
TriPlex: Hello World!

"In a world hurtling towards the future, humanity grapples with its own nature amid rapid technological progress. Over the past two centuries, advancements have soared, but so too have the darker inclinations of mankind. From cheating with eyewear to manipulating chemicals for profit, the line between progress and peril blurs. Amidst this turmoil, Jakob Alderman, a former freelance bodyguard turned data analyst, finds himself recruited by the mysterious Yashindo Hamatagi. With resources dwindling and danger looming, Jakob faces a choice: embrace the uncertainty of a new path or cling to the safety of the past."

Jacksie · Romance
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Accountant

Every day was an adventure, or so they said. For Jakob, life was a repetitive cycle of clocking in and out of work. Funnily enough, unlike most, Jakob didn't complain about his current standing in the world, in fact, he found contentment in his simple life, earning enough to get by and indulging in the occasional treat with what little remained of his salary.

In a world of full of modern complexities,

Jakob sought happiness in the small pleasures of life.

Today was no different from any other working day. Jakob was used to waking up early, though he always managed to arrive at work a tad late. This may be attributed to his mode of travel. On his way to work, he would always opt for a brisk walk instead of relying on transportation, believing that the daily exercise would benefit his health. This walk of his would usually take up to forty minutes everyday. He would tread lightly, as putting too much work into it will make him sweaty, something he wouldn't want to be in his workplace.

Eventually approaching the building where he worked, the company's name, reflected the morning light. Engraved upon the entrance was the name: Arrowhead - A Private Security Company.

As Jakob entered the building, an unusual scene unfolded before his eyes. The normally bustling office seemed even busier than usual, with employees gathered in clusters, engaged in what looked like active conversations. With his curiosity piqued, Jakob approached a colleague who stood by the door, hoping to gain some insight into the situation.

"Hey there, what's happening?" Jakob inquired, his tone filled with curiosity.

His colleague, visibly surprised by Jakob's question, raised an eyebrow before responding. "You haven't heard? The captain's back."

Jakob frowned, puzzled by the unusual reaction. "Why is everyone acting so strange? The captain's return isn't exactly some sort of holiday."

"Well, word has it that someone received a field report, seems like we had significant losses this time,"

his colleague explained, a tinge of concern evident in his voice.

"And there's talk of Rock being hospitalized for a week or so. Seems like those risky infiltration missions finally backfired. Makes you appreciate working in the safety of the office, doesn't it? Risking life and limb for a paycheck just doesn't seem worth it, not to me atleast."

His colleague added.

Jakob took some time to absorb the information, his mind racing with even more questions.

With a small smile, he bid his colleague farewell and made his way to his cubicle.

"Guess that means more work for me," Jakob ranted as he walked . "Time to start crunching those numbers and tally up the costs of this operation."

His colleague watched him go, shaking his head in disbelief. "Not a care in the world huh, he sure is a weird fellow," he muttered to himself, before turning back to the chatter of his coworkers.

Jakob settled into his cubicle, carefully tidying his desk and powering up his computer. His workspace was neat and organized, with files neatly arranged and pens, pencils, and assorted trinkets neatly stored in a mug printed with the words "Employee of the Month." Being the productive worker he was, he wasted no time, he dove into his work as soon as the computer screen flickered on, his fingers tapping across the keyboard, ressembling that of a pianist on the piano. Today, like any other day, was just an opportunity for him to work his heart out, a chance for him to do the one thing he did best, work.

While Jakob's mundane day unfolded in the office, Yash found himself engulfed in a tense exchange within a luxurious looking lounge

"That court session was quite the spectacle, Captain," remarked an man in a tailored suit,

He appeared to be a man approaching his sixties, his body, though showing signs of aging, maintained a level of fitness. Apart from the expensive watch adorning his wrist, the man lacked any particularly distinctive features.

Yashindo's jaw clenched, his frustration visible as he retorted sharply, "Tsk--What were you thinking with that offer? Have you lost your mind?"

