
Twilight: Omega

The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.

confused4you · Films
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53 Chs

Ch.9 The doggo that lives forever

Bella went with Edward and the rest of us went for our normal classes. When I was sitting in my class I got stared at by everyone, maybe it's because I am hanging around the Cullens. After the classes were over. Lunch was on and I took my lunch which was graciously made by Esme. I made my way to Cullen's table.

Cat suddenly got up when she saw me and walked over to me and said "Do you mind if we have lunch somewhere else?"

I nodded and then we both got out of the Cafeteria and I said "I will not get to eat my lunch now would I?"

She looked at me and said "You ate breakfast that was enough for my whole family."

I said "Yeah, but I am kinda feeling a lot hungry since last night. What did you use to put me down?"

She had an ohh look on her face and said "Nothing harmful."

And I said "I am feeling more hungry than usual."

She nodded and said "Who knows, with you it can be anything."

I then asked "Where are we going?"

She said "To the forest."

I looked at her and said "But Bella and Edward are there."

She looked at me and said, "Chris, it's a forest." She had a point.

We made our way into the forest and we were in quite deep and then she made me sit down and I wanted to eat but it didn't feel appropriate, I will eat something later. She sat next to me and said "So, I was thinking that since we know about each other I was thinking that we can properly introduce ourselves."

I just nodded and she sighed and continued "I am Katherine Cullen and I am a Vampire." She looked at me and told me her story of how she became a vampire and stuff. I didn't know in the original that Emmet was turned because of a bear attack. I wondered what the origin stories of the other Cullens were.

She then looked at me and said "Chris there are some things that you should know about me. When someone is turned, they don't have much control over their thirst…" She looked down and continued, "I have done some stuff that I am not proud of and I just wanted to tell you all of these things so that you can make a decision."

I looked at her and said "Decision about what?"

She looked at me and said "Decide if you want to be with me…" She then looked at the ground and said "I know you are a werewolf and you may not live long like me but…"

I then held her hand and lifted her head and said "There is nothing for me to think about Cat. I want to be with you." She looked at me and her lips quivered and I said "I am yours and you are mine till my last breath and beyond. And I honestly don't care what you did in the past."

She looked at me and she was happy and she kissed me and I kissed her and it was beautiful, I felt complete… it felt right, I knew I made the right decision.

I then pulled away and she looked at me and I said "And just for the record I am going to live just as long as you." When she heard that she was happy. She hugged me. Then we both heard footsteps.

We turned to our right and it was Bella and Edward. Bella was surprised to see me and I looked at them and Edward was surprisingly happy which was weird for the guy. I then saw them holding hands and I said "So he finally told you huh?"

She looked at me and was mad and ran up to me and I got up and she kicked me in my shin and said "You knew? And you didn't tell me."

I chuckled and said "Of course I knew, I am just disappointed that you didn't catch on fast."

She looked angry but knew why I didn't say anything to her and she asked either way "Why didn't you tell me?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Not my secret to tell." I then looked at Edward and he still had that stupid grin and I looked at my sis and I raised my eyebrows and she blushed and nodded and she then asked "You and Cat?"

I said "Yeah, why else would I be in the middle of the forest? I am not a junkie."

She then looked at me and asked "Is there something you would like to say? Because I have a doubt that you are also not all that normal."

I looked at Cat and she just shrugged her shoulders and I said "Ah.. how should I say this…"

She then looked at me and said "You are that wolf from last night aren't you?"

I just looked at her and said "So you can figure mine out just like that but you take time with his thing?"

She looked at me and said "You are that giant wolf?!"

I looked at her and said "Yeah, I am that werewolf."

She asked "How?"

I said "I don't know much but I have a special genetic stuff that makes me that giant Wolf."

She asked "Am I going to be like that?"

I looked at her and said "Not really no. If you were to be like me then you would have turned last night. Although I may be able to turn you." I then shook my head and said "We should get out of here first, or it would look like we were getting high or something."

We then got out of the forest and went to the remaining classes. After the classes were done. The rest of the Cullens also got to know Edward told Bella, Alice was super excited but Rosalie was Rosalie. We talked for a while and Bella asked about the guys that I… and they said that they are under animal attack, but they are basically under water never to be found again.

After talking for a while we were all going home. Sis dropped me at Jacob's and my bike was finally done.

I saw Jacob he was in the driveway talking to a guy if I remember correctly his name is Sam. I heard them

J "Is it the cullens?"

