
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Urbain
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64 Chs

Showing off

After seeing Mr Williams. Gisele left the restaurant but didn't head home. There was nothing to do at home after all, so she decided to take a drive round town.

The first place she decided to go was to an Art gallery. She had been trying to come up with a new design to Sketch but nothing kept coming to her head. It was almost as if she had lost her drawing talent after abstaining for this long, still she didn't want to believe this. Perhaps watching a little bit of art would help getting back her artistic self.

Luckily for her, the Gallery she chose was having an Art exhibition that morning so she got to take part in it.

Diverse paintings and arts of all kinds were placed openly for people to see. There were works from artist she knew and a few from artist she had never even heard about still they didn't lack in any terms They looked beautiful and gorgeous in their own way. Every one with a different style and diverse meaning.

At one end of the Gallery a small auction was going on for a few selected pieces of art. There was a minimal crowd at the spot gathered for the auction but uncle to partake as there were two people who seemed to be fighting about an art piece.





The two ladies glared at each other as they each announced an amount higher than what the other had said, hoping to outnumber the other. They clearly had the money to be dragging the price of the painting like that. None of them was willing to let go of the painting.

Gisele got to the crowd, she stared at the two ladies and at the painting that was put on a pedestal. True enough the painting was beautiful but still not enough to make the two fight like this in public.

The price of the painting had skyrocketed more than what it should have been still the two ladies showed no intentions of stopping, those who had initially wanted to also join the bid for the painting could only stand and watch at the side as they fought over it.

"500000!" One of the women shouted angrily, she had raised the price even higher than what it was. People gasped and looked at her with an incredulous look on their face.

Was she stupid? The price she just called was twice the amount of what the painting was initially going to sell for. It surely didn't look that captivating to be bought for such as price. She was stupidly throwing away that much sum of money to obtain the art piece. Just to what length would she go to win over the other lady?. As stupid as they thought she was, they all thought the other lady would be even more stupid if she was to follow after that lady.

This time around the other Woman didn't follow to say anything else. She didn't raise the price and just let it be even so she frowned her face and looked defeated but then in a split second the defeated look on her face disappeared and a haughty look accompanied it.

She snorted then said "if you have that much money to spend then you should be heartless spending it on a painting. Wouldn't it have been better if you gave arms to the less privilege than standing here to show off"

Her words offended the other woman. She had indirectly called her an inconsiderate and an irresponsible person. The woman frowned but didn't utter a word.

She wasn't the type to embarrass herself in public by engaging in word fights. How could the venerable daughter-in-law to the richest family in the country behave in such way? She knew better than to stoop low to that lady's level.

Claudia looked at her watch and ignored the woman. She had not expected to spend this long here, moreso she didn't expect she would be here fighting with someone. She already regretted money fighting with the ignorant lady already so she would not get into a word fight with her again, but she only did that because the woman had stupidly said bad things about the artiste that made the painting.

The name Fordwine might be meaningless or unimportant to other people as it did not have a striking fame to itself but she knew how important the identity behind that name was to her Father-inlaw. He would really appreciate it if he could get another of his painting so even when she was supposed to be at the mall, she ditched her shopping plans when she heard he had donated one of his pictures at the nearby gallery, and immediately rushed to get the picture only to get here and hear this arrogant airhead bad-mouth the picture and try to underprice the art piece. She had said a few reprimanding words to the woman and offered to buy the painting at the original price but who knew the woman would suddenly start a money fight with her over the piece.

She could have simply made a phone call and requested the art piece but the she had gotten angry by the woman's antics that she had also forgotten her manners.

"Ma'am the painting it yours now" The gallery attendant told Claudia. Although she had been annoyed with the other Woman's words at first, she became excited when they began fighting for the painting, she was happy she could sell the painting at such a price after their fight.

Claudia opened her bag wanting to take out her purse and to collect the money but surprisingly her purse was no where to be found and so was her phone. She ransacked her bag a few more times then suddenly remembered she had forgotten them in her car as she rushed out.

She fell into a dilemma. She couldn't pay by cash neither could she pay by transfer or by card. Her card was in the purse she had forgotten behind.

What was she supposed to do now?

The little crowd watched the lady fumble through her bag frantically. Including Gisele. It was obvious she was looking for something.

Lina showed a gloating expression. She expected this scene to have played out. Although the woman looked well dressed and had a sufiscated aura around her, she didn't really look to have that much of a wealthy status. Starting from her clothes, they looked good and clearly had a good quality but they were not from any high end brand. Even her shoes and even her jeweleries, they did not look like any of the popular one from popular brands. The woman must have only been talking cheap. Lina folded her hands pompously in front of her chest and walked towards Claudia

"What's the problem? Are you all talk and no action? Perhaps have you seen you can't afford to pay and you're trying to act your way out of it?" She gloated.

Claudia glared at her and continued thinking of a solution. She didn't want to leave the gallery without that painting, but there was no way to pay for it now. Surely she was about to be made a laughing stock.

"so you really was just showing off. You don't even have the money to pay. So what show were you trying to put on? Did you perhaps hope to get everyone's attention while pretending to be something you were not? You have gotten their attention so don't disgrace yourself any further. Leave and stop wasting our time" Her words got the surrounding people pointing at Claudia judgingly. They whispered amongst themselves and none of them had anything good to say about Claudia. They had totally forgotten that Lina was the one who had acted stupidly first.

Claudia's face turned red from anger. This is the first time someone had ever dared to insult her like this. She really was starting to lose her cool.

"Not everyone is as stupid as you are to pull off such stunt. If I dared call the price then I would pay it" She defended.

"What? Are you suddenly out of cash or did you lose your phone and wallet? " Lina laughed and asked. Claudia kept quiet and chose not to reply.

"Why don't I help you check your bag then" before Claudia could stop the woman, her bag was snatched from her.

"You! What do you think you're doing?!" She uttered angrily as she watched the woman about to pour her things to the floor.

Suddenly a fair hand appeared and caught the bag right on time. It dragged the bag out of Lina's hands and managed to stop it's content from falling to the ground.

Everyone's eyes followed the fair hands all the way to the face of the person it belonged to. The girl was more than beautiful, she looked like a walking anime. The type that transmigrated from heaven. Even moreso the displeasure on her face heightened her allure.

No one had noticed when she got there all they saw was her step up and grab the bag from that lady.