
Trueblood couple

its this werewolve world where trueblood alphas are most powerful and dominant among all werewolves what will happen when 2 trueblood alphas get to know that they are mates. will they reject or accept eachother as mates.. even if they accept who will win the battle of dominance how will these trueblood couple manage their relationship

nkdtaekook · Célébrités
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11 Chs


"MY MATE!!!!



tae said holding jk in his arm..hugging him smelling his scent...

Everyone was shocked


"Tae jk is your mate. ? "


"What rubbish...

I think he is just scared to see jk in this condition ...he cant be his mate.."

"My mate.. my jungkook ...my mate

Mine ...mine... "

Tae was not in his sense..he was still chanting continuosly holding jk

While others are still in doubt

"Tae..he is injured "

Jimin said worrily seeing blood flowing from jk

Tae pov

Tae come in his sense...worrily checking jungkook...whose face was cover with blood

He soon wipe the blood slowly with his shirt making sure not to harm him after wiping the blood he lick his wounds...

Slowly all his wounds vanish making other shocked

They were sure that jungkook is his mate

How can two trueblood alpha can be mate ....

Its impossible

It is something very unusual none can imagine what they are witnessing




Taekook room

Tae was still holding jk not leaving him...

jungkook wounds are already cure.but he is still unconscious so they decided to call the doctor

Jin was still shocked trying to process everything...he left from there to his mother...


Doctor was going near jungkook when tae growl loudly making him scared..

"Tae...he will not harm jk...he is here to cure him...trust me...he will make jungkook good "

Namjoon said seeing tae so possessive towards jk ..who is not allowing anyone to come near them..

"Yes tae..please allow the doctor... "

Tae sniffing kook scent calming down. ..he sign the doctor allowing him to check

"Dont worry he will wake up soon ..due to blood loss he is feeling weak"

Doctor said and left..




Everyone left as they decided to give them privacy .....

Jk woke up looking at his surrounding

When he notice tae sleeping beside him...snugging his face on crook of his neck...he smile..

"Tae..stop it.. u r tikkling me "

He said when tae look at his face

emotionally his eyes getting tears

"Heyy a trueblood alpha never cries"

Jk said as he doesn't wanted to see tae crying

"Trueblood alpha never cries but your bestfriend is crying because u leave me"

"Iam sorry. .i shouldn't leave u..i dont know what happen to me...leave it..

Did u find your mate .? "

Jk asked curiously hoping for no ...he dont want tae to find his mate.

yesterday he was emotional and decided to stay away from him because of what jin said...but now he will not do it because he can't stay away from him...

he trust tae..he know tae will alway choose him above his mate..

"Yes i find him "

Jk world stop hearing this

"Him..? Your mate is a male "

Tae nodded

"U rejected him "

Jk asked hesitatedly hoping that tae had reject his mate but when tae nodded as no ....he dont know what happen to him...

"Who is he "

Jk asked not showing how hurt he is

"Jeon jungkook "

Tae said but jk couldn't understand

"Huuhh "

"Jeon jungkook "

"Why are u calling me..iam here only just tell me who is your mate"

"My mate name is jeon jungkook "

"What....your mate name is also jeon jungkook "

Jk said not believing how can tae mate name is same as him

Tae just facepalm himself.... he never thought jk can be so dumb

"U dumbo iam telling u that you are my mate..."

Tae said again making jk shocked

Jk sit on the bed hold his hand and asked again

"What!!!...iam your mate ....how can its possible U r lying

Today is not april fool right "

Jk said checking the calendar

"Iam not fooling u...u r my mate...if u dont beleive just look at your self...i had cured your bruises "

(Jk get up looking at himself on mirror

...there was no sign of any bruises or injuries when he clearly remember that he got into minor accident yesterday when he was in the middle of the road...)

Did tae cure me that means he is really my mate....

(Jk dont know what to say

on one side he was happy that on one will come in between them

But on the other hand he was scared what if this mate thing affect there friendship )

I should check again

i can trust this princess ...

Jk stood up took a knife from the table cut his palm making tae shocked

"Kook...what are u doing ..."

Tae said panicky rushing towards jk

He took his palm and licked it...

Jk was shocked when he saw the cut was vanished and his hand was back to normal...

Now he is sure they are mates..

"What are u thinking idiot ."

Tae shouted not liking how jk cut his palm

Jk smack his head

"dont call me that ..i was just checking whether we are mates or not "

Jk said tae nodded coming closer putting his head on his neck ....

Jk too hugged him..



