
Twilight: Omega

The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.

confused4you · Films
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53 Chs

Ch.40 Light the Bonfire

I was looking at myself in the mirror and there were some subtle changes that I could see and feel. First, my eyes had a tint of red in them I think the bigger my pack is the better I become. Secondly, my muscles were already well-toned and shaped but now I felt a lot lighter. I think I will gain more abilities if I have more beta's but I am not so interested in that.

I then heard the door open and I heard "Why are you guys here?" It was Cat who answered the door.

I heard "We are here to talk." It was Sam.

Cat said "He is sleeping. He told me not to wake him up." Cat calm

"That is fine then we are here to check up on Charlie," Sam said.

I heard footsteps and heard "Yeah?" it was Charlie.

"You look good." It was Leah. I then stopped listening and I went downstairs. I saw them in front of the door. I smiled and said, "Good to see you guys here."

Sam nodded and Leah waved and said "Hey."

I waved back and I asked, "Mind if we talk somewhere else where my dad's feet aren't put on a show for the world to see?"

Sam chuckled and said, "Sure, we can talk inside."

They walked inside and I closed the door and Cat went to the kitchen to get some coffee. We sat at the table and Sam asked "I assume that Charlie is a full-fledged werewolf now?"

I nodded and said "Yes, yes he is now. He gave me quite the trouble last night."

Cat came with Coffee and she poured them some and then she sat next to me and I asked her "Where is Bella? I don't see her?"

Cat turned towards me and said, "Jacob came to get her."

Leah said "About that we have a gathering today, a council meeting and we think it would be nice for you both of you two to join. Know a little bit more about us and it will also be helpful for the new ones to know more about the two of you."

I looked at Charlie and he said 'Don't look at me decided yourself. I'll follow you.'

I sighed and said, "We'll think about it."

Leah nodded and said, "Sure, you know just try to stop by. It is around 8 so."

Sam then cleared his throat and said "Anyway, we just wanted to check that he is good and now that we have. We will get out of your hair now." They then got up and we walked them to the door.

After we heard them go, Cat said "Why aren't you going?"

I looked at her and said "I mean we haven't been spending much time together. So I thought that with him being able to take care of himself now, we might spend some time together."

He went to the kitchen and said "You know I am literally in the same room right?" He got a beer out of the fridge.

I looked at him and said, "Like that matters, we can hear each other's thoughts dad."

Cat then turned me and she said "We will have plenty of time together but I do think you should go to this thing. You can get some good information and if not you can clean the air between them and you."

I took in a deep breath and said "Fine, we'll go."

She smiled and said "Good." she then leaned up and kissed me.


It was around 7:40 dad and I was getting ready. I was upstairs and was getting ready. I was wearing a red check shirt and jeans. I didn't button the shirt, I thought it looked good like that. I was setting my hair and Cat was laying on my bed. She looked at me and asked, "When you'll be back?"

I said, "I don't know but I'll try to come home as soon as I can."

She was playing with her nails and she asked in a low tone "You think Charlie will allow you to come over tonight."

I turned and looked at her and she pouted and said "I do miss having you over you know."

I smiled and said, "You know, I think he might just agree to it."

She smiled and said, "I'll have the house ready."

Dad then said "Chris! Come we are late!"

I sighed and said "Coming dad." I said to Cat "I mean we all have supernatural hearing why to shout?"

She got up from the bed and she came with me downstairs and I saw dad near the door and he was wearing some new clothes that Cat got him. He was wearing a shirt and a blazer. I said to him "You really wanna do Blazer?"

He looked at it and said, "Yeah but it looks so good on me."

I nodded and said, "Yeah, but I don't think it will go with the surroundings that well."

He sighed and said "Fine. I'll keep it in the car. Now, let's go."

I cleared my throat and said, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

He checked his pockets and said "No, I have my wallet and my keys. What am I forgetting?"

I chuckled and said, "The fact that you are supposed to be in a wheelchair?"

He smacked his forehead and said "Right." He then went to get the chair. He came back with his chair really fast. Cat was amused and so was I.

I turned towards Cat and she smiled and I kissed her and she said: "I will be waiting." I kissed her again and said, "See you soon."

I then rolled dad out of the house, we took his car. I picked him up and put him in the car and then put the chair in the trunk and I got in the car. The cat came out of the house to wave us goodbye. We waved back and made our way to the reservation.

I was driving and I decided to ask him "So you feeling good right?"

He looked at me and said, "Yeah, I feel amazing, I just wish that I could be out of this chair soon."

I nodded and smacked my lips and said "Good, good, good." I looked at him and asked, "So I was hoping to spend the night at the Cullen's house."

He nodded and said "Yeah, I know I heard that. I'll be enough to protect the house. You can go this is the least I can do… after all, she has been so helpful."

I nodded and smiled and said "Thanks, dad."

He patted my shoulders and said, "No, problem kid."


We reached the reservation after some time. I pulled up in front of Jacob's house. I got out of the car and got the chair out of the trunk and I placed him in the chair. We then made our way to the gathering.

They all were sitting around a fire. Leah looked at me and got up from her seat and was walking over here. Dad had a weird smile on his face. Leah came and she smiled and said "You made it."

I nodded and said, "You gave me a good reason to be here." She smiled and I said, "So when is it starting?"

