
Chapter 10

With a vague smile, he passed the crowd of students and made his way to the cafeteria.

The map was simple enough to follow, so he didn't need any assistance. Not like people didn't offer which he declined politely.

It was odd to be the center of this much attention, though he got used to people staring daily, even so being in the spotlight, with people hanging onto his every action felt very weird.

Although his features didn't have an obvious change- which would have been hard to explain- still something about him attracted everyone.

Well being a vampire and releasing pheromones that made everyone at ease, making them lose their sense of danger, could do that to people.

Well as he entered the cafeteria he soon spotted his lovely cousin.

" Ian! Over here! " Waving her hand eagerly, as if he haven't already spotted her.

Chuckling, he made his way toward the friend group. Sitting at the end of a full table with Angie introducing him and vice-versa to the five of them.

Tyler, Lauren, Mike, Jessica, and the last Eric; they did match their movie counterpart but did have differences, as if balancing their traits from books.

Also, notice another Asian guy a couple of tables on the left eyeing Angela, sitting beside a sandy-haired fellow.

Poking Angie and flashing her a look asking who it was, bought a slight blush as she quietly said his name "That's Ben, Ben Cheney " That made him raise an eyebrow.

One of the good characters in the novel; seems like love is already in the air.

Angie is her own person he won't interfere with that, but if someone dares harm her then they are in for a surprise.

The conversation went on as normal, everyone seemed to be curious about the new guy, so their attention was constantly on him.

Female of the group more so, with their not-so-subtle eyeing him.

Everything aside, he missed the entry of the iconic movement of Cullen's entering, although confusing enough Jasper was hugging unknown women.

That made him pause, a little lost on what was going on.

Then it happened, the slight tingle that he was ignoring came with full force, a tingling feeling in the back of his skull. He had ignored it as he kept feeling it every time someone watched him.

But now, it felt something big would happen if he followed this gaze. His hair stood up, his whole body vibrated with a sense of anticipation.

Like in a slow-motion scene, he followed the direction of the source that drew him.

Clashing with a beautiful set of topaz-colored eyes, at that movement something in him shifted as if nothing could hold him but her.

Like gravity, she pulled him towards her. He wanted to know her, hear her laugh, and destroy everything that made her upset.

To hold her, hide her from the world; shower her with love.

All the lingering doubts he had vanished as soon as he saw her, it was her, he existed for HER.

A mesmerizing set of memories flashed in his head, him talking to her, making her laugh, taking her on dates, Their first kiss, their wedding.

He could almost taste the happiness they both felt in those movements.

A Hand in front of his face snapped him out of his daze.

" what's wrong? Are you okay Ian? " it was Angela who was now looking at him worried.

"oh yeah, I am fine just thinking..." he gave a small smile to lessen her worries, she looked at him for a few more seconds making sure that he was ok, then looked away seeing that he was fine.

Yes, everything was fine, amazing actually as he just found and imprinted on his Mate.

Who he soon realized was Alice Cullen.


Two chapters in a row ~

Can't promise future updates, will see how things go.

Any suggestions are always welcome.

Thank you for keeping comments respectful.

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