
Chapter 1.7

It's been seven long years since Abby left, but the pain of her absence still lingered in the hearts of Orion and Bonnie. Even though Orion sensed that she would leave, it was still devastating when it happened. Abby had been a constant in their lives for years, caring for them and giving them the motherly love they needed.

The days after Abby's departure were the toughest for everyone. They were lost, unsure how to navigate the world without their mother and daughter. Bonnie especially took it hard, shutting herself off the world for months, her tears being a constant companion to her pillow at night. Orion tried to be strong for both of them but struggled to accept Abby's absence.

It was Sheila who came to their rescue. Despite her heartache and drinking over Abby's departure, she took the siblings in and provided a stable home for them.

She started becoming more like her show counterpart and drinking more, but Orion stopped it before it became too serious.

( Flashback)

Orion took a deep breath, steeling himself for the difficult conversation ahead. "Grandma, I know how much Abby's departure has affected you. I know it's hard to cope with the pain, but you can't keep drinking to numb it. You have to take care of yourself. Bonnie needs you. We all need you."

Sheila's eyes welled up with tears, and she looked away. "I know, baby. But Abby was everything to me, and now that she's gone, I just don't know how to go on without her."

Knowing how much Abby meant to her, Orion's heart ached for his grandmother. "I understand, Grams. Mom's absence has been hard on all of us, and grieving is okay. Trust me, I know. But drinking won't bring her back or make the pain disappear."

Sheila's expression was pained as she looked at Orion. "I don't know what else to do, Orion. When I'm drunk, at least I don't feel the pain."

Orion gently placed a hand on Sheila's shoulder, offering comfort. "I know, Grams. But alcohol isn't the answer. We can work through the pain together, and Bonnie and I are here for you."

Sheila wiped away her tears, looking at Orion with gratitude. "Thank you, Orion. I'm so grateful to have you and Bonnie in my life. I'll try my best to take care of myself, for all of us."


As time passed, Orion and Bonnie slowly began to heal. They found solace in each other's company and leaned on one another for support. Sheila's decision to stop drinking had been difficult, but it had opened up new possibilities for her. One of those possibilities was painting, a hobby she had always enjoyed but had put aside in recent years. Now, she spent hours in her studio, lost in the creative process.

Orion would often peek into her studio, watching her as she worked. He was amazed at how she could turn a blank canvas into a work of art, using colors and shapes to express her emotions. Sometimes, she would even invite him in, and they would talk about her paintings and what they meant to her.

One day, as they stood in front of a painting of a sunset over a lake, Sheila turned to Orion and said, "You know, Orion, painting is a lot like magic."

Orion pondered momentarily, his mind racing about Sheila's comparison between painting and magic. As he gazed at his grandmother's latest canvas, he began to see the intricate layers of colors and textures that had been meticulously crafted, each brush stroke bringing forth a new dimension of emotion and expression.

"You know," he said slowly, "I can see what you mean. Painting is like magic in so many ways. It's about tapping into our innermost feelings and ideas and then bringing them to life through our brushstrokes. But it's also about taking risks and experimenting with new techniques and mediums like magic."

Sheila's eyes lit up with excitement at his words. "Yes, exactly! And just like magic, there's no right way to paint. It's all about finding your own style and voice, and letting your creativity flow."

"And just like a painter uses colors and brushes to create a painting, a witch uses spells and incantations to create magic. They're both about creating something new that wasn't there before."

Orion thought about this for a moment and then nodded. "I can see that. They're both about creating something beautiful out of nothing."

Sheila smiled, pleased that he understood. "Exactly. Just like with painting, magic requires patience, focus, and a willingness to take risks. You have to be willing to try new things, even if you're not sure they'll work."

Orion nodded, feeling inspired. He had always been fascinated by magic, but he had never thought of it in quite this way before. "I'll have to remember that the next time I'm practicing my spells," he said with a grin.

Sheila laughed, happy to see him so engaged. "You do that, Orion. And who knows? Maybe one day you'll be able to create magic as beautiful as one of my paintings."

As they left the studio, Orion felt a sense of gratitude and awe for his grandmother.


Orion's unwavering determination to protect his loved ones fueled his quest for knowledge and growth. He knew that relying solely on magic was not enough and that he needed to broaden his understanding beyond the Latin language.

His passion for learning was evident as he delved into studying diverse languages. He spent countless hours engrossed in textbooks and tirelessly practicing pronunciation, all in pursuit of becoming a well-rounded witch.