"Tae you dont regret it right.....i mean are u happy that iam your mate "

Jk asked thinking whether tae dont like the fact that they are mates...

Tae pulled out his face looking at him..he join there forehead closing his eyes

"Honestly i could not tolerate it if anyone else would have been my mate other than u ....i even decided to kill my mate when i couldn't find u...

Iam happy that u r my mate...

Now my parents infact no one will force me to stay away from you....

no one will come between us..

What happen ...u look sad...

dont u like that iam your mate.? "

Tae asked looking at jk sad face..

"No tae..its not like that iam just tense

Bestfriend and mates are 2 different thing...what if this mate thing affect our friendship i dont want to loose my bestfriend "

"I promise nothing will affect our friendship...hmm let me kiss u ...iam crazing to taste u"

Tae said feeling the urge to kiss jungkook

"Kiss..what...chiiiiii...no...stay away...dont u dare kiss me...u duffer...i dont want any bacteria from your mouth. ..

U dont even brush properly "

Jk said running away from tae...

"Ok not in the lips ...atleast let me kiss on your cheeks "

Tae said following jk who was running away

"Catch you "

Tae said holding jk from behind kissing him in the cheeks continuosly

"Yaaakkkkkk u bastard..dont kiss me "

Jk said wiping his cheeks

"Yaaa iam your mate now...give me some respect "

"Respect my foot ..."

In night

Jungkook was sleeping but tae was wide awake ...he was feeling hot...

This was a new feeling for him...he never felt like this before....

he pulled jk more closer

....unbuttoning jk shirt...snuggling his face ...giving open mouth kiss to jk neck...

Jk was sleeping but a trueblood alpha senses are so strong...he can feel someone tickling on his neck..he open his eyes and noticed that tae was eating his neck..

He pushed tae

"Tae are u out of your mind...ohh my god (Wiping his neck with towel) yakk!! why are u eating my neck "

Tae whinned when jk pushed him...

"Kook let me kissed u...please "

Tae said pushing jk in the bed and continue kissing him in his neck ..his hand was roaming all over jk body...

While jk struggling to get free. ..

It was confusing for jk he dont know why tae is behaving so strange

Tae bite him giving a hickey

"Arhhh!!!! U idiot....how dare u biting me "

Jk said pushing tae in full strength that tae falled on the ground

"Ouuchh...heyy why did u pushed me so hard "

Tae said rubbing his back feeling pain due to sudden fall down ..he again stood up coming closed to jk when jk stop him

"stay there only..dont come close to me..."

"Ok i will not do anything..i promise let me sleep "

"Kim fucking taehyung if u do something else i swear i will throw u out of this room "

They both sleep in their bed ...tae was snugging his face in jk neck ...trying to calm down his hormones

Next morning

Tae woke up not finding jk beside him..he look around..shower was on that means jk is in the washroom...

He closed his eyes...grabbing jk pillow smelling his scent..

He turned around when he hear sound of door opening...

Tae face paled...when he saw jk only in towel....water dipping from his hair

He look at his body and gulped hard looking down...

He dont know what happening with him...he become hard...his junior was paining...he couldn't control himself..



Going towards jk he slammed him against the wall...kissing him passionately ...jk was shocked trying to pushed him but...he hold his hands.....

Soon he broked the kiss...touching his abs...and body..

Kissing his neck. ..

"You fucker!!!!!


How dare you kiss me without brushing your teeth..

Chiii!!!!!!!!... "

(making a disgusting face)

Jk shouted pushing him...he rushed towards the washroom

Grabbing his mouth freshener

....started gagging

"Kook open the door iam feeling hard "

Tae knocking the door

"Feeling hard..?...is he gone mad ....

I will soon send him to a psychiatrist..

Iam sure his brain is not working properly. ..


Giving me so many bacteria....his breath also sink...duffer cant he brush his teeth first

I should stay away until he got his sense

Jk coming out from the washroom

"Dont come close to me "

Jk said to tae...making him sad


"Asked your self...first u kissed me..without brushing your teeth ..giving so many bacteria . .germs..i will falled sick and

.u r touching me so weirdly "

"I was horny...u are looking so hot "

Tae said drolling over jk body..when jk hide his chest crossing his hand..

"Dont look at me like this turn around ...go brush your teeth ...fresh yourself...iam going "

"Going where..."

"College "

"Its fine if u r going alone ... but atleast let me kiss on your cheek"

"If u will not go to washroom ...iam sure i will kill u now "

Jk said glaring at him...tae went to the washroom giving sad look...

