
Travelled through time (Reincarnation of the princess in modern world)

A princess whose whole life was surrounded around the idea of being a proper lady and a kind princess for the kingdom was suddenly given the opportunity to travel through the time to enter the modern world...but the modern world was a bit different from our world. Will she be able to live the life she desires and gain her freedom or will she lose her sanity and fall deeper into the abyss of loneliness and pain created by her own? "It doesn't matter what he did it's your duty to take everything he does and tolerate what he does!" "I do not wish to have the same relationship as yours and my fathers!"

Artemis4u · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

she knows...(ch-3)

"Yes ma'am...why do you seem so surprised? Must have been a real damage..but come on I'll help you freshen up and tell you all about winceria and clear your doubts." Said ruri and began to walk upstairs while lady carmilla and sir Antonio stared at their daughter with concern.

They reached a room and ruri opened it. Amaris was surprised to see the room because it almost looked same as her own room just some 'strange' devices were there which Amaris had never seen before.

Ruri begun to pick some comfortable clothes for Amaris as Amaris explored her room.

"Ma'am, I've picked some comfortable clothes for you so please change into it and it you prefer take a bath" ruri said and sat on a couch near. Amaris nodded and went to the bathroom

Inside the bathroom Amaris was shocked again. "Wow...this is so ... strangely amazing" said Amaris and twisted the shower's handle

"Ahhh!!! Stop it this instant! Make it stop" shouted Amaris from the bathroom making ruri concerned. Ruri quickly ran inside the bathroom worriedly, "ma'am! Are you okay?! Why are you screaming....ma'am.."

"Tha.. that! What is that monstrosity?!" Shouted Amaris as she pointed at the shower. Ruri remained silent for a quiet while and turned off the shower

"Ma'am...it's called shower and it is used for taking bath. You don't need to be scared of it" said ruri while wrapping a towel around dumbfounded Amaris

"Come with me princess I will take you to your room..." Saying that ruri first took her to dressing room and after Amaris changed her clothes, took her to the bed.

"Ma'am...please kindly tell me the truth. Is this really the effect of accident...or something else? Because these are really weird symptoms that the doctor had not warned me about" asked ruri with a concerned and suspicious look towards Amaris

"I...um..you may be confused and see me as a lunatic but truth be told I do not belong...here" said Amaris with a guilty face, looking away feeling both awkward and guilty

"What? Please stop joking ma'am...I'm serious..it's nothing to be jo-" as ruri was speaking she saw Amaris's face which was full of seriousness

"You're not joking...you're serious...this is serious...you're not Amaris..I'm not your maid ...who are you?heck! Who am I?!" Ruri was going through existential crisis

Amaris held ruri's shoulder and said with seriousness, "let me explain myself...my name is Amaris and I'm the princess of kingdom Walferia, I came back from time though I don't know if this and my universe is the same ..it may be but there are chances it may not be too and because of some circumstances my life was swapped with your lady...which I'm guilty for... because of my selfishness to start a new life you lost your lady ...if possible please forgive me"

Ruri was still shocked to say anything at all but after a long silence she managed to speak, "ma'am ...no wait- princess Amaris...do you know what is going with our Amaris? Is she safe? Will she be alright...she is not in danger right?"

"As much as I know, I am sure your lady is fine and...she will be living my life...she may handle some challenges but she will be alright " assured Amaris as she held ruri's hand

"I'm...glad! So what now then...what is your purpose here?"

"I...don't know. If I'm correct I am probably gonna be just live my current life and make the right choices this time...will you please guide me through out my journey?"

Ruri went silent again for a while but later she smiled and said, "I am sure you're a nice lady.. I can see some kind of pain or burden in your eyes and if me guiding you in this new place can help you find the path to light...I will gladly do so."

Amaris just nodded and smiled gently.

"Now! Since you came back from time I must give you all the knowledge I have! Your highness ~" expressed Yuri with enthusiasm and a bit of tease

"Oh dear... please just call me Amaris or Mary...at least that's what my people called me sometimes"

"First we will be working on your language format! See...our world is in the age of modern era and in this era the young people precisely speaking the people of your age tend to mostly speak in short cut format...they don't use such honorific much especially with people their age...they tend to use slang to talk. Such as 'what's up' which does not mean what is up of you but it says what are you doing ? Or how are you feeling? They also use 'cool' 'awsome' 'dope' to say that something is ... amazing." Just like that ruri began her lesson on how to be like the new generation, the 'cultured' generation.

The talk was neverending talk but it sadly was interrupted by Amaris's mother calling them downstairs to eat. Both of the nodded to each other to get in character

"Mary, most of your strange activity can be excused because we can blame it of the accident but please refrain from revealing too much...if you need something or feel awkward and uncomfortable just cough thrice and I'll help you out, okay?"

Amaris nodded with excitement and a bit of nervousness "don't worry like you people say...I got this!"