The man, undeterred by Yashindo's response, leaned in, his voice laced with calmness, "Now, now, Captain. You've witnessed her capabilities firsthand. We can't simply hand her over to the authorities."

"That's exactly why we should hand her over. That woman nearly murdered Rock!"

Yashindo shot back, his tone even more tense.

"Orders are orders, Captain," the man interjected firmly, his eyes locking unto Yash with a sharp gaze. "Despite our personal affiliations, I am still the director of this PMC. I am your 'boss'. "

The director asserts

"Emotions have no place in this discussion captain. Consider how useful she would be for us in the long-term.

Yes, she may have reduced our numbers, but surrendering her to the government would be a greater loss for us."

He adds, his tone firm yet rational.

The air crackled with tension as Yashindo's fists clenched, the weight of the decision bearing down on him.

"Well, Captain, I trust you to keep a close eye on her for now. I have to attend to the families of our fallen soldiers. Until next time."

The director's words hung in the air as he rose from his seat and made his exit.

"Understood, sir," Yash replied tersely, his gaze shifting to the woman who had been silently observing their exchange.

She stood in the corner, her hands bound with specialized restraints, her expression blank.

"By the way," the director added before leaving, "I've reviewed the employee report. We have some openings in our reserves. It's up to you whether or not to fill them. See you in a few days."

With that, the director departed, leaving Yash alone with the woman. As the door clicked shut behind him, Yash approached her, expressing a form of anger. He begrudgingly guided her to his car, her movements restricted by the cuffs.

Without a word, Yash ushered her into the backseat, not bothering to wait for her to adjust herself. He slammed the door and took his place behind the wheel. The engine rumbled to life as he drove away from the building.

"If it were my call, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now," Yash said, his voice thick with frustration. Hinting that he would've ended the job if it weren't for the mission's sake

Glancing at the rearview mirror, the woman's eyes reflected a hint of sorrow as she softly responded, "I... I'm sorry..."

Yash's replies, his voice carrying a tint of sarcasm, "Oh? Didn't know 'something' like you were capable of speech"

Offended by his remark, the woman fell silent, turning her gaze away from the mirror to stare out the window instead.

With the woman silent beside him, Yash also fell into quiet reflection, his eyes trailed on the road ahead. His mind replayed the courtroom scene, particularly the director's proposal to the judge, which left him uneasy. The memory lingered, casting a shadow over his thoughts as he drove on.

The Courtroom

The courtroom fell into a hushed murmur as the defense and prosecution presented their arguments. The woman, the alleged perpetrator of destructive acts, stood with an air of both defiance and uncertainty.

The defense attorney, a seasoned professional with a knack for persuasive rhetoric, addressed the judge, "Your Honor, we understand the gravity of the charges against Ms. Sherly . However, we believe there's an alternative course of action that might serve the interests of justice and public safety."

The judge, an authoritative figure with a stern gaze, leaned forward, "And what alternative are you proposing?"

The defense attorney continued, "Instead of handing her over to conventional law enforcement, we suggest entrusting her to our private security services. Captain Yashindo Hamatagi, the individual who successfully subdued her, can oversee her containment and rehabilitation. This approach minimizes the risk of mishandling by authorities who may not be equipped to deal with her unique capabilities."

The prosecution, a representative of the state, immediately voiced objection, "Your Honor, we can't simply let a private company take charge of a potentially dangerous individual. This sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the authority of our law enforcement agencies."

The judge weighed the arguments carefully, "Captain Hamatagi, do you believe your PMC is capable of handling this situation?"

Yashindo, standing confidently, responded, "Yes, Your Honor. We have the expertise and facilities to manage her, ensuring public safety while offering her an opportunity for rehabilitation and reparation."

The director of the PMC, present in the courtroom, added, "Furthermore, we're willing to offer her a chance to work with us as compensation for the damages she caused. It's a win-win situation for both sides."

The judge, contemplating the proposal, turned to the jury, seeking their opinion. After a brief deliberation, the jury collectively nodded in agreement.

