
The joy was short lived

During the early years life was easy. No worries no problems and most defiently no evil scheming girls on the scene.

Life at school as the top sports female top scientist and all the other accolades made me a threat to so many of the girls. An instant threat but little did I know they would make my life so difficult.

My journey began on the 1st of September born to a loving Family. I was one of 4 children 3 boys and then their little princess. I was doted on for my beautiful delicate features. My parents both from Pakistan had a beautiful tan complexion but with a grandmother who had the piercing of green eyes I was blessed to inherit. I was a golden girl with beautiful piercing green eyes. These would become the start of the vicious girls journey of becoming the green eyed monsters (1) they would turn out to be

This means to become so jealous they look like monsters