
Someone Like Me

After a moment of surprise the crowd went crazy.

"Is this for real?"

"The Federation's president was called the Martial God and I heard his Devil Fruit was a big part of the reason he managed to accomplish everything he did!"

The eyes of everyone in the audience burned with greed. What they didn't understand was that although when you're able to use it to it's maximum potential, it's an incredibly powerful ability, but those who are actually able to reach that level are almost 1 in a million. Only those with the strongest of bodies are capable of doing so.

But it wasn't only the weaker members of the crowd who began to long for the Reflex Fruit, even the eyes of the Yonko executives were burning with desire. Katakuri who hadn't spoken much till now asked.

"Are your words credible?"

Yunan smiled and said softly.

"Mr. Katakuri, I assure you that my words are credible. But let me warn you in advance, Murdock is no weaker than even you. If you were to underestimate him you'll more than likely pay with your life. If you don't believe me, feel free to ask Jack."

When Jack heard Yunan's words, his face turned grim. Although he didn't lose his fight with Murdock, the fact that he couldn't beat a 20 year old was shameful enough. And Yunan was right at the start of their battle he truly did underestimate him and ended up paying for it.

Katakuri didn't believe Yunan's words at first, as he too found it hard to believe that a 20 year old could be his match, but when he saw Jack's unsightly expression he understood Yunan was telling him the truth. Jack was no weaker than himself, so for Jack to tie with him meant he'd be hard pressed to do any better.

While everyone was coming to terms with Yunan's declaration, the handsome mage continued.

"The Auction House has said that they will be putting on another major auction and although the Chaos Fruit will obviously not be part of the items being auctioned there will be other items more than valuable enough to grab your attention with the headlining item being…

A Yin-Yang Fruit!"

When they heard that the crowd was once more sent into a state of shock. Although the Yin-Yang fruit wasn't a Devil Fruit that directly increased your strength, but as it gave the user the ability to eat a 2nd Devil Fruit it was deemed no less valuable than the Chaos Fruit.

Katakuri's eyes burned when he heard that.

"If we can get our hands on that Yin-Yang fruit and then kill that kid Murdock earning the Reflex Fruit… Even if we don't have the Chaos fruit, Momma would still be able to pull ahead of the other Yonko…

We have to get our hands on that Yin-Yang Fruit!"

It wasn't just him who was having those kinds of thoughts, everyone was thinking about the implications of either them or their superiors getting their hands on that fruit.

Ori was no different, he would also love to get his hands on the Yin-Yang and Reflex Fruits. As a swordsman, having god like reflexes would bring his strength up to a whole new level. Not to mention the fact that he didn't have to worry about not having a body strong enough to bear the stress as he had the Heavenly Demon Sacred Art tempering his body. He was confident that once he reached the peak he would easily be able to achieve such a level.

[With the effects of the Heavenly Demon Art, the reflex fruit was practically made for me!]

The only problem was that Ori was fundamentally against killing people for no reason and even though he could try and capture Murdock alive, not only would trying to capture someone that strong be practically impossible for the current him, he knew that even if he was successful, as soon as he handed him over Murdock would more than likely be killed for the Chaos Fruit.

[I won't force it, I'll just let things play out and act accord…]

Suddenly Ori was woken mid-thought by a sudden sense of foreboding. It only lasted a moment, but the presence he just felt was absolutely terrifying, it was like he was an ant being stared at stared at by a god like being. The weird thing was that he didn't feel any maliciousness from the figure, but even still Ori knew that who or whatever it was, was completely out of his league.

He spun around to try and locate the source, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't see or sense anything amiss.

"Did any of you just feel that?"

Shaya looked at him with a confused expression as she replied.

"Feel what?!"

Ori could tell that he was the only one who felt it, but that only confused him further as Ori was well aware that Shaya and even Benjiro's observation haki had surpassed his own.

[Did I imagine it?

No definitely not, I wouldn't imagine something that terrifying!

Was it just that who or whatever it was was only looking at me so only I felt it?

No, although I couldn't figure out the source, I could feel that they weren't looking at me in particular. But from what I could see no one else was able to sense it, not even the executives…

Just what was that?!]


Roman and the others noticed that Ori was dazed and seemed to have even been slightly frightened by something.

Ori knew that now wasn't the time or the place, so he just shook his head and said with a smile.

"It's nothing."

They knew that he wasn't telling the truth, but clearly whatever it was, he didn't want to speak about it, or at least not here.

Yunan didn't wait for any further questions. After he'd said what he'd intended, he walked back to the Auction House not caring about the reactions of the crowd.

When he entered he let out an exasperated sigh and said.

"Next time, you're doing the public speaking!"

In a corner of the Auction House's lobby sat a cloaked figure. When he heard what Yunan said he replied.

"Ahh Yunan don't be like that, you know I'm not suited for public speaking!"

"Hmph, and I am?!"

"But with your soothing voice, you are so good at it! If it were me out there, I probably would've ended up provoking someone."

When he heard that, Yunan didn't immediately reply, almost as if he was silently acknowledging the robed man's words.

"While I was speaking to them did you at least manage to find that little brat Murdock with your spirit sense?"

The mystery man shook his head as he replied.

"No, he should've left the island already…"

As he said that he paused, and his body trembled as if he was trying to hold back a laugh.

"Hahaha, but I still can't believe you actually allowed for him to get one over on you hahaha!"

"Shut up would you, I wasn't expecting him to put something in my drink to knock me out!"


"If I had known you were going to act like this, I would've asked from help from one of the others!"



Yunan ignored his robed companion waiting for him to stop laughing.

Seeing him finally calmed down and stop laughing, Yunan asked.

"When you used your spirit sense did you at least find any sort of clues to help find him?"

"No, the kid covered his tracks perfectly…

But I did find something interesting in my search."

Yunan knew that for this man to call something "interesting" it would have to be pretty special as he had extremely high standards. It was to the point where neither the Yin-Yang Fruit or the Chaos Fruit interested him in the slightest. He couldn't help but look at the man in expectation…

"What did you find?"

The robed man said mysteriously.

"Not a what, but a who."

As he said that, he turned back to the crowds that were still lingering outside, more specifically he had turned to look at Ori. Even though there was solid wall separating them, that didn't seem to affect his vision in the slightest.

[I didn't expect to find someone like me here of all places…]

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