"Very well," the judge declared, "Considering the unique circumstances and the assurance of Captain Hamatagi and his PMC, the court agrees to this alternative. Ms. Sherly, you'll be placed under the supervision of Captain Hamatagi. Any violation of this arrangement will result in immediate transfer to conventional law enforcement."

The woman's expression remained stoic as the courtroom concluded this unconventional trial, setting the stage for a different form of justice.

Back to the Car

"Can't believe he talked me into this."

He ranted.

As Yash's car pulled into the driveway of his home, he couldn't shake off the feeling of reluctance that had accompanied him since the courthouse. The house stood on an empty expanse near the city limits, its architecture was refined and reflected Yash's taste. A two storey home, althought not very luxurious, one could tell that it cost Yash a penny or two.

With a press of a button, the gate swung open, granting access to the garage. Yash maneuvered his car into the space, surrounded by two other vehicles, one of them a classic model and another for his personal use. He steps out of the driver's seat then opens the backseat door right after, helping Sherly exit the vehicle as she struggled to do so herself with the cuffs on.

"I can't keep you cuffed forever," Yash muttered as he reached into his pocket for the key to Sherly's restraints.

The handcuffs fell to the concrete floor with a thud as Yash deactivated them. "Follow me," he instructed, gesturing for Sherly to accompany him into the house.

Sherly, now finding herself liberty from her shackles, wasted no time in making her move, lunging at Yash with a sudden burst of energy. But her attempt was futile, as little did she know that the agent had already prepared countermeasures for this exact scenario.

As Sherly froze in place, grappling with the unexpected restraint, Yash turned to face her.

"That collar," he explained calmly,

"has a chip that manipulates gravity. It's set at twenty times normal strength now, so pulling off an ambush attack like what you did earlier will prove to be quite difficult."

Despite Yash's warning, Sherly attempted to claw at the collar, only to find her efforts fruitless. Yash watched her struggle for a moment before adding, "And the more you resist, the tighter it becomes. You might want to save your energy and not choke yourself out."

After several futile attempts, Sherly reluctantly gave up and followed Yash into his home.

Upon entering, she was momentarily taken aback by the sight of what appeared to be a gracious hostess awaiting her arrival. However, upon closer inspection, it became evident that the woman was actually a state-of-the-art maid bot, meticulously designed to mimic human behavior.

"Good afternoon, madame. Welcome to Sir Yash's residence. I hope you enjoy your stay," the maid bot greeted in a polite, yet synthetic tone.

Yash gestured towards the maid bot and introduced, "This is Laura. She's the virtual assistant in my headpiece. Her AI is transferable between bodies, so she works here when I'm not using her on the field."

"Laura, this is Sherly,"

Yash once again introduced, gesturing towards the woman.

"She's the person we captured during the previous mission. Not sure if that's her actual name; it's what was written on her uniform when we got her, at least. No point thinking too much about it now."

With a gracious smile, Laura chimed in, "Please take a seat, ma'am. Don't tire yourself standing there."

She led Sherly into the living room, where plush furnishings adorned the space, and an oversized television dominated one wall. Sherly sank into the inviting embrace of the sofa, marveling at its softness and warmth. It was a sensation she had never experienced before, and she couldn't resist rolling around on the cushions, reveling in the comfort they provided. A soft chuckle escaped the maid bot's lips at Sherly's childlike delight, while Yash observed with a mixture of amusement and bemusement, his serious demeanor momentarily softened by the scene before him.

"I guess I'm done here," Yash muttered, his footsteps echoing through the hallway as he made his way towards the door.

Realizing his oversight, he turned back and addressed Laura, the maid bot, with a firm tone,

"I forgot to submit a report to the office, I'll be heading out for now. Laura, Please watch over her and the house while I'm gone. I'll go buy some food on the way home so you won't have to worry about cooking, just focus on Sherly for now. She has free access to the restrooms, kitchen, living room, backyard, and guest rooms. Any other area is off-limits. And you,"

he pointed directly at Sherly,

"don't even think about pulling off the same stunt from earlier. I won't be easy on you the second time around."

With his instructions clear, Yash exited through the door, leaving Sherly alone with Laura.

