
If not love

There was no time.

That was the thought that took over Yuan Xuelan's mind as his focus narrowed. Huo Tang was surely tweaking things in his mind because be could count at least ten steps into the future.

Liu Sumeng sat against the wall, slumped.

There was a deep dent in the opposite wall, where the Guanghai Elder had been thrown into, who was now assaulted by a wave of coughs.

It would take half a breath for Yuan Xuelan to get up, close the distance between himself and the elder while swinging in his sword. He needed to do all those things in a quarter of a breath instead.

But he could. Fire was trickling through his veins and he did. Stood up, a semi pivot. A swing. The bright glow of fire was a line through the air.

Liu Langce could not fully recover when Silei's blazing edge was upon him, coming down at frightening speeds. He was barely able to parry, left arm caught in the fire before he could dodge and counterattack.

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