
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Urbain
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64 Chs

Daring him

Getting into her own car. Gisele drove back towards the heart of town. She had gotten a call earlier from Mr Collins but she was still with Claudia and so had to postpone it.

She arrived few minutes later she arrived at Glamour studio and was immediately directed to Mr Collins office.

"Good evening sir" She greeted as she walked in.

Mr Collins eyes gleamed brightly. The girl was beautiful just as always. Truly a rare type of beauty. Who said she wasn't fit to be a model? Hmph! This face was absolutely born for the camera.

"Miss Gisele please take a sit"

Gisele sat and asked "I hope there is no problems. Mr Collins." He sounded a bit urgent when he called and had gotten her kind of curious.

"It's nothing serious" he shook his head "it's just that the shoot date was moved up to this week. I just wanted to know if it was okay by you and if you would be chanced to take the shoot?"

This was not entirely true. He had had an argument with one of the stakeholders that afternoon. An argument over Gisele and he wanted to move the shoot date to prevent any funny ideas they might have.

Gisele absolutely did not have an issue with he date moved. If anything, it was perfect cause she also had to take the audition shots this week too and could just take them the same day. That was shooting two birds with one stone.

"It's okay Mr Collins. Coincidentally I have to take a few shots too for my audition so everything falls in place perfectly"

"That's good" He nodded. "I have heard of the concepts given for this stage and I must say the Concepts are a little bit tricky. How did you find them? Have you come up with your ideas already?" A lot of celebrities had come to take their shots already so he already knew about the concept given to them. He wonders if hers would be anything like the ones he had seen from others.

"I did find it tricky at first, but someone helped me with a strategy. I managed to come up with three so now I'm down to two"

Mr Collins nodded "I could help you with a few ideas if Miss Gisele doesn't mind"



At Easton Villa.

Despite the pitch black night sky. The endless compound was lightened up by the private street light placed round about the compound. Everywhere was bright and gave off a bright air but inside a certain mansion, invisible rain clouds seemed to be hovering leaving room for a gloomy and scary air.

At a dark balcony a blurry figure stood looking down into the compound like a god waiting to pass down judgements. One would get a heart attack if they laid an eye on him. The night's cold breeze swept through the balcony sending cold through his body making him come to his senses.

Devon frowned. Why was he like this? He had been standing at the balcony looking down at the driveway for half an hour now.

It was all because of that girl!

The time was way past midnight yet she was no where to be found. Could it be she was going to sleep out?

Didn't he warn her already? She was really Daring him wasn't she?

He was tempted to call Derrick but what use was it? Nothing had gone wrong or else Derrick would have called him, so her absence only meant she was off somewhere with some guy. He really had underestimated her. She was just like every other girl. A little freedom and they show their true colour.

What kind of decent lady would stay out of her home till the dead of the night?.

Fine. He would gives her one more hour and if she wasn't back by then. He would take it that she violated the terms of the contract.

Contrary to the gloomy air surrounding Devon. Butler Ken and Aunty Lou looked considerably happy. There was a hint of worry on Aunty Lou's face but apart from that a wide grin stretched across her lips.

"Aish did you really have to make master misunderstand earlier?" Butler Ken asked.

Earlier while Head maid Louise was setting out their mater'sachieve. She wanted to strike up her master's jealousy and incite his possessiveness and it actually work. The huge frown on his face while he walked away from the dining room told her no doubt he had taken her words seriously.

"The bigger the misunderstanding the better" She replied smiling.

"tsk tsk. Aren't you afraid it might just push them farther away? Our young master could really act like he's got a loose knot in his head sometimes"

"that's true but I am going to try anyways"

While these two conversed on how to fan the fire they had ignited and make it burn bigger. Gisele was also having a blissful conversation with Mr Collins.

...Back in Glamour studio.

"This is brilliant" Mr Collins praised wholeheartedly "Miss Gisele if I must say, with these ideas, you really have a chance with winning this stage"

Gisele chuckled "You overpraise me Mr Collins. There are a totally of 127 candidate, I'm sure many of them might have better ideas than mine. I could only pray for luck"

"You're being modest. You don't need luck" He had listened to the girl already planned out ideas and even helped her groom her ideas for the remaining two. Her ideas were wonderful—if not perfect. Like the condition, it was not two obvious in representing the Concepts. There were just a hint here and there to depict what she meant but still they fit the Concepts perfectly. It showed how high her analogical and representative skills were. She surely couldn't be described as a beauty without brain. Someone who was a dimwit would never have come up with those ideas.

"It's all thanks to you. You helped furnish my ideas, you even helped with the two remaining concepts. If I really were to pass then the thanks should go to you"

He knew that was an overstatement but chose not to refute. He had merely suggested one or two points to include in her ideas, the girls ideas would have been complete even without him saying anything. She pretty much had all the work done already

"Geez! Look at the time! It's an hour past midnight!" He surprisedly pointed out. They had totally has not noticed it.

"I should take my leave now" Gisele immediately stood up. She didn't plan to stay this long. Who knew time would fly this fast?. She had gotten to Mr Collins office at approximately quarter past 10, They had started discussing on her ideas and were so caught up in the moment that they didn't notice the time going. Speaking with someone who thought on the same level with you was indescribably good that she had forgotten her sense of time and had spoken with him for over two hours. The night was almost spent from their discussion now it was time she got back home.

"Yes you should, I've unknowingly kept Miss Gisele out this long, your family must be worried" He commented concerned. Not just because of her family but because he knew the young lady would have to drive back home. Driving in the night was not the safest especially when one was alone.

What family?

She bet no one would even be worried even if she disappeared. The time was so late already but apart from Aunty Lou and Butler Ken who had texted to know where she was, no one else had even bothered about her, why would they even be bothered, why should anyone even be bothered when they weren't her family.

"Perhaps I should drop you home Miss Gisele" He offered.

Gisele rejected his offer. "No thank you Mr Collins, I came with my car. I should be just fine on my own" She was really fine to drive back home on her own plus if he was to drive her home then he would just find out that she was living with that world figure. The inconvenience that knowledge would bring was one she didn't want.

"Okay I'll walk you to your car"

Gisele agreed and the two of them left the office together. They said a few more things to each other. Not forgetting to plan out the schedule of the shoot they were having that week. They made arrangements and briefly decided on the activities they had. Gisele had also used the opportunity to bring up Mr Williams. They had also ended discussing about that.

It didn't take long and she was making her way back home from town. A little smile on her lips as she drove through the slightly empty town road. It was past midnight and almost everyone were already asleep. The road was free with no traffic, getting home wouldn't take long like it used too.

Steadily her flashy pink car made it's way though the mid night road.