
Chapter 01: Bitter End, New Beginning

The mansion was big. The season was hot, yet the room felt cold. A blonde haired woman in a white night dress lied on the bed, tired when she hadn't done any work other that taking a walk in the evening. Her lips were pale and her body was warmer.

The room was painted with bright colors. The brightness was unlike what it witnessed every single disaster that came and went in vain without releasing any information about them outside.

She tilted her head at the sound of the door. She slightly gasped realizing it was already 8 pm. She did not need the watch for that for her husband came home from work around that time.

"How was your day, Marcus?" The tan masculine guy who took his dark suit off in front of her did not say a word. Instead he went to the bathroom and opened the shower tap which was heard by the woman, his wife. She closed her eyes trying to find either peace or sleep.

She opened her eyes once more at the sound of Marcus Clapping his hands in order to switch off the lights. The woman tilted her body so she was lying on one side, facing the wall but not Marcus. She knew Marcus no longer saw her as a wife but rather a toy. A sexual object.

His hands went under her dress with a great force and got a little angry when he touched an underwear, "I thought I told you to not wear anything when you're husband is beside you!"

His voice was low yet spoke dominance and aggressive character.

"I was feeling cold today. I also had fever. I'm sory this has bothered you this much," She swallowed some liquid, closing her eyes while silently praying that it's the only thing she'd go through today. Deep down she knew there was something worse coming even if she didn't wear anything as Marcus preferred.

"Well. I'll have to punish you for not obeying your husband," The words made her heart skip a bit. She had a hint of what was coming. Yelling or not, the room was soundproof. No voice was to get outside of it.

He tore the underwear she was wearing. That followed with a dress. The low light illuminating from the bathroom exposed her bear body to Marcus's eyes. He didn't wear anything so his hungry cock stood there like a turret in the armored tank.

Without a word, he turned her and now stood in a position like a dog. His head was now rubbing against her clit, closing his eyes and he felt the heat. Today, his wife was extremely warm. It only took a few seconds and Marcus covered his head with saliver and inserted it inside of her. She gasped. It was huge. She was small. She was weak, he was strong.

The room was later filled with moans and groans. While Marcus was groaning in joy, his wife was screaming in pain.

"Marcus. Oh my ... please," With that, Marcus turned her around and he was now facing her. He covered his dick with saliva again, lied on top of her and spread her legs more widely. Before she new it, the dick was inside this time pushing a whole of it inside of her walls. She felt tears coming out of her eyes. The pain was like entering a finger into a wound. It was beyond bearable. She cried and cried but it only made his thrusts harder.

His thrusts were like a mixture of desire, selfishness and hunger. The pain was sharpened by the ten inch long dick whose diameter wound cause discomfort even to women with biggest vaginas.

"Marcus... Marc.." She kept breathing for air until she ran out of it. Her body felt numb to the pain. The Marcus in front of her was now seen in a blurred version and maybe the last person she'd ever seen in this world.

Marcus noticed how the body stopped producing heat, "Hey," he shook her head and that only made him realize what he had done.

His wife was no longer among the living.

Two years later

Under the scorching sun of Mexico, in the vibrant town of Tulum, lived a spirited young woman named Camilla. Her skin was kissed by the sun, and her eyes sparkled like the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea that stretched along the horizon. Life in Mexico was colourful and lively, and she embraced it with all her heart.

Well that Camilla is me.

Among the cheerful cacophony of a local fiesta, I met Pablo, a handsome young man with a smile that could light up the night sky. I was only sixteen and so was he. Curiosity got the best of me, and I mustered the courage to approach him.

"Hi there," I greeted, a hint of excitement in my voice.

His gaze met mine, and his smile widened, revealing a row of perfectly aligned teeth. "Hey," he replied, his voice smooth and inviting.

I noticed his dark, tousled hair that complemented his sun-kissed complexion. His easy confidence was captivating, and I found myself drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

"I'm Camilla," I introduced myself, extending a hand.

"Pablo," he said, his warm hand enveloping mine in a gentle handshake.

As we exchanged pleasantries, the bustling fiesta seemed to fade into the background, and it felt as though it was just the two of us. We talked about our interests and passions, and it was clear that we shared a love for adventure and exploring new experiences.

"I must say, you have the most beautiful brown eyes," I complimented him, unable to resist the urge to let him know how captivating I found his gaze.

He chuckled, a tinge of blush coloring his cheeks. "Thank you, Camilla. You have a smile that could light up the night sky."

His genuine compliment sent a wave of warmth through me, and I felt an immediate connection forming between us. As the night wore on, we laughed, danced, and shared stories, creating memories that would stay with me forever.

"So, Camilla, what brings you to this bustling fiesta?" Pablo asked, flashing a charming smile.

I shrugged playfully, pretending to be nonchalant. "Oh, you know, just looking for some excitement and adventure."

He chuckled, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Well, you've come to the right place. Tulum knows how to throw a fiesta like no other!"

As we continued to explore the festivities, we found ourselves drawn to a vibrant street food stall, its colorful decorations and tantalizing aromas enticing us closer. "I've always loved trying new foods," I said, eyeing the array of delicious treats.

Pablo grinned. "Me too! Let's indulge in some local delicacies, shall we?"

We shared laughter as we devoured tacos and sipped on refreshing horchata. The more time we spent together, the more we discovered our shared interests and passions. Our conversations flowed effortlessly, like a dance of words and laughter under the starry Mexican sky.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Pablo leaned closer, his voice soft and warm. "Camilla, I have to admit something. I'm really glad I ran into you today. It's like the universe wanted us to meet."

I blushed, feeling my heart flutter at his words. "I feel the same way, Pablo. It's like fate brought us together."

He reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, his touch sending shivers down my spine. "Can I see you again, Camilla? Maybe tomorrow, for a coffee or a walk on the beach?"

I smiled, feeling a rush of excitement. "I'd love that, Pablo." As we parted ways that night, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation.

And so, our journey of getting to know each other began. We spent days exploring the beautiful town of Tulum, walking hand in hand along the sandy beaches and sharing dreams under the swaying palm trees. With each passing day, we discovered new facets of each other's personalities, and our connection grew deeper.

As we sat by the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea, Pablo looked at me with a gentle intensity in his eyes. "Camilla, you bring so much light into my life. I've never met anyone like you."

I blushed, feeling a mixture of happiness and vulnerability. "You've brought so much joy into my life too, Pablo. I feel like I can be myself when I'm with you."

He smiled, his gaze never leaving mine. "That's the beauty of love, isn't it? Finding someone who sees the real you and loves you for it."

And just like that, in the enchanting town of Tulum, amidst the scorching sun and the vibrant fiestas, our hearts found each other, and our love story began to unfold.

We embraced the colorful tapestry of life in Mexico, knowing that with each passing day, our connection would grow stronger, and our love would bloom like the bougainvillaea that adorned the town's walls.

Little did I know that these days would go in vain. That I'd only be reminded of how weak I am. Little did I know who Pablo really was.

Little did I know that I'd almost end up like that woman.

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