S "We are not sure, I mean they don't attack humans."

J "What if they did?"

S "Then we would confront them. I will take care of him."

Sam left and Jacob said "Hey man, wow will you stop growing man, you are giving me complex."

I said "You'll grow as well man, so what were you talking about?"

He said "It's nothing tribe business, you're here for the bike right?"

I smiled and said "I can't stay away from her for long. Where is she?"

He chuckled and said "I get it man, it is in the garage." We were walking and he asked "So what's new man?"

I said, "Nothing much."

He looked at me and said "What happened?"

I said, "Nothing."

He said "You are making that face, that means something happened spill it out."

I sighed and said "Bella…" His face darkened a bit and I said "She got a boyfriend." He reacted the same way any guy would have.

He said "Who? And please don't say Edward." He looked at me and he said "I told you to keep her away from the Cullens."

I said "I tried man, but I can't forbid her to see him."

He said, "You don't know them."

I said "These things don't last, man." This was a lie

He said "I need to tell you something." I did not want to hear him say that the Cullens were vampires.

But fortunately he was stopped by Leah. She said "Jacob, your dad is asking for you. Chris, why don't you take your bike Jacob has some work."

I nodded and said "Alright, I will see you guys later. You look good by the way, Leah. Bye"

I took my bike and got it out of the garage and I could hear them arguing about telling me. I started my bike and got out of there.

They will know about me soon enough but I am not going to tell them now.


Once I reached home, we had dinner and sis asked me more questions and I answered them, after that Q&A. I went to sleep. I was in my bed but I was again being pulled out of my body and in front of Lucien, he was sitting in his throne and I asked "So how are you?"

He looked at me and said "I am in a damn place where there is nothing but a damn chair, how do you think I am doing?"

I clearly caught him on a bad day or whatever this is. I then said "So let me restructure the question. Can I turn humans into us?"

He then looked at me and said "So now you are not even going to ask how I am?"

I was confused and I said "I just asked, what do you want me to do?"

He said "I am just bored." I then just looked at him but due to the fact that I didn't have a face I had to say it out loud "So…"

He said "Yeah, you can turn someone, you can turn them by biting, by scratching them with your claws."

I then said "Thank you."

He then uninterestingly said "Someone is in your house."

I then quickly got up from my bed and saw a female entering my room. I got a whiff and I knew who it was. I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into my bed. She was surprised. I was now in my bed with her and I cuddled her and said "Hmm… so you missed me so much you decided to break into my house."

She turned around and smiled and said "I wanted to see you so I decided to come."

I asked "So what were you going to do?"

She looked at me and said "I don't know, but I was definitely not going to stand there and watch you sleep."

I chuckled and said "If you are in my room I wouldn't dream of sleeping."

She looked away and after a long pause she asked "Am I cold?"

I said "Ice cold."

She then looked disappointed and I raised my temperature a bit and said "It is good because it is so warm here." I then snuggled closer to her and she chuckled and looked at me and I asked "What?"

She smiled and said "After living for so long I kinda gave up on life, I mean I was living but I was not alive. I never dreamed that I would also have love like my brother. I always thought that I would be alone like Edward." We chuckled and she placed her hand on my face and said " But ever since you have come into my life. I truly feel alive. You make me alive."

I looked at her and I kissed her. We slept together, she wanted to go but I made her stay, she didn't sleep, she just played with my hair the whole night. At the break of dawn my eyes opened and I woke up next to her, I looked at her and god did she look beautiful and she said "You are up."

I said "No I don't think so, otherwise an angel won't be next to me." She chuckled and kissed me.


I hope you guys liked the chapter, and I would like to address something there was someone who disputed the fact that a werewolf can not be induced to an insulin shock. To that I say you are wrong. Insulin can and will put a werewolf in shock because Insulin burn the glycogen into glucose. It is like you after having a heavy dinner you feel sleepy this is the same logic. Secondly there was a guy that said that he would burn through insulin yes he would that is why he went to sleep so fast. Thirdly WHY IN GODS NAME YOU GUYS NITPICK ABOUT SOMETHING SO TRIVIAL MAN. Honesty can't you guys just stop I have not introduce some major inconsistency like vampires crying or something like that so can't you guys just let things like these go, why do you guys have to find logic where you guys don't have to.

Again I am sorry if you guys didn't like it or something.