"Oh my, he's still holding that grudge from the mission," Laura commented, her voice tinged with sympathy.

Feeling a bit of guilt, Sherly peeked down the hallway to ensure Yash had left before replying,

"He...He really does."

Meanwhile things were proceding at their own pace within the office.

Jakob was nearing the end of his shift. The sun had just set, casting a dusky glow over the office. With a tired sigh, he straightened his back, feeling the strain of hours spent hunched over paperwork.

"I could really use a coffee," he thought to himself, craving a caffeine boost to keep him going.

Dragging his feet to the coffee machine, mug in hand, Jakob overheard a conversation between two colleagues nearby.

"Hey, did you see the memo?" one asked.

"Nah, not really. Saw it in my email, but it's from the director, so I figured it wasn't relevant to us," the other replied casually.

"Well, you're partly right. It's just about the captain looking for potential recruits outside our reserves. If you know someone, you can refer them," the first explained.

"Ha! Maybe you're up for it? I heard the pay's triple compared to us white-collar workers," the second joked.

"Yeah, right! Triple the pay to risk getting my ass handed to me by some random punk? No thank you," the first retorted, sharing a laugh with his friend.

The conversation didn't really pique Jakob's interest, but he acknowledged its potential usefulness and filed it away in his mind for future reference. With his coffee in hand, he made his way back to his cubicle, only to be interrupted by a colleague.

"Hey Jake! You free tonight?" the co-worker asked.

"Yeah, but I have other plans," Jakob replied with a smile.

"Got a hot date lined up?" the co-worker teased.

Jakob chuckled. "Nah, just treating myself to some me-time. It's good for the soul, you know?"

His colleague nodded understandingly. "Fair enough. Well, if you change your mind, a few of us are hitting up Ray's for some karaoke and drinks. It's my buddy's birthday, so it's on him. Swing by if you feel like it."

With a grateful nod, Jakob watched his co-worker return to their group of friends, feeling content with his own plans for the evening.

As Jakob returned to his cubicle, he noticed a shift in the office atmosphere. Everyone's attention was fixed on something at the entrance door. Curious, Jakob also took a peek and spotted a figure entering the office. The room fell silent as all eyes focused on the newcomer.

"You all look like you've seen a ghost, quit staring and go back to work," Yashindo ordered, breaking the silence and prompting everyone to resume their tasks.

With the office now back to its usual hustle and bustle, Yashindo made his way towards the glass elevator, carrying documents in hand. As he stepped into the elevator, an employee couldn't help but voice their curiosity.

"Captain, what brings you here this late in the night?" He asks.

"Just a report. I'll be out of here before any of you even notice," Yash replies,  before the elevator carries him away to the upper floors.

The accountant, seeing that the situation has been dealt with, returned his focus to his work, his fingers dancing across the keyboard repeteadly. Minutes later, Jakob found himself completing his tasks, the soft clicking sounds of his keyboard fading into the background as he tidied his desk. With everything in its proper place, he stood up from his chair, a sense of relief befalling upon him as he prepared for his leave.

As he made his way towards the exit, Jakob was intercepted by the same enthusiastic co-worker who had extended the invitation earlier.

"Well, ain't you a fast one! Remember, we'll be at Ray's!" the co-worker reminded, his excitement palpable.

Jakob offered a polite smile in response before continuing on his way.

Now free from the shackles of work, Jakob set out for his favorite food stall, a small oasis amidst the bustling city streets. Though it was a twenty-minute walk away, he welcomed the opportunity, thinking that it'd give him enough time to clear his mind and ponder his options. The co-worker's invitation lingered in his thoughts, tempting him with the promise of free drinks and karaoke. Yet, a part of him longed for the simplicity of his usual routine.

Lost in his thoughts, Jakob didn't notice the passing of time until he found himself standing before the familiar stall, its savory aromas beckoning to him. With a resigned sigh, he muttered to himself, "Guess I don't have a choice," before making his way towards the welcoming glow of the food stall.

