
Unfortunate misery at the beach

Now at the resort as we booked in a room for all of us we are in our room as all of us are in here we have 1 room and 4 beds so we all share the same room and it's really big the room. We have a kitchen and a bathroom we all share and other things. Everything look so expensive since it is expensive to be here. I'm now laying down on the comfy bed as it feels so nice makes me feel lazy.

"Big brother/Kaizer!" hearing all of say my name I turn my head around to look at them. They have their swimsuits in hand knowing what they wanted. I exit towards the balcony to not see them change which they let it be. closing the door to the balcony behind me, I stare at the vast scene of the beach where many people are playing with each other everyone was happy either family playing with other or couple spending their time together.

Not knowing how long, I had to wait for them to change. I felt a soft sensation behind my back as pair of arms are hugging me. Turning around it was Ariel her beautiful smile shines upon her beautiful face as her long silver hair sways to the side dripping down like a river.

"How do I look?" Seeing the expecting smile of Ariel, I complemented her truthfully of what, I thought. "beautiful you look Ariel"

hearing this from her own big brother made her happy as it was the best thing to hear from his mouth. "lets go brother, I think mom and sis want a complement from you too" dragging her brother into the room.

Being dragged into the room, I see Katherine and mom in their swimsuits and they all look beautiful. Except Mom who had hair tied into a ponytail, both my little sisters let their hair flow down behind their backs. "All of you look beautiful" saying the truth from the bottom of my heart if feels good having the family together and able to spend time together. Seeing them happy from me saying this knowing that it made them happy.

"Girls I'll go switch go to the beach I'll catch up later" still in my clothes dind't change yet so telling them they can go. "Dear, come quick then we'll try to find a spot for us as your sisters here will help me"

"Yeah what mother said! don't go looking out for girls either"

"yeah that listen to sister" hearing that from Ariel surprised me but didn't let it bother me since, i'm not here to look at other girls just to only spend time with my family. "Yeah, yeah no problem well get going you won't experience this often" want them to relax and enjoy the vacation.

"hurry then big brother don't keep us waiting!" Ariel pulls both mom and Katherine outside of the room towards the beach they go. Leaving me alone as, I now go to my luggage and find my beach shorts. Taken my clothes of leaving me in underwear only, I put on my shorts and tidying my clothes then put them on my bed. Leaving the room, I might as well find me some sun glasses for the sun.




The girls now at the beach as they try to find a spot to claim so they can relax there. "Mom what about that spot?" Katherine points out in a direction as they looked at the direction that she pointed out.

"Definitely dear! lets go set up our umbrellas there" They had free umbrellas as they got offered for free by some guys since they needed some as they were searching for a bit in the store outside the resort. 2 Huge umbrellas for them to use and have a shade over them so they don't get burned and they have blankets for them to lay on and not touch the hot sand below them.

"Good eye sister!" Ariel approved of the spot as she had the blankets for them. So they went that way to claim the spot. Passing by people who were gawking at them and mostly males. Which none of them didn't pay attention to them.

One thing is that they 3 are beautiful more than the woman on the beach as their beauty struck awe into men and admiration. While woman got jealous since some of them had boyfriends or husbands who stare/gawked at Katherine, Ariel and Elizabeth.

But the most devastating beauty out of the 3 was the mother Elizabeth as she had the more mature and developed body. She had way bigger breast as they were massive G cup size. As for the sisters they had D cup size. not far from having the same breast size like their mothers who was just an adult version of them as she had the curves of a milf. Sexy long legs, a slim waist and a nice big plump ass that entices men to want to squeeze them. Just the perfect sexy woman that make men want to dream of having her as their wife. As they are wearing swimsuits it made men just want to try to hit on them.

As they arrived at their destined location and set up their spot. "Mom i'm thirsty me and sis will get us some drinks what drink you want?" stretching her limbs since she want ssome drinks first before she goes into the water because it's hot outside since it's summer. "Thank you dear! I want fruit punch"

"got it! lets go sis!" Ariel pulls her sister to go get drinks while their mother waits here. As they go to get drink at a nearby stall just walking a couple feet a group of guys surround them both. They are annoyed that some worms especially men is blocking their way.

"hey you two want to hang out with us?"

"yeah hang out with us you two are beautiful we want to get to know you 2" It was a two guys already telling them what they want and it seems they won't budge. As their are 7 of them surrounding them but one thing their big brother has actually thought them how to fight those taller and bigger than them. "Can you move we are going to buy drinks for our mom", Katherine nodded along side her sister already wanting them gone.

"That beauty is your mother ahaha maybe we should invite her as well" the guys already knew about the woman accompanying them since they were looking at them as they walk to the spot they claimed. Many males looked at them in envy, jealousy, anger but were scared to do anything so no one did anything to help them just stay to the side like bystanders.

The girls already mad were about to do beat them up but someone came to the stop them and it was none other then their lovable big brother Kaizer.

[A/N: pretty cliche ig could have made them beat the shit out of them]

"Leave my sisters alone", I left the resort and got me a pair of sunglasses and walking to find my sisters and mom, I see my sisters being bothered but knowing how they can defend themselves. It was my instinct or feeling whatever you call it to defend them because I did this for years when they were born.

Everyone watching were curious but surprised someone is standing up for them. Some guys just cursed in their minds for not being able to do that as well as the guy trying to help them.

"Sisters? Dam man you got some hot sisters you mind we have them hang out with us?" just as he said that one of them tried to grab Ariel's arm but I smacked it away before he could. The guys were annoyed and angry as one even spoke out with an arrogant tone of voice.