She looked back and said "There is still some time. Right now we are eating." She looked at me and said, "You must be hungry."

Dad chuckled and said, "Oh, please don't forget about this old man here."

Leah looked embarrassed and I chuckled and said "That is literally impossible with you always being in my head."

Dad smiled and said, "Oh, you embarrass me."

Leah laughed and I chuckled and said "Please let's get some food in him or he will get cranky."

She led us to a table and there were burgers set up there. As we walked there some people stepped aside. I picked up a burger and dad said "I want some pickles and some mustard as well."

I nodded and I asked Leah "Pass that mustard please." She did so and I gave dad his asked burger. He then asked for tissue paper. I gave him a couple and he went away.

Leah said "Your dad seems to be enjoying himself."

I chuckled and said "Yeah, he became a little bit more like this when he turned."

I was making myself a burger and she said "Let me." I stepped aside. She asked me "So like did you change?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Yeah, I guess. I became a lot more outgoing kinda person. I used be way to quite when I was in middle school."

She chuckled and said, "That is quite hard to imagine."

I scoffed and said "Even if I stood behind you, you wouldn't know. I was like a ninja"

She laughed and said "Okay ninja. You want pickles?"

I nodded and said "Yes please."

She then handed me a plate and I took it and said "Thank you." I took a bite and it was delicious. I said, "Oh, these are good." She looked happy. Then someone walked to the table. It was a kid he said to me "You are Chris right?"

I nodded and said "Yeah, and you are?"

He smiled and offered me his hand and said "I am Leah's brother Seth. The youngest of the pack."

I smiled and shook his hand and said "It's nice to meet you. To be honest aside from you and your sister people have been a little cold to me." Leah then gave one more burger to me and also gave one to Seth and she also picked one up for herself.

He looked at me and said "Well, they are a little scared of you."

I shook my head and said "Why would they be scared of me?"

Leah then mockingly said "Do you not remember the time you came here and fought all of us?"

Seth looked at me and asked, "So it's true?" Leah looked at her and he said in a hush voice like that was going to do anything "So you really fought off Jacob and Sam?"

I nodded and we then sat down near the bonfire. I saw that dad was talking to Billy. They were joking about wheelchairs. Then I saw Bella and Jacob come. Bella was a little surprised to see me there.

Seth got up and went to talk to Jacob. Leah smiled and said "Seth really looks up to Jacob."

I smiled and said "That is nice."

Bella then came and sat next to me and she asked "What are you doing here?"

I smiled and said "Leah, invited me here. What about you? How's the day been going with Mr Angst over there?"

Bella nodded and said "He's been good."

He then came and sat next to us and then Billy started to tell his story about them being spirit walkers and stuff like that. It was pretty interesting to hear their story.

After the story ended he then looked at me said "Today for the very first time we've had guests among us, family even. I would like to give some time to Chris to talk a little about them and to shed some light on their past if you are comfortable Chris."

I looked at him and Bella said "Go on." I nodded and got up and cleared my throat and said "Hi, I am Chris Swan. I was the last of my kind until yesterday. We are a warrior race we respect power above all. Our progenitor was Lucien, the first of his kind. He called ourselves werewolves, cursed creatures.

I still am not clear what is the curse, is it immortality or the transformation we go through. The first transformation we go through is painful every bone in our body breaks and reshapes and during our first time turning we have no control ourselves, we become more animalistic. We run on instincts, we can and will kill anyone and everyone that comes in front of us."

They looked a little tensed and I continued "We have bonds like you guys have these genes run in our blood but we can also turn people with our bite or our scratch but the possibility of survival is low. If you are successful in turning you become like us, an immortal living being, the winds of battles get healed in seconds, you are free from any disease, you just live like normal." They seemed very intrigued by all this, who wouldn't be.

Seth then raised his hand and asked "How do you know about Lucien and stuff?"

I said, "Good question, I have a strong bond to Lucien, my dad has a strong bond to Ermis. They guide us and help us in any way they can."

I then proceeded to answer some of the questions they had. Like the probability of survival and stuff and does anyone who turn gets a bond formed to one of the ancestors such stuff.

After that was done. The meeting officially came to an end and I wanted to go. I got up from the seat and Leah said "You going home so fast?"

I said "Yeah, I am still a little tired from last night… so."

She nodded and said "Alright, good night I guess."

I chuckled and said "No, need to be sad. We'll meet again."

She smiled and said "Yeah."

We then said Good byes. I went to get dad. Bella will go with Jacob later. I grabbed dad and rushed home. He said "God, Chris. We may be immortal, but why test god."

We reached home it was 10. I put dad in the chair and rolled him inside the house. He said "Good Night Chris."

I said "Good night." I then turned and I started to run towards Cat. I didn't take the car because I wanted to test something. I was running then I remembered how dad looked when he was a wolf and I concentrated.

My body started to contract and I lost much of my bulky muscles and my bones lost much of their density. I became a lot faster. I got on all fours and I started to run. I reached her house in 5 minutes.

I opened the door and I saw her in the living room she was watching TV. She looked at me and she smiled and said "Excited huh?"

I smiled and said "You bet." I picked her up and she squeed and put her over my shoulder and went to our room. Today is going to be a long night.


Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter. I would like to thank all those who voted thank you for that and secondly, I will be dropping a new ff soon. I will let you know about it soon. So enjoy the chapter and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.