
TRIP TO SWAKOP: A Ratchet vaccation

After loosing her job, Emma won a trip from Gondwana collection and decided to take her friends for a Valentine’s vacation to SWAKOP. Her friends however knew that her man has been cheating on her but all kept the secret hidden from her, apart from being left behind by their plane, running out of fuel and then hiking in a truck to SWAKOP, the group found themselves in a lot of funny situations, as they try to navigate around the secret they are keeping from their friend, but little do they know, she also learned of secrets that could indeed ruin all their marriages which they thought were perfect. Emma being the sarcastic and always in trouble type, she kept on pushing her friends over the edge till one of the days she found out about her cheating boyfriend. What did she have to say to the team that broke the friendship apart?

Hafeni_Hashili · Urbain
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15 Chs



The days went by fast for everyone else and before they knew it, it was time to depart to SWAKOP.

At 8 am, Anna, Valery and Paulina were at the airport already, as usual, being punctual and as for Emma, she was never on time for everything, so this wasn't shocking to the girls, they kind of expected it to happen by the way, so they kept on seated there with their neck pillows and bags looking at their watches. From the airport entrance, Emma pulled up pulling her suitcase, and rushing to her friends for she noticed she was also late.

"Ooh, my girls are here!" Said Emma Looking all excited pulling her suitcase and running to her friends.

"Oh my god Emma, where have you been?" Asked Valery walking to Emma and hugging her, being happy as well.

"I know I'm late, I'm sorry, I had to watch videos of how people behave on vacations, because I've never been to one b*tch, so I overslept." Said Emma and everyone else started laughing and hugging.

"In that case since we all know how to be on a vacation, I say let's go check in, we are running late." Said Paulina, taking her bag and neck pillow from the airport seat and starts walking to the check in counter.

The girls were dressed as light as possible, and like it is the African culture for a girl going on vacation, they all had neatly done braids.

"I guess we doing this b*tches, finally this is happening." Said Anna excited looking at the friends and they all smiling pulling suitcases to the checkpoint.

"Yeah, we all deserve it, for Paulina, its celebration for a new book, for Anna, it's the honeymoon, Ernest owes you since marriage." Said Valery looking at Anna walking to the queue and smiling.

"OOH, I never thought he will come through with it, guess we gathered enough money he agreed to finally pay for his own ticket." Said Anna relieved finally and the whole squad laughed as the honeymoon was long over due.

"And as for me its for loosing my job, and probably my man, I might be single y'all, he didn't come home last night either, and all other nights he came home, we didn't do sh*t, I guess he waiting for me to apologise." Said Emma and she laughed, the friends all chuckled and looked at each other, only remembering again that Denis is cheating with Lucia but they were not planning on ruining the vacation before it even started so they kept quiet.

Anna, Valery and Paulina checked in first as they were in front of the queue and then it was time for Emma to check in. She was so excited that she just kept smiling to the counter guy, who was part of the LGBTQ community and was in a bad mood for some reason thus wasn't in anyway smiling back, but just looking at Emma as if she is a crazy person, and she kept on looking at his tag that read "MILTON".

"Hello ma'am, sure you're flying Economy class right?" Asked Milton chewing his gum, and just pressing on his computer and looking at Emma above his spectacles after handing over her ticket.

Emma, froze in her smile for 5 seconds with her teeth exposed and then nodding, shaking her hooped earrings, accepting the class she is flying in although she doesn't really understand what the classes meant.

The girls finally Booked in and everyone finally paid for their ticket so it was then time to board the plane, upon boarding, they all just carried their small bags into the cockpit, as the suitcases got loaded in via conveyer belt, onto the luggage compartment. With the direction of plane assistants, the passengers were boarding the plane one by one, using stairs, Emma was looking around at everything with excitement, so she was a little behind the other girls, whom clearly have already been in the plane before.

"Ooh, God damn, its so nice in here." Said Emma breathing in the fresh plane aroma and then looking around the plane and looking at Valery Entering the first class compartment after she presented her ticket to the stewardess. Emma followed in with her mouth wide open and got blocked by air stewardess.

"Ma'am, can I please see your ticket." Said the flight attendant holding hands together and smiling looking directly at Emma.

"Oh, here you go, I'm going to some fundraising with my friends, and then we party and all that stuff, and girl I love your outfit." Said Emma excitedly touching the stewardess suit looking at her from side to side and laughing.

"Okay ma'am, economy class is right behind you, and thank you, I got it from the airline." Said the Flight attendant pointing past Emma, and the bowing, smiling back happy for the compliment.

"Uhm, I want to go to the side where my friends are, and they have gone that side." Said Emma trying to pass past the lady, with her smile faded, upon being shown the side of the plane she is supposed to go to.

"Ma'am this is first class, economy is that way, and your ticket is written economy, that is why I'm pointing you to that side, that Is the side you paid for." Said the Lady blocking Emma from passing still maintaining her smile.

Valery them where busy loading their bags into the top compartment above their heads in the plane cabin, when they picked up the little commotion in the door way. They all came back to hear what is happening.

"So it's like that huh? I thought apartheid was over, is it because I'm black so I go sit on the other side of the plane?" Asked Emma looking at the flight attendant, knowing very well that this had nothing to do with race, but who blames an African girl for trying? Just as she said that, a white man, with his bag heading to Economy class looked at Emma in disbelief, shaking his head and shocked that she is playing the race card.