The sign on top had the writings "The sign atop the stall proudly proclaimed "Fernando's" in bold lettering. Despite its modest size, with only three seats available for customers, the stall had it's own charms. Constructed mostly of wood, its simplicity was shown by the warm glow of the lighting and the tantalizing aroma wafting from within.

"Oi Señor! A bit gloomy today, eh?" Fernando's jovial voice greeted from behind the stall.

"I'm fine, Fern... I'll have the usual Gorditas and some Tortas," Jakob replied, his voice tinged with fatigue.

"You seem to be a bit troubled today, Jake," Fernando observed, concern evident in his tone.

"Have you ever reached a point in your life where you are given the offer to try something new but at the same time you don't want to leave the old things behind?" Jakob's voice carried a note of sincerity.

"Well, my Abuelita once told me to help my tío in his 'real estate' gig, but I stuck to cooking tacos and quesadillas, knowing it's the only thing I did best," Fernando reminisced, deftly preparing the ingredients for Jakob's order.

"So why didn't you take the offer?" Jakob inquired, his curiosity now raised.

"As much as I'd like to have the higher pay, I really didn't enjoy that kind of work. To me, life is about comfortably fitting myself into things instead of forcing myself to fit into places where I'm not supposed to be. There's no point in trying something new if I know it's going to suck. If I were to try something new, it should be something entirely different and interesting, like being a painter or something. That would definitely be fun," Fernando explained, his passion evident in his words as he carefully assembled Jakob's meal.

"Well, that definitely brightens up some dark areas for me. Thanks, Fern," Jakob expressed his gratitude as Fernando served him his food.

Their conversation continued late into the night, the warmth of their exchange offering solace in the midst of Jakob's inner conflicts.

Meanwhile, Yash, having just finished submitting his report, was about to head home. However, he still had one task remaining: to stop somewhere and get Sherly some food. He drove to a fast-food chain near the PMC's building, but to his surprise, it was closed. He tried another one, only to be greeted by the same scene. Frustration overtook him as he glanced at his watch, realizing it was getting late.

Just as he was about to give up, he happened to pass by the food stall where Jakob was.

"Guess eating Mexican won't hurt her," Yash muttered to himself, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Sherly's well-being.

As he was about to exit his vehicle to fetch some food, Yash was interrupted by a sudden call from the director's secretary, further delaying his task.

"So how's business here?" Jakob asked, noticing Fernando's expression.

Fernando, with a hint of disappointment, replied, "Honestly? Not so good. The only customers I have are either the few people who genuinely like my food or just some random beggar who managed to scrape enough money to afford one of my tacos."

"Oh, I didn't expect such a cheery place to have a decline in customers," Jakob remarked.

"Jake, I haven't told you this, but this stall will be gone by next week. I will be working at the branch my Hermano is managing," Fernando explained, a hint of sorrow in his voice.

Both men went silent for a few seconds, Jakob shocked by the sudden change while Fernando awaited his friend's response.

The sudden silence was soon shattered as a man in a thick jacket joined Jakob, taking a seat on the stool right next to him. Fernando, seeing a new customer, quickly reverted back to his cheery expression.

"Good evening, Señor! What can I get you?" he asked, his voice warm and inviting.

"The register, I want the money," the stranger replied, his tone demanding and aggressive.

"Señor? I'm not sure I understand," Fernando replied, his confusion evident in his tone.

"The money, now..." the stranger reiterated, his voice even more demanding than before.

Jakob, sensing the tension, attempted to diffuse the situation. "Hey now, why don't we both enjoy some tac--"

But before he could finish his sentence, the robber pulled a pistol from within his jacket, aiming it directly at Jakob.

"Don't get fresh with me, pal," the stranger threatened, his voice low and threatening.

Jakob's heart raced as he realized the gravity of the situation. He froze in place, aware that one wrong move could have dire consequences.

Meanwhile, Fernando, recognizing that he was being robbed, sprang into action. Pretending to fumble with the cash register, he discreetly retrieved a metal baseball bat hidden beneath the counter. With all his might, he swung the bat at the robber, aiming to catch him off guard.