The French language presented one of the most challenging obstacles for Orion, with its complex verb conjugations and tricky vowel sounds. But he was determined to overcome it, fueled by his desire to be the best he could be.

Orion's interest in Russian, fueled by his deep fascination with the country's rich history and culture, made it an easier language for him to grasp. He relished exploring the Cyrillic alphabet and discovering new words and phrases.

Bulgarian's unique grammar and vocabulary captured Orion's attention, and he was interested in the travelers who hailed from the country. He saw learning the language as an opportunity to understand their culture and magic better as well as to grow his knowledge in traveler magic, seeing as most of their magic was in Bulgarian.

Orion also recognized the importance of studying Spanish, a language he had some prior experience with. He had always found it to be a beautiful and expressive language and understood that its culture and language were critical components of his magical practice. After all, as a character in TVD, he knew that studying different languages and cultures would give him the tools to work with different types of magic and protect those he cared about.

He also needed to be physically strong and capable. So he joined a local martial arts studio and started taking mixed martial arts classes. He relished in the challenge of pushing his body to its limits, honing his reflexes, and strengthening his muscles.

The classes were intense, but Orion loved every minute of it. He found that the discipline and focus required in combat training translated well to his magical studies, helping him to sharpen his mind and improve his concentration. And as he sparred with his classmates, he learned to read their movements and anticipate their attacks, skills that would prove invaluable in the dangerous world of the supernatural.

Bonnie also took up martial arts, and the siblings often trained together, pushing each other to be their best. Orion was proud of his sister's progress, knowing they could overcome any obstacle with her by his side.


Orion's desire to create his grimoire was not just a passing whim but a deep-seated ambition that burned within him. He knew that a grimoire was more than just a collection of spells; it reflected the wielder's identity, a testament to their magical prowess and creativity. And so, he set about his task with single-minded determination.

He began by combing through his family's ancient tomes, poring over the yellowed pages, and deciphering the archaic symbols and languages. He carefully selected the spells and incantations that resonated with him the most, which spoke to his soul and reflected his aspirations. Some of the spells were old and familiar, passed down through generations of his family, while others were new and untested, the product of his experimentation and ingenuity.

His grimoire was a true masterpiece, culminating all his hard work and dedication to magic. The pages were thick and heavy, made from the finest parchment and imbued with magic to resist the ravages of time and the elements.

Each spell was written in Orion's precise handwriting, which flowed across the page like a river of ink. He used a variety of fonts and scripts, each carefully chosen to evoke a particular mood or feeling. Some spells were written in flowing cursive, while others were sharp and angular, their power apparent even in their visual form.

The inks that Orion had used were equally varied, each with unique properties and associations. Some were dark and velvety, like the night sky, while others were bright and sparkling, like a burst of sunlight. Each color represented a different aspect of magic, from protection and healing to divination and transformation.

And the cover of the grimoire was a work of art in its own right. Orion had spent weeks carving intricate designs into the supple leather, using sharp tools and his magic to create patterns that seemed to move and shift before your eyes. The symbols and sigils that adorned the cover were more than just decoration; they served as a barrier, protecting the secrets within from those who would misuse them.


Several weeks had passed, and Sheila's schedule had become increasingly hectic due to her role as a professor of the occult at Whitmore College. One day, she was invited to attend an important meeting in Chicago, which would require her to be away for a week.

As she was preparing to leave, Orion began to plead with her to let him come along. He had been looking forward to the summer break and was eager to explore new places and learn more about magic outside of traditional magic. At first, Sheila was hesitant, knowing that the trip would be a serious undertaking and that she would have to focus on her work. However, Orion persisted, hounding her with his puppy-dog eyes and fervent arguments until she finally relented.

Orion could barely contain his excitement as he carefully packed his bags for the trip. He meticulously laid out his magical supplies, including his newly created grimoire, which he had spent countless hours perfecting. He could hardly wait to see what kind of magic he could conjure up in a new setting.

The drive to Chicago was long and arduous, but Orion was undeterred. As they passed through bustling cities and serene countryside, he gazed out the window, taking in the sights and sounds of the world around him. His mind was racing about the upcoming occult meeting and all the new knowledge and experiences he would gain.

Finally, they arrived at their destination, and Orion couldn't wait to explore the city. The bustling streets, towering skyscrapers, and vibrant energy around him filled him with wonder and excitement.


CHECK OUT CHAPTER 1.6 I added another pov to it!!

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Orion is going to meet his new witch Mentor!!

Guess who

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