"Beat it Sven Thieme, I'm tryin'a make a point here." Said Emma looking at the white man, knowing very well that the man was not Sven at all. She then turned and looked at the stewardess still holding her bag and neck pillow and her see through purse. The people were now getting restless standing outside the plane but Emma just blocked the First class entrance and kept on demanding to be let in.

"Ma'am, your friends are black, yet they entered the first class, I am black and I am the one who is telling you to go to economy, it has nothing to do with race, or should I call security?" Asked the flight attendant calmly and taking her phone, but getting annoyed now by Emma.

"No ma'am, no need for that, we will go to the counter and sort this issue out, so excuse us with our friends, I'm sure its just a little mix up." Said Valery coming back from the first class entrance and touching the plane attendant on one shoulder to make her aware of her presence, as she is going past her.

"But we are about to leave now ma'am, I don't think you all have enough time to actually do that, the lady can just go sit in economy." Said the flight attendant trying to stop the ladies from leaving.

"We will be back before you know it!!" Screamed Paulina as they exit the plane running.

The ladies got through the building running past a lady pilot pulling a suitcase, Emma was behind, and she ran back to the pilot lady.

"Are you a plane driver?" She asked breathing and trying to catch her breath looking at the Well Dressed Pilot.

"Uhm, yes I am, we are actually called pilots." Said the Pilot puzzled, and standing looking at Emma, wondering why she is asking her such a question.

"Okay good." She said and jumped the pilot holding the pilot's mouth, she pulled her into the closet, closed it and broke the lock with her knee and ran to the counter.

They caught up with Milton whom they found still chewing his gum and having people to attend to, so he just looked at them with attitude.

"Please please. Mr…" Said Anna breathing out loud and collecting her breath, and only noticing now that she is a little bit out of shape.

"…Milton." Said Emma after reading on his nametag and catching up with the girls and then looking at Milton leaning on the counter.

"Please we would like to make a top up on this ticket, it was supposed to be first class." Said Valery giving her credit card and the ticket.

"Let me guess…" Said Milton looking at the ticket and still chewing his gum, then looked up to the girls.

"This ticket belongs to you?" Asked Milton looking at Emma not one bit surprised and holding the ticket in hand looking at Emma waiting for an answer.

"Yes but my bank CEO friend gone pay, I'm too broke to afford the first class apartheid bullsh*t." Said Emma breathing out loud and leaning on the counter, then looking away breaking the eye contact with Milton.

"CEO huh? They be chowing our money via charges, well I'm gone charge you too, coz I asked you whether it was economy and you said yes." Said Milton smirking pointing Emma with the ticket and then looking at Valery smirking, celebrating their misery.

"Whoa, just hold up you OC Ebbs wannabe, I thought economy meant people with money, who don't want to travel in that? Economy!! I'm sure you can understand the confusion." Shouts Emma looking at Milton and looking like she wants to jump him

"Well, it means it's a class below first class, but you wouldn't know that now would you? I mean you don't even got class itself." Said Milton looking at Emma from head to toe with attitude.

"Okay, that is it, I'ma whoop this b*tch's ass." Said Emma wanting to jump over the counter. Valery and Paulina held Emma down as she scurries to hold Milton by face, and Milton just sat there eating his gum looking at Emma disrespectfully, until Emma calmed down

"How was I gone know? do I look like someone who been in a plane before?" Shouted Emma pulling down her skirt and tucking her Rasta to the back of her ear after the girls left her alone after she calmed down.

"Clearly not, I mean I can see the hood rat behaviour honey, I hope its not contagious." Said Milton and began punching on his computer toping up the ticket.

Emma pointing her hands to Milton, looks at Both Anna and Valery as if asking them to look at what Milton is saying to her, so the girls just shook their heads telling Emma to leave it all.

Valery walked closer to Milton and looked at his face.

"Okay, look, if you keep on provoking her, she is going to jump you, I would recommend you get this ticket thing done in the next minute, otherwise we are going to let her jump you, while we call the ambulance." Said Valery speaking through the gap in the window shield, with Milton starring back at her, just then the plane for SWAKOP started leaving the runway.

"No, no, no That's our plane leaving!" Shouted Paulina running to the plane, and telling the squad.

"That is impossible because then what pilot did I lock in the closet?" Asked Emma and only after she said her sentence she realised that she was loud and was heard, so she turned slowly and looks at the frozen everyone looking at her.

"Oh sh*t, can we get refund so we get another plane then?" Asked Valery angrily looking at Milton with furious eyes still looking through the cubicle glass.

"With pleasure, miss CEO." Smiles Milton happy that the girls missed their flight and was now giving their money back.

"Ladies and gentleman, the plane for Oshakati has been Delayed due to technical difficulties." Said the lady on the intercom, just then the Pilot locked in the closet by Emma came out with the security and fuming, looks at Emma, shaking her head.

"Wait, how many Plane drivers y'all got here?" Asked Emma turning back to Milton, surprised as to how the plane managed to fly if she locked the pilot in the closet.

Milton put away the money he was gone refund them and shaking his head looks at them in displeasure, indicating that he was gone keep the money for the delay the girls caused. The squad kind of figured that they weren't gone receive any penny from Milton, they only took their small bags and left the airport as their luggage went with the plane.