
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Urbain
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64 Chs

God of prosperity

The temperature in the office room changed, it was like one could see thunder clouds huddled up at the office roof waiting to rain down lightening and hailstorm.

Devon's facr was icy. His countenance rigid and frightening. He wasn't the type of guy to flare up over mere words but if those words were directed to insult him and incite his possessiveness then he would do more than just getting upset.


The door opened and Secretary Ben walked in. His heart skipped a couple beat when he saw the state Devon was in. He took a step back and had the impulse to run away but the man's eyes landed on him making him unable to complete his retreat.

He gulped heavily and closed the door behind him. His boss was usually a cold man but never have he seen him this terrifying.

Oh yeah! He had almost forgotten!

There was that one time too. The time Devon heard of the impeding ban his grandfather had placed on his girlfriend Chloe. He had stood in the office the same way he was now, looking like an asura that broke out of hell.

Just what did he discuss with his guest that got him to this state?

"Boss, CEO Hawkins have been calling. He wants to speak to you should I call him back?" Ben asked holding out the phone. His knees were shaking in fear yet he tried his best to act normal and look professional.

"Throw it away" he heard Devon say.


Throw what away? The phone?

Devon snarled "Do you want me to repeat myself?!"

Secretary Ben felt like crying, beads of cold sweat began dripping down his face. He had no idea what Devon was talking about. His mind paced up and down, then finally he noticed Devon glancing at the chair from the corner of his eyes.

The chair?... The Chair!

He immediately rushed and began pulling the chair out of the office. "I'll have them replace it in no time"

A hum accompanied his words so Secretary Ben could finally breath a sigh of relief. He was saved by a fluke. The chair was really the problem, but what did the innocent chair do to rile him up like that.

In less than five minutes, Secretary Ben returned with a few other workers and a brand new chair. The workers installed the chair and left almost immediately, they couldn't stand their boss's tyrannical aura so the fled like rats with their tails on fire.

Devon glanced at the chair. Though it had been changed. It still couldn't uplift the anger he was feeling. He took a deep breath and took his sit on the new chair.

"Boss..." Secretary Ben started cautiously "Do I call CEO Hawkins now?"

Devon glanced up from the documents he just opened, his eyes looked the innocent Secretary up and down then he looked back down at the document.

"Schedule a video call in five minutes" his voice rang out

" Okay"

Secretary Ben stepped aside to make a phone call, he talked on the phone for a few seconds then cut the call. Almost instantly the tab in front of Devon began ringing. He lifted his finger and swiped the green button without even looking.

"Mr Montero. It's such a relief. I've been trying to reach you all morning, your secretary said you didn't have the time to speak to me. Do you have time to discuss business now?"

" I won't be answering your call if I didn't want to discuss business. Cut the pleasantries Mr Hawkins and move to why you have been seeking me out?" Devon retorted.

The man chuckled. He didn't point out Devon's bad mood instead he went straight to his business deal.

"I received your offer, sorry butt it won't work that way buying off the whole mountain would turn out to be disadvantageous for me"

Devon brows creased. He stopped his signing and look at the man on the tab screen.

MK corporation had different business sectors but their major investment were the estate management, Jewelry company and an Entertainment company. These was where the MK corporation got all it's fame andd enormous wealth from. It wasn't always like that at first.

From the onset the Montero family's main business was dealing Jade's and making Jewelries out if it but as the company passed down from generation to generation s, they added one investment or the other, eventually turning into a corporation. Everyone had contributed to the development of the company still no one had contributed as much as Devon Montero. He was the founder of the Real Estate Management and the Entertainment company. He practically raised the company to the international level it is now.

"Then the deal is off" He said and moved to cut the call.

There was a high demand for Jaded Jewelries nowadays so he was looking to purchase a Jade mining mountain to enable the supply of Jade easier for the company. When it comes to procuring Jade in large quantities, Mr Hawkins was the person to look for but hearing him turn down his offer, Devon was a bit disturbed. It would be hard to find someone else who would fill in Mr Hawkins shoes. Still if it had to come to that then he would start his search for someone with access to Jade Mining Mountains.

"Wait! wait! wait!!"

Devon paused "is there anything else CEO Hawkins?"

CEO Hawkins?

Already acting distant in less than a second. How frigid indeed.

"Buying a mountain these times are harder than it used to be. To be truthful it's is almost impossible now. A lot of bills have been passed by the authorities, it takes a lot of time, effort, money and connection in this industry to be able to obtain a personal mining ground" The man hurriedly explained to stop Devon from cutting the call.

Devon's expression changed. He knew Mr Hawkins wasn't lying. He had already been told the same thing by someone else, still he believed it was possible, at least for someone like Me Hawkins he thought it would lose no problem.

"Even for someone as influential as you Mr Montero, you might not get what you want and even if you manage to, it wouldn't be at the time you need it." Mr Hawkins continued "that's why I have a few prepositions. I could lease you my mining mountain and we'll share the profit you get from the Jades mined at an 70:30 percent ratio or you could always have an early book with thrice the limit range from the annual minings with only a 2% increase in the market price. What do you say Mr Montero?"

The line went silent for a while. Devon relaxed into his chair thinking about the offer.

Mr Hawkins hurriedly added "if the amount is not still enough, I could liase with a few other friends in the business but I can't guarantee you'll get thrice the limit range. Probably twice would be their offer but there would still be the price increase"

Devon thought about it for a few seconds. Leasing the mountain would have been adequate for the company and would ensure a steady flow of Jades but the loss probability was higher, especially since he had to pay a 20% dividend from every Mining.

He wasn't a God of prosperity. Who knows when he was going to make loss?