
TRIP TO SWAKOP: A Ratchet vaccation

After loosing her job, Emma won a trip from Gondwana collection and decided to take her friends for a Valentine’s vacation to SWAKOP. Her friends however knew that her man has been cheating on her but all kept the secret hidden from her, apart from being left behind by their plane, running out of fuel and then hiking in a truck to SWAKOP, the group found themselves in a lot of funny situations, as they try to navigate around the secret they are keeping from their friend, but little do they know, she also learned of secrets that could indeed ruin all their marriages which they thought were perfect. Emma being the sarcastic and always in trouble type, she kept on pushing her friends over the edge till one of the days she found out about her cheating boyfriend. What did she have to say to the team that broke the friendship apart?

Hafeni_Hashili · Urbain
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15 Chs



One thing about Windhoek, just like it has beautiful sunsets, so does it have beautiful sunrises, this is not shocking considering that wherever you find yourself in Namibia, the sunset is always a beautiful view, so after Swakopmund, Windhoek comes second.

The team woke up with the hangover, each at their place of residence, and everyone was doing their level best, with their hangover cure recipe, with Emma only waking up to actually notice that Denis didn't sleep home that night.

Anna comes downstairs from their bedroom in her Pj's to the kitchen, and found Ernest sitting on a bar stool at the kitchen counter with his laptop.

"I see you guys didn't have lit a night as ours, already up and working?" Asked Anna putting water in a kettle and then putting it on.

"It was as lit babe, I'm just too focused on this business tender." Said Ernest yawning after he saw Anna yawning, for some reason, Yawning tends to be contagious.

"So meaning I should include my baby in my strong coffee huh?" Asked Anna taking wors from the fridge and threw it in the microwave.

"Yes babe, I would really love that babe, I'll be so, so grateful." Said Ernest busy on his laptop.

"Well, speaking of your tender, was Denis also there?" Asked Anna, treading lightly and just wanting to confirm whether Denis really went to cheat with Lucia or maybe he went to the boys sometimes later.

"Yes, Denis was there babe, we are doing this deal together." Lied Ernest not in any way intending to break the bro code, and throw his bruv under the bus, with the only problem that, Ernest wasn't really the good liar.

"He must have been active I guess? He wants this deal to go through as bad as you do?" Asked Anna removing the wors from the microwave and then making the coffee and placing frozen waffles back in the microwave from the fridge.

"Yes babe, he is very active in the deal, I guess he needs it as much" Said Ernest, just looking in his computer and noting down some things in a notebook.

Ernest was too consumed in the deal, that he didn't really pay attention as to why Anna is probing him, thus his answers weren't really well articulated to actually sell his story, and to be fair, he also didn't know what Denis did last night, or where he was for that matter.

"You know you haven't been a good liar right? Why you planning on starting now?" Asked Anna looking at Ernest leaning on the counter looking at Ernest.

"No babe, Denis was there and interested in our deal." Lied Ernest, looking up starting to pay attention, when he picked up that Anna is onto something.

"Babe?" Asked Anna staring straight into Ernest's face expecting a confession.

"Oh god, what do you know?" Asked Ernest closing his laptop and looking at the wife, because this is chance where he either lie, on something the wife probably already knows, and he gets into trouble, or he be honest and throw the friend under the bus.

"Now we are on the same page." Said Anna getting back to the coffee mugs and came back to the counter carrying two mugs.

"We saw him with another girl at Joe's yesterday and they left with her, so meaning he really is cheating if he didn't even show up for the dealings" Continued Anna bringing the wors plate and waffles and Eggs.

"No babe, we don't cheat, I'm sure you guys saw wrongly babe, that couldn't have been my N*gga" Said Ernest pulling away his coffee mug, sipping from it and then replaced it, and still trying to cover his friend.

"Well, we saw him yesterday with that girl when we went to Joe's beer house, I don't know about y'all not cheating, but we didn't recognise the friend he had yesterday and they were getting too cosy for friends." Said Anna pulling a bar stool closer to the husband, so that they do couple gossiping and enjoy their breakfast while everyone is in their bedrooms sleeping, including Mrs Ndapanda.

"But how sure are you guys that it was Dennis? I mean it could have been anyone, and if it was Denis, Emma would have made headlines by now for killing someone." Said Ernest eating a waffle. Anna grabbed the waffle from him and looked at him with a straight face and a "you're on thin ice boy" eye.

"I know it is your friend, I know you're meant to defend him, but I am not blind, or do you also do that, you're covering him because he covers for you?" Asked Anna holding the waffle staring in the husbands face.

"No baby you know I will never do something like that, I mean, I just don't see Denis doing something like that either, he is so devoted." Said Ernest apologetically and getting his waffle back, after he defended himself, and came back in check.

