
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Urbain
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64 Chs

Ch 16- Shameless people


Grandma Andres was shocked to hear that name. Her eyes furrowed and disbelief showed on her face.

"How could Gisele offend you? She should have enough on her place by now"

Roxanne complained "She clearly doesn't! Today she went to the company and made jest of me with her pretty face and her husband's money. Now everyone has taken me as a laughing stock!"

She had exaggerated the truth but at least to her that was exactly what happened.

After finding out of Gisele, she rushed to see her manager and just like the post said, Gisele had really gone to see him.

Her manger who was always mindfulness of her, now looked at her indifferently and signs of displeasure was obvious in his tone. He kept on bringing up Gisele in the conversation they were having and even ordered her to look for ways to convince Gisele to sign under him.

What annoyed her the most was that he compared her to Gisele and said if he were to sign Gisele as an artist, she would immediately become a B-list actress.

B-list actress!

What B-list actress?!

Wasn't he just indirectly abusing her and telling her that she was useless!

She who had been acting for three years now had only becoming a C-list actress of recent and that too which so much efforts and underhanded tricks. Yet He was going to make Gisele a B-list actress once she signed with the company?

Ahh! How infuriating!

That was not all! Somehow information had leaked that the beauty goddess was actually her assistant. Now she was being mocked and insulted by everyone in the company. People pointed and murmured at her back while she was leaving the company. Some said her eyes were for fashion, other's said she should be jailed for making such a beauty run her errands, they even went as fast as Calling her name's like Black Swan and green hat witch!

Remembering all these maid Roxanne even more displeased. Her wails increased and tears flowed out ceaselessly.

Grandma Andres circled her hand round her back, trying to calm her down "Now now, don't cry my darling, tell me what that wretch had done to make you cry"

Roxanne narrated all that had happened at the company today. She might have added a little lie too but who cares, as long as it made her Grandmother curse Gisele alongside her.

Like Grandmother like granddaughter.

Grandma Andres began abusing Gisele after hearing the story. Her sagging cheeks bubbled up and down and she lashed out and cursed the girl in her absence.

"What a slut! How could she have done that?! That wench must be trying to go against us now that she has a rich ugly old man to sleep with."

"hmph!" She harrumphed "She must think she is untouchable now, does she think she would ever become an actress? I'll make sure that never happens! She can only become an actress in her dreams!"

Roxanne felt content after hearing this. Truthfully, this was her main concern. She couldn't bare to think that Gisele would join the Entertainment industry and become famous and then trample on her in the future. Her grandmother had a few connections, she had helped her in some of her schemes against other Actresses, so if she says she would make sure Gisele never becomes an actress then she definitely can.

"Thank you Grandma!" Roxanne exclaimed happily.

Hmph! Let's see how Gisele can flaunt her beauty now.

Grandma Andres shook her head and declared "Don't thank me yet. That bitch had dared humiliate my granddaughter so she must pay in full! When your father comes back, I see to it that he makes that wench's mother explain the actions of her daughter. I'll pressurize him to make her go scold Gisele. I'm sure if her mother orders her to give up her lousy dreams, she would not have the strength to face you again!

Roxanne's face beamed with joy and satisfaction. Everyone knows how much Gisele referenced her mother. If Suzy was to go meet her, she sure would obey everything she says.

'i should probably use this opportunity to start milking money out of that bitch. Her husband is rich, no doubt she would have no problems sending a few millions to me every months.' She thought to herself as she hugged the Old lady.

She wasn't the only one, after hearing Roxanne say that Gisele had come to flaunt her husband's money at the company. Grandma Andres had also thought about the same thing. She mentally noted herself to tell her son to force his wife into commanding Gisele to sending them money. At least that way, she could beginning living a blissful life.

It was such a wise option sending that bitch there. Money would no longer be an issue for their family anymore.

Later in the dead of the night.

Raoul came back from his daily adventures, drunk and penniless as always. He had only just freshened up when Grandma Andres rattled to him what had happened to his daughter.

Raoul was too drunk to reciprocate the anger his mother and daughter had shown for the issue but he sure was drunk not to have heard when money was mentioned. How could he say no when Grandma Andres brought up that idea. He might have paid his depth to the Montero's by giving Gisele to them but that didn't mean he didn't have other debts. He had other debts and his company was declining everyday. If he could have the extra cash then he would ber most delighted

A bunch of shameless people.

As Suzy served her husband food. No word was asked or said to her even when Roxanne's five fingerprint were vividly showing on her cheeks. The man glanced at it and looked away like he had seen nothing, instead there seemed to be an unfavourable look in his eyes.

Suzy's heart broke. This was nothing new to her, she tried her best to pour out all her love to this husband of her yet she always got nothing in return, not even the tiniest show of love. Despite that, she convinced herself each day that he loved her equally as she loved him.

"Have you heard what your daughter has done?" The man's slurry cold voice rang out.

Suzy bit her lips. She looked angry and apologetic as the same time. Her anger must definitely be for Gisele.

"I apologise on her behalf" She apologized.

"That is not enough!" Raoul cut in sharply. He banged his hand on the table and stood up "How could she have disrespected my daughter that way. Is that what you are teaching her to do?"

Suzy shook her head rapidly "No no she_"

"I don't want to hear it!" He whined her off "tomorrow I want you to go look for her. Make her promise never to go near the Entertainment industry again, infact make her dump that silly idea of becoming an actress! I would not have her competing and defaming Roxanne in public. Also she needs to start paying for our kindness, we put her in that house she is now so we deserve 50% of her monthly allowance. Failure to do this, well you can join her and move out of my house!"

Thoughts of leaving the house scared Suzy, so she immediately conceded to his demands. She didn't see how shameless the family was being, all she knew what that she would do whatever they asked as far as she wasn't chased out.