"Woo! Look at that ...you're progressing! Though I don't know if it's a good or bad thing to make you like today's generation's kids..well what's the worse that can happen,right?" Mumbled ruri as she walked downstairs with Amaris

Amaris grinned and headed to the dining table where her mother and father were acting all flirty again. Amaris sat on a chair and said

"What's up?!gang, how is my fam doing rn? Being all chummy with each other...good ..that's shits dope and all!" Amaris made some 'weird' signs while saying that which made both parents look at her speechless but no one was more speechless than ruri right now

"..." Ruri wished the god to make her disappear or make her an ostrich just so she could bury her head down in ground.

Amaris was still grinning feeling proud of what she said. Her parents suddenly burst out laughing. Lady carmilla said laughing but a bit concerned, "oh my dear...what happened to you?"

"Wow...this is new ...is this what happens when we are not here in house?" Asked sir Antonio looking as ruri

"Sir..this is my first time seeing her behaving this way...she must still be a bit shocked from the car accident" ruri said awkwardly glaring at Amaris

The dinner was quite pleasant as all of them talked and laughed about this but sadly both her parents had to go to business trip again and they would hardly be home. After dinner finished Amaris went upstairs with ruri

"Um..ruri, you once mentioned that your lady was a bit mean and rude to you all and get angry at every workers...so why do you care so much for her? I mean wouldn't you have some kind of hate or resentment towards her" asked Amaris as she got ready for bed.

"Well I don't know why but I never had one bit of hate towards her even when she screamed at me or throw things at me....she was the meanest but the sweetest to me. Yes she had a very bad temper but no matter how bad it was she never once hurted me ...she never practically apologized but she did say sorry through her actions...to be honest she just behaved this way due to lack of attention from her parents..ever since she was a little kid her parents were always busy with things. They never had much time for her so she practically grew up alone...the longest her parents stayed with her after her 6th birthday was this time which is for 4 days. This technically doesn't justify her behavior towards others but...for me she was the one to always visit me when I am sick and defend me from mean people so she is the nicest person to me ..."

"Wow..that's a lot to process...she and I look the same but we both have a different life...I am not sure how she will cope through everything there..." Said Amaris trying to process it all

"Yeah.. because of her attitude no one even dared to approach her... anyway continuing the lesson from before!" Suddenly ruri said changing the subject back to their study, "what was that downstairs?!"

"But you taught me that!" Amaris said proving her action but ruri just sighed and started to explain. After explain most basic things and all she began to talk about something important

"Well...now that it ended let me tell you more about the school winceria where you will be studying!" Said ruri with enthusiasm again

"Oh yeah.. the witches school... aren't you afraid? It's a school of witch and sorcerers..." Asked Amaris being a bit spooked

"Huh?why? They are cool! I wish I had the chance to read there! But they only take students who have high grades or if they have some form of magic inside then, wand or some kind of magic object works too" said ruri explaining about the school and her wish to go there

"Huh? Do I have some magic too?" Asked Amaris with a bit confusion

"Not at all! You're going there because of your academic skill" enchanted ruri with joy showing how proud she is of Amaris

"My what?! I have no academic skill, how will I survive?!! I have learned so many things but study was never one of them... please I am destined to die out there, follow me!" Said Amaris melting with nervousness

"Oh...that is really...not good situation for us at all...what will we do?!" Ruri said panicking with her

"I...have an idea, let us call my parents and ask them to enroll you there too" said Amaris swaying the phone

"That is hardly possible...I am not sure if winceria will let anyone in without those two condition...right?"

"Well...WE are not 'anyone', remember my parents are some people of high status, I am sure there is nothing a bit of power and money can't do" said Amaris with a smirk

"Wow ...I thought you were a naive princess.." said ruri taking the phone and calling the parents

"Well...I have my charms~"

After that Amaris spent half an hour convincing her mother. Well her mother agreed in 15 minutes but the other 15 was spent on the bickering between her father and mother and a bit in asking how their daughter is doing.

"See! I told you...there is nothing that can't be done with money and power. It's something that is wanted in every universe...well tomorrow is gonna be a long day so let's sleep" said Amaris and she got inside her bed and ruri told her good night and went to her bed

Both of them arrived tomorrow at the winceria school but Amaris was surprised.

"I...this..this is my palace!" Whisper shouted Amaris to ruri

"What?! You're saying you're from the same universe?" Asked ruri

"I...don't know but one thing I am certain about is, this is my palace where I lived...I can't believe it at all"

Both were walking and talking being surprised. Later they reached their class where everyone was seated. She walked over to her assigned table which was right on the second last corner behind ruri (which was totally assigned thanks to the power of her parents)

As she was seated in her desk someone from behind spoke in a low voice, "how is life treating you, princess ~"

Amaris knew this voice so she turned behind to confirm quickly...and oh boy, how the color from her face drained. She shouted with horror and surprisedness

"Raphael?! What are you doing here?!!"