. However, I couldn’t wait any longer, so I decided to translate it myself. // The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm //for the mtl: www.mtlnovel.com/twin-cities-hero-witness-system/ P.S i'm gonna copied chapter 1-85 from TypicalFicEnjoyer6 cause im lazy sorry about that brother.

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Chapter 32: Let's wait and see

Lin Wen gathered the shimmer and looked at the somewhat shaken Vander. He greeted him, "You just stay here. I'll go check on Powder and Vi."

Vander waved his hand, indicating Lin Wen was free to go. 

To Vander, Lin Wen was like his child, just as much a part of Black Alley as any other resident. He wondered what would have happened if Zoran hadn't taken Lin Wen in first. In his mind, Lin Wen was another one of Black Alley's children and a remarkably gifted one.

Vander sipped his drink and reflected on the events of the past few days. He had returned to the life of a mobster, wearing his brass knuckles, leading fights against various barons. The most surprising thing was that he had thought he would never sit at the same table with Silco again, but just now, they had shared the same drink and talked about the same ideals. It felt like they were standing together once more, just like old times. This made Vander feel a wave of nostalgia.

Meanwhile, Lin Wen headed down to the basement. He saw the small door ajar, with dim lights shining through and the aroma of food filling the air. 

Did Vi and Powder make something to eat at this hour? 

Lin Wen smacked his forehead in realization. He had been so engrossed in the conversation with Silco and Vander that he had forgotten all about the two youngsters in the basement. 

They must be starving by now.

Lin Wen pushed open the door and found Vi and Powder huddled around a small pot under the warm glow of a lamp.

"Lin Wen!"

Upon seeing Lin Wen, Powder excitedly opened her arms and called out.

"What are you guys doing?" Lin Wen leaned forward, resting his hands on his knees, and asked Vi and Powder.

"The thing you see right now – cooking!" 

Vi pouted and added with a hint of emotion, "You've been chatting with Vander and someone for so long, did you forget that Powder and I were down here?"

"How could I?" Lin Wen ruffled Powder's hair with his big hand and grinned, saying, "Of course I remember you and Powder are down here. Didn't you come up to eavesdrop on our conversation in the meantime?"

"No, I didn't eavesdrop!" Vi's face turned red, and she hurriedly explained, "I wouldn't eavesdrop on grown-up stuff. I just wanted to ask Vander to cook, but when I saw you talking, I waited, thinking you'd be done soon."

"But that's not what you told me," Powder tilted her head, looking at Vi, throwing her sister under the bus.

"Shut up, Powder!"

Vi shifted to make room for Lin Wen, pouting, and he sat between Vi and Powder. He peered into the small pot.

"Did you make this?"

"Of course, Powder doesn't cook," Vi proudly replied.

"I'll learn to cook in the future."

The two sisters started a little argument, but Vi would quickly give in. She always spoiled and teased Powder.

And Lin Wen teased and spoiled her in return.

"Do you know how to clean fish this time?"

"I'm not a dummy."

"Give me a portion too." Lin Wen playfully reached into his backpack and pulled out two adult-sized pieces of bread when his hand came out.

"Yay!!!" Powder immediately clapped her hands and took the bread from Lin Wen. She couldn't wait and took a bite.

She was indeed starving, and Vi was too.

And Vi's table manners were even worse than Powder's.

"Take it easy and eat. There's no one here to steal it from you," Lin Wen said, looking at the two girls in amusement.

Watching Vi and Powder battle with their bread, Lin Wen shook his head, skillfully went to the area that's used to store stuff, took out three small bowls and wiped them clean. Then, he grabbed a ladle.

He filled three bowls with fish soup, placed them on the ground, and the three of them sat around the pot to enjoy their dinner.

"Lin Wen, tell me the truth. Are we going to war?" Suddenly, Vi patted Lin Wen, and bread crumbs stuck to his arm. 

He looked at Vi, exasperated. "Where did you hear that? Who told you we're going to war?"

"You've been going to fight every day these past few days!"