"Better be, because I'm not going to share any man with anyone, and no, Emma isn't doing any headlines because she doesn't know yet." Said Anna and handing over the waffle.

"You ain't gone play my daughter like that, I'll cut off your balls and feed em to my pit bull." Said Miss Ndapanda waking up and coming from behind the couch, startling Anna and Ernest whom thought were alone.

"Sh*t! mom, you scared us Mama, and please respect my husband and you ain't got no pit bull, and we all know that but wait, did you sleep on the couch mom?" Asked Anna just moments before Anna's phone started to ring.

"Emma, hi, is everything okay? You're calling so early in the morning, what's up baby?" Asked Anna after she answered the phone sitting up straight, to take the call seriously.

"Hi how you doing? Everything is okay, or so I would love to think, look, Denis didn't bring his ass home last night, I wanted to know if Ernest has seen him? Or probably knows where that son of a b*tch is at." Asked Emma on the other side of the phone not wasting time, or waiting for Anna to even respond.

Anna froze a bit and turned and looked at Ernest, without even saying anything, she handed him the phone but upon reading that it was Emma calling, Ernest refused to take the phone, so with mumbles and aggression hums, Ernest finally took the phone.

"Hey Emma, how are you?" Asked Ernest faking the excitement, and knowing already were the conversation might lead.

"Hey Ernest, sorry to bother y'all this early, uhm, Denis didn't come home yesterday after y'all meeting, he slept over at your house?" Asked Emma calmly.

"Oh, Denis, uhm no, uhm I mean, yeah yeah, he didn't sleep at my house though, he said y'all had sum'n go on yesterday morning so he booked a hotel." Answered Ernest panicking and looking at Anna who just there looking at him and shaking her head from the lies she is hearing.

"What hotel he booked in at? Coz I'm tryin'a reach him but his phone going on voice mail, and hotels cost so much money, so this boy playing with what we work together for?" Asked Emma unsuspecting anything.

"Eish, the hotel, uhm, its uhm, I wont really know the hotel well, it was Steve who paid for the room, so maybe I can ask him?" Asked Ernest shaken, after putting the phone on loud speaker, and signalling with his hands to Anna that he has no idea what to do

"No its aight, I just needed him to drive me to go sort my documentations out with the Gondwana travelling agency." Said Emma, and then chuckles as she remembered the Last night trip excitement.

"Oh that's good, because Ernest was on his way to the travelling agency to sort our documents out, he will pick you up, just be dressed already, he is so thrilled to see you." said Anna laughing at Ernest who is refusing by show of hands.

"Okay momma, tell Daddy I'll be waiting outside the house." Said Emma and then hung up

"You lied to her?" Asked Anna looking at The husband picking up her phone and holding the phone in hand.

"She is your friend and y'all didn't tell her either, how did you expect me to take a fall for that? Snitching on my brother for that matter?" Asked Ernest packing up and taking the document file he got from the wife. Its an African thing, whereby the lady of the house is mostly the one in charge of the documents of every house member and it wasn't in any way different from Anna and Ernest.

"That b*tch gone kill y'all both when she finds out, and it will be too easy because y'all a bunch of p*ssies when it comes to her." Said Mrs Ndapanda walking to the kitchen.

Without saying anything, Ernest stood up and took his car keys and kissed his wife on the cheek and then goes outside to go sort out their documentation.

"She wont find out ma, at least not now." Said Anna, picking up the plates and coffee mugs to the sink

"No I'm just saying, she gone kill your husband first, then she come kill you next baby, I know that b*tch crazy like me." Said Miss Ndapanda pouring coffee and pointing her finger in the air.

"Say what?" Shouted Ernest from outside the door as he overheard the killing part from Mrs Ndapanda.

"I'm saying she gone kill you first!" Shouted Miss Ndapanda looking at the door as if expecting to maybe see Ernest walk in.

"Ma, I told you to leave my husband alone, or I will drive you back to The old age home I swear, and you're talking too loud, you'll wake my kids." Said Anna passing the mother waffles and then putting honey on them.

"They be a deep sleeper like you honey, they gone sleep through anything, you slept through your dad and me having my cooch*e beat up." Said Mrs Ndapanda eating her waffle and continues with her coffee.

"You know what ma? I'm not going to be in this kitchen a minute longer, I'm going back upstairs." Said Anna with hands raised and walking back to the stairs.

"Why? I haven't said anything you don't know already baby, I mean you got kids, and We all know that you ain't virgin Marry and Ernest is in no way the holly spirit and lord knows your kids, my god, your kids ain't Jesus any day." Said Mrs Ndapanda and continued drinking her coffee holding her mug with both arms as Anna walks upstairs.