
Chapter 9

Jasper P.O.V


A word that indicates- to exercise restrain.

Ever since he met his best friend, he learned the true meaning of control.

It may seem like someone is forcing him, but that can't be further from the truth, if anything he was the one who was forcing himself into this lifestyle.

It shamed him how little control he had over his thirst, he would often catch himself visualizing, the ways he would drink his victim.

His family also struggled, but they still found ways to keep an extra eye on him, especially his mate- his other half, Wendy, his best friend- the one who brought him to their family, Alice, and lastly- the family's mind reader, Edward.

It made him conflicted, on one hand, it was for his benefit- to make sure he didn't slip up, but same time it made it seem like he wouldn't be trusted.

Well, the risk was too much to leave him unattended, and that alone made him swallow every complaint.

Never in his life did he truly feel free of his thirst until a miracle walked into his class, a blessing in the form of a new student.

The moment he sat beside him, every smell, every emotion, every little thing that annoyed him faded into the background as if they never existed.

One thing he knew, Alice's mate wouldn't be a problem to be around.

Third P.O.V

" look!!! "

" new student.... "

" I know right.... Super hot "

Whispers went around, as he made his way to his first class, that and the flirty looks he got.

He stepped into the small class, hearing the short silence that settled, as he walked towards the teacher in charge, sliding the slip towards Mr.Jason, watching as the man stopped gawking at him.

With a polite greeting, he waited for the signed slip.

"Well, you can sit in one of the empty chairs," Mr.Jason said as he pointed toward the end of the class.

There were a few empty spots, while he looked around his gaze fell on an inhuman man, and instantly knew it was Jasper; thinking about how animals reacted to his smell last night, this was a good opportunity to test the waters with a vampire.

He chose to sit beside Jasper, careful of the reaction it may cause.

Although he anticipated a positive reaction because of the last incident, still it was surprising to see Jasper instantly relax, if before he looked to be ready to fight then now he looked like someone walked out of a spa.

His rigid shoulders loosened, and his pained expression melted into a more natural facial expression.

Overall no other reaction than being at peace.

Well, the class went on, with no special interaction.

Although at the end of class, Jasper seemed to have reverted to being tense, still a lot better than before.

During the remaining classes, he got a text from Angela to have lunch with her friend group.


I am back ~

I had Typhoid for 2-3 months, then my professional habit of procrastinating visited me.

Life is such, can't do anything about it.

Little lost on what to do as many of my ideas are lost in the past, but still my love for this concept is very much alive.

Thank you to everyone who commented and read my book, also thanks for the suggestions.

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