"Silly girl, that's just fighting. Do you even know what a war is?" Zaun's gang fights can hardly be called a war, especially when you consider what a war is like in Noxus.

The commotion in the depths of Zaun can't really be called a war. At best, it's gang skirmishes. The most it would do is make the Pilties raise an eyebrow or two.

"What about fighting Piltover? That's a war, isn't it?" Vi held her bowl, her face flushed from the steam, squinting her eyes. 

Despite always trying to look tough, the occasional display of cuteness made her even more endearing.

She kept asking Lin Wen, "Can I go when it happens? I can fight a lot of Pilties, and I'm not afraid of getting hurt."

Hearing Vi say that, Powder quickly set down her bowl, wiped her mouth, and loudly said, "Lin Wen, I'm not afraid either. Take me with you. I've made lots of nail bombs, I can definitely help you."

"Who told you we're going to fight Piltover?"

Lin Wen rolled his eyes and lightly pushed Vi away as she approached.

After returning to the Last Drop Tavern, Vi changed her clothes, took a shower, and, in addition to being under Vander and Lin Wen's forced house arrest these past few days, she was clean. It was a stark contrast to her usual dirty and bloodstained appearance.

Now, if you were to dress her in the dresses that the Piltover girls liked, tidy up her messy hair, she would undoubtedly be the most beautiful girl in all of Zaun.

Unlike Powder, little Powder still has some baby teeth left. Adorable as she is, she's still in the stage of not growing up yet.

Wait a minute, isn't Powder always going to be like that in the future?

Lin Wen got lost in thought.

"You and Vander both said, and that other person said too, that to make Piltover realize our strength, we need to first develop... develop technology and create weapons?"

"And you said you didn't eavesdrop on our conversation."

"That doesn't matter, you tell me first, are we going to fight Piltover?" Vi rubbed her hands together, extremely excited.

Her dissatisfaction with Piltover had long filled her chest.

"You can't fight them, silly."

Lin Wen explained, "Vander and I have been subduing chem barons from various places these past few days, and we've been successful. It's clear that all the things I've been doing in the Undercity weren't in vain. They're all scared of me. Whenever I step..."

Lin Wen slowly lowered his head and saw Powder's small hand on top of his. Lin Wen's hand wasn't particularly large, but compared to Powder's, it was several times bigger.

Powder looked up at him and said, "They're scared of you? Why? Which part of you is scary?"

"It's only you who would dare say that," Vi, who was often scolded by Lin Wen, mumbled to herself while looking at Powder.

Is Lin Wen scary? He's super scary! Mylo and Claggor can testify to that! When Lin Wen gets angry, he's like a demon, even though it was to protect them.

But for Powder, Lin Wen is one of her favorite people.

Because Lin Wen has never scolded Powder, not once.

"For you, it might be like that, but for them, I think I should be a devil."

Lin Wen felt somewhat comforted. Powder's inadvertent little gesture seemed to be consoling him.

Well, these years of doting on her were not in vain.

"That's only because they did something wrong. You're not a devil, and you're not allowed to call yourself that."

Powder patted Lin Wen's hand forcefully. "If you're a devil, then I'm a devil too. I'm a little devil."

As she said that, she started to laugh, as if she found the idea amusing.

The big devil Lin Wen, with the medium devil Vi, and Vi holding the little devil Powder.

Ha! That must be quite amusing!

"You're not a little devil, you're a little silly."

Lin Wen reached out to gently pat Powder's little nose, feeling relaxed.

"In any case, we won't go to war with Piltover, Vi, because what we want to do isn't to attack Piltover but to make Zaun independent."

"What's the difference? Zaun wants independence, so don't we have to fight Piltover?" Vi didn't understand.

Considering Piltover's long-standing control and deep discrimination against Zaun, it would be a miracle if Piltover agreed to Zaun's independence.

"They won't agree to our independence."

Lin Wen smiled mysteriously and gazed at the ceiling, stretching his arms back and supporting himself on the ground.

"They will agree."

"They definitely will."

"Let's wait and see."