"Do you who i'm? I'm the son of the prime minister hmph i'll make you suffer" hearing that from him and the arrogant tone of voice he has. He tries to grab Katherine arm but this time not caring on who he is. I round house kick him sending him flying through the air as he crashes towards the sand. All the goons of his seem to be surprised I did it as one of them tried to attack me but knowing what's coming. I throw a left jab not knocking him unconscious but rendering him unable to fight for a bit.

Not letting none of them have a chance, I take them down quickly as, I make them unable to fight anymore seeing their eyes filled with fear they leave.

"Thank you big brother!" both hug me as they smile sweetly patting their heads. "lets go and enjoy!"

"hai!" we all leave to where mother and and enjoy our fun from there.




[Days passed]

At a cruise ship as me my little sisters and mom is on board. Having the time of our lives just having fun there and there.

"Big brother come play with me!" shouted Katherine as her hair is tied into a ponytail playing bowlingball watching them play together. "Later!" shouting back as i'm sitting next to mom.

"Kaizer dear, thank you for helping taking care of me and your sisters" still sad that her son had to have a heavy burden on his shoulders. "it's fine mom besides, I rather have you be in good health and see my sisters succeed while, I couldn't"

Feeling the warmth, care and love through his words Elizabeth couldn't help but feel her heart beat faster than usual. Knowing that she is falling in love with him. Which she couldn't help but be surprised but not disgusted by it the feeling of love towards her son.


I hear sirens start wailing out of control as we all stop what we were doing and look at each other then at the intercom as a man started to speak.

"Everyone! evacuate find a safe spot armed people have en-"

*bang* bang*

I hear a gunshot on the intercom an outcome I didn't expect armed people have come to kill people. "Girls we have to take cover now! wait where is Ariel?! almost forgetting that she isn't here. "She is at the bathroom second floor" hearing that, I had to go there as fast as possible. "you two stay here don't move call me if anything" they were unwilling but seeing my gaze they knew that they had to listen even my mother didn't retaliate or retort against my actions.

Leaving the room as it had people around who were panicking but i let them be. Going to the second floor finding any clues for my little sis. I hear something.


A gunshot rang out and it's on this floor peeking to my left I see the bathroom but then as I walk towards it, I hear a scream.

"No show mercy!"

"P-P-Please I have a family!"

Many people yelling in fear as the armed people have taken them hostage. I couldn't hear what the armed people were saying as it was inaudible from here. Then one of them shouted.

"you there pretty girl you're coming with us and all of you are going to be killed here!" This strikes fear into the hostages but not to the girl.

Hearing this I knew that my sister was there because i peeked and saw her among the people that were hostage. The masked armed man tried to take my sister by force knowing how she is she would will defend herself at all cost. didn't want her to die or to be kidnapped by some scum. without even thinking I felt my blood rush around my body feeling my heart beat faster as I instantly jump on one of them. Hitting one with a right jab knocking him out. Before the one of them could react I leg sweep one of them then grab the gun from his hand. Shooting the one I knocked out and the one that fell.

*bang* bang*

Not wasting time another one shoots at me but it only grazes me not feeling it I hide behind a wall. Hearing the screams of the people that are mid gun fight. Peeking again as I shot bullets killing some of them.

Seeing how I killed them I run to my sister not caring about the others checking if she is alright. "are you alright?!" getting a nod from her as she seems to not be disturbed thats good. "lets go and everyone here evacuate now!" Pulling my sister with me but then something pierced through me.


I look down and see blood coming out of me then my vision turning black. I have been shot. I fall down but try my best to stand up.

*bang* bang*

I fall down but this time i can only make it out that it didn't come from them but from my side. Forcing myself to sit up on the wall I see my sister picked up a gun and shot the person with anger in her eyes. It seems my time has come and it hurts me but with this much blood leaking out of me i'm no way able to recover and looking at the room with people having horrified faces.

"Big brother! don't die on me please! please! please! please! I need you don't please!" Ariel dropped the gun and rushed to her big brother seeing him loosing blood quickly but had no experience on first aid. Tears pouring out of her face as she hugged her brother who was dying and their was nothing she could do. "anyone a doctor please help my brother!" pleading to anyone it seemed that no one was a doctor. Getting no one to step up she cried tears as she couldn't stop them.

Feeling myself drown into the darkness so this is my end at least I saved my sister hope they will live on.....

"Brother, brother no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no"




News spread of many people dying on the unfortunate event that happened on that day on the cruiser ship but 3 people who were now taken out a few bodies out. "Mom did you kill them"

"Yes dear check on Ariel" nodding to her mothers words Katherine went to check on Arial to see how she was doing as it hurts her from having her brother she loved die. But it affected all of them and mostly her as he died right in front of her. "Sis...."

"Is there a point on living....I want to see him again and be in his embrace....." hearing that from her sister Katherine goes silent as she to wants that as she neither wants to live without her brother. "Come....." mindlessly following her sister Arial only feels emptiness as even though she and her sister and mother have killed the people that killed their brother or were apart of the incident.

Arriving to where their mother is who finished burning the bodies too had empty eyes. "You girls thought of suicide huh...." it kinda caught them by surprise but still nodded. That answer Elizabeth as she saw hear daughters have the eyes of taking their own life. She too wanted to take her life but then she proposed something.

"How about we all take our lives and go together and see him" this made everyone nod as their eyes regained light. "girls I love you all as we all want to see him again"

"us too mother" they smiled as their mother brought our gasoline and poured it everywhere around the warehouse with them helping it didn't take long to finish. Elizabeth brings out a lighter and then throws it the gasoline. As a trail of fire goes around the house. The 3 of them hold hands and look at each other with the determination of dying to see him once again.


Fire spreads out burning the whole building inside as no one will know what happened inside.

Every good thing comes to an end as they are needed to continue to the plot or story.

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