But the robber was quick to react, shifting the gun's barrel towards Fernando and pulling the trigger.

"Pedazo de Mierda!" Fernando shouted, dropping the bat before he could even swing it.

A searing pain erupted in his right shoulder as a bullet tore through flesh, painting the air with a crimson spray.

"This will be the last time I'll ask, hand over the money, now!" the stranger demanded.

Yash, hearing the gunshot from the stall, reacted swiftly. "Something came up, I'll call again later," he muttered, before hastily exiting his car and sprinting towards the scene. He hoped to catch the culprit himself, but what he would see next left him bewildered.

"That's one of our accountants"

Yash muttered, surprised at the scene

Jakob, with a surge of adrenaline, seized the robber's arm, twisting it forcefully and causing the gun to slip from his grasp. With a deft kick, Jakob sent the weapon spiraling into a nearby storm drain.

The robber, driven by pain and desperation, shoved Jakob aside, sending him tumbling into the stall's cooking area.

"You little shit-- I'll gut you like a fish," the robber threatened, brandishing a pair of combat knives from his jacket.

With deadly intent, the robber lunged at Jakob, his movements swift and predatory. But Jakob, now moving purely on instinct, seized a large frying pan from Fernando's cooking station, using it as a shield against the razor-sharp blades.

The robber's attacks grew more frenzied, his knives flashing with each thrust and swing. Jakob, purely running on adrenaline, deflected each blow with precision, his movements fluid yet inconsistent.

The robber now frustrated with the way Jakob fought, wanted to end things and, aimed for a wide overhand stab, Jakob saw his opening. He planted his feet, clenched his buttocks and rotated his hips. With a powerful swing, he brought the frying pan crashing down on the robber's skull, the force of the blow sending him crumpling to the ground.

The night air was filled with a echoing CLANG as the robber fell unconscious, defeated by Jakob's quick thinking and unorthodox way of combat.

Having the situation with the robber resolved, Jakob immediately went call for rescue, applying first aid on Fernando to temporarily alleviate the situation.

As the flashing lights of emergency vehicles flooded the scene, Jakob's heart hammered in his chest, adrenaline still coursing through his veins from the earlier confrontation. With Fernando safely in the hands of the rescue team, Jakob found himself face to face with Yashindo

"Jakob Alderman, Am I correct?" Yash's voice cut through the chaos, drawing Jakob's attention

Jakob nodded,

"Yes sir, that is my full name."

Yash's gaze pierced right into him, unshakeable and intense. "It says here, that you originally worked as a corps member for a PMC with the name Benavidez Solutions and Security. Correct me if I am wrong, but the reason you started working as an accountant was due to the fact that the pay and working conditions were what most would consider 'dreadful'."

Jakob swallowed hard, he'd never thought it'd come to a point where people would dig this deep into his past

"Your assumptions were correct sir," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

A faint flicker of something akin to admiration crossed Yash's face. "No wonder you fought well," he remarked, his tone tinged with respect. "It seems like you aren't just a mere accountant."

Jakob's pulse quickened, not knowimg what was to come to him next. "I don't exactly know why you're asking me all this sir. Care to explain?" he asked, his curiosity diluted with a growing sense of worry.

Yash's lips curved into a wry smile. "Ah, straight to the point, I like that," he replied. "Well, how do I put it? After the last mission, we've suffered terrible losses due to what we consider an 'undetermined variable'. We tried to replenish our ranks but the reserves weren't enough, so now my platoon has three open slots waiting to be filled. Your performance earlier impressed me, Jakob. Some polishing and weapons training might turn you into a fine corps member."

The atmosphere grew tense as both their eyes meet.

"What do you say?" Yash continued, his voice low and measured. "Triple the pay for triple the risks, sounds fair, doesn't it?"

Presented with an opportunity that could reshape his destiny, Jakob found himself standing at a familiar crossroads, yet the stakes were infinitely higher. This was no ordinary decision; it was a pivotal moment with the power to redefine the trajectory of his days to come.

"Well, I..."