Jk sighed...




In College

With jk

Jk came earlier today..he run towards jimin..suga ...jhope who were sitting in cafeteria

"Kook how are you "

Jimin asked

"Hyung i need help..tae is behaving weird "

"What do u mean by weird "

"I dont know...at first he is so desperate to kiss me...in lips ...cheeks..neck..he even bite me there...and today when i was coming out ....after having shower..he was staring at me like hungry beast... i ignore it...

I was wiping my hairs...out of sudden he attacked me...kissing on my lips...

Touching my bear body very weirdly. ..

Iam scared hyung...tae is behaving strange...this is not the first time he saw me in towel...but he never behave like this "

After listening to jk jimin started laughing follow by jhope and suga...

"Here iam getting worried ...and u all r laughing "

Jk said angrily ...they stop laughing

"Kook...nothing is weird...its normal for him to bahave like this "

Jimin said making jk confused

"Yes jk..see tae has passed his mature age. ..this is the reason why he is having such changes...

U r feeling it strange because u r under 20 "

Hope said trying to make jk understand

"Hobi hyung u r confusing me more "

" He is having hormone problems..

everyone have ...even i too face it..when i passes 20...

He is having more because he is a trueblood

A trueblood alpha are double of alpha

Whose power ..senses.. possessiveness

...even sexual desires are twice more than a normal alpha... "

Suga said while jk was listening careful trying to understand

"Thats mean tae is developing sexual desires... "

"Atlast u got it "

Jhope said sighing

"But what should i do.. i mean...iam not liking it "

"It is because u r still 19 but dont worried only 9 days remaining your birthday. ..after that u will feel the same "

Jimin said

"What about now...tae is reacting like he will eat me alive "

"See jk dont stay away from him...the more u will stay away from him...his desires will increase more

So let him do what he want...just make sure ...dont cross your line

Until your mature age "

"Cross your lines means sex right...u mean ...not to have sex before my mature age "

"Right...dont do that...it can be very painful "




With tae...

"Namjoon hyung help me "

"What happen tae "

"Kook is avoiding me "

"Kook...but why...iam sure u must have done something to him or else why will he ignore u "

"Actually u r right...iam behaving abnormal ...i mean ...iam having craving ...weird feeling which i never have

u understand what iam trying to tell "

Tae said feeling embrassed

"I got it tae...no need to be embrassed

Look its normal to feel horny after 20

But its not normal for jk..he is still 19..

He cant understand nor feel this ...

So Just control on your hormones

...and wait for his mature age..."

"U mean i have to wait for 9 days to kiss him...no no ..it gonna hard i cant "

"Taee...u can kiss him but dont even dare to mate him before his mature age...iam warning u..."

"Mate means sex right..but what if i got my rut .."

"You will not get rut until jk pass his mature age so dont worry "






With mrs kim and jin...

"What!!! Are u sure jin...no no ...

I think its just a misunderstanding

How can jk a trueblood alpha can be mate of tae who is also a trueblood alpha

Its impossible "

"Mom iam right...trust me jk is tae mate..he even heal jk infront of me "

"Jin my son u have save tae from jk "

"What are u saying mom they are mates ....

"U are not getting me son...there is no future in that relationship...just think about it ...how will they live together when both of them are dominant...

Tae live will be a living hell...

Tae will be never happy with them

...what our kims future...

jungkook cant give him heirs nor he can satisfy tae ... "

Mrs kim said holding jin shoulder

"But mom they are made for eachother what can we do ...we dont have any choice rather than accepting our fate"

" Tell me jin do u want your dear brother 's life will be ruined ...he can never enjoy his life... i feel pity for ny son.... how will he deal with jk his whole life"

Mrs kim said showing her fake tears emotionally blackmailing jin

"Mom..please dont cried ...i know mom u only care about tae's future...just tell me what should i do so that i can help my brother "

Mrs kim hugged jin and smriked

"Take this bottle...mixed this liquid in tae food...after taking this ..tae will soon get his rut before time...

He will feel urge to have sexual pressure as jk wolf will never allowed him to summit infront of tae....

Jk is still 19 ...he can't do anything to satisfy tae..

Tae desire to have sex will increase to the extent that he will lost his sense and grabbed anyone to satisfy his desires "

"But mom its wrong....i cant do it...we can try something else "

"U have to do it jin..."

"But "

"See i had already find someone perfect for my tae ...who can give us heir. ..she will make tae happy...u dont worry just do what i say "


