
Trapped in the Werewolf's World

Maxima, a witch's daughter who survived from the villagers' attack, was trapped in a werewolf's world when the white light sucked her body and transferred her to another realm where she met a handsome warrior, an alpha, the King's trusted man, named Kane. The man saved her from the danger and took her to the palace. However, the kingdom had a strict law to execute all strangers after their prince was abducted by the aliens. Maxima, whose body was cripple due to the huge energy that sucked her, also had to face the same consequence of entering the werewolf's world. She would be executed on the night of the full moon. Would Maxima be safe from the execution?

Lusi_Solona_ · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The Journey Begins

"Kane….Young Master…." I yelled his name as I was chasing Kane who just passed me in the corridor when I was walking back to my chamber.

It was time for me to thank him for delaying the execution until the truth of my identity was revealed. He might have an instinct that there was something different in me.

My feet halted as soon as he stopped and turned around to face me who nearly collided with his torso.

"Thank you, " I uttered blatantly while attempting to kill my nervousness, being this close to him; his eyebrows arched in wonder. "If it weren't for your request to postpone my execution, I would have left this world."

His red lips turned up into a stunning smile that managed to hypnotize me for a while and I was stuck in silence, falling into the trap of his charm.

"Don't mention it." I heard his response amid his allure. "How's your wound?" He sounded saying something but my ears were numbed, deafened by his charisma that I couldn't hear his words properly. My eyelids blinked as he waved his palm before my face. "Are you fine?"

"Oh…yeah…I am…."

"What about your injury?"

"Oh…I…I've already recovered from my injury," I responded to him in a stutter as I tried to hide my embarrassment for being melted in front of him. "I heard you were injured in the battle fighting against the alien, was it serious?" I questioned him back.

"Don't worry. It's not a big deal."

His mouth opened in a small soft laughter showing his white teeth and our eyes met and locked. He was the most gorgeous man I'd ever met in my life.

His deep eagle eyes under his thick dark eyebrows drowned me into the pit of his orbs. His strong jaws tightened, asserting his masculinity and his exotic skin gleamed, licked by the sunlight which penetrated through the foliage.

The voices from the servants and guards around yanked us back to our consciousness. He removed the strand of his pitch-black hair which covered his forehead in awkwardness, avoiding my eyes as soon as he got back to his senses.

I was clueless about what he was thinking about me but judging from how awkward he was, he might feel uncomfortable, standing face to face with only centimeters apart from me. I stepped back in reaction, giving him space.

"I am sorry for asking too much," I said while lowering my gaze.

"No, it's just that I have something to do. So, I need to go."

"I understand."

He was about to spin around but paused and uttered a short sentence. "Call me Kane."


I tied my shoes as I was ready in my warrior robe with my sword leaning against the wall. After taking the final look at my face in the mirror and fixing my hair in a ponytail, I grabbed my weapon and rushed out of my chamber.

I would go in search of the Prince of the Kingdom, Aragon, the King's only son, the future leader of Celestara Kingdom. He was kidnapped by the alien, the kingdom's biggest enemy and to save him, it took the power of the alpha and the Luna which was me and Kane.

I took a deep breath after reaching outside and standing for a moment at the doorsteps. I mustered all my courage for I was not a brave girl in my own world but having a she-wolf inside me boosted my confidence.

"Are you ready?" That beautiful cold voice reverberated in my eardrum. My head abruptly turned to him, the man I would collaborate with in finding the Prince.

Despite standing a few feet away, I could smell the fragrance of Kane's body. That man showed his frigid nature as always; I was faced with nothing but his sharp gaze and tightened Jaws with no smile on his red lips. Still, he was stunning, the most attractive werewolf I met here.

Not everyone in this kingdom was a werewolf; many of them were human beings trapped here and found no way to go back to their realm. They ended up being the royals' servants or peasants who supported their lives, being farmers in the kingdom's farms or slaves.

"As you can see, I am more than ready for the journey."

"This is going to be a challenging task." He warned me as he walked past me.

"I know." I, muttered under my breath, following his steps.

As I could stride faster than I used to do, I managed to reach his side in no time. We paved through the corridor of the palace toward the backyard; Kane took me to the horse stable.

He chose two horses for us but I rolled my eyes as he told me to ride a white mare while patting the back of the horse.

"This is yours," he said.

"I am so grateful to have this big horse but I've never ridden a horse in my whole life."

I used to go on foot everywhere, to markets or farms as I never went too far from my village when I lived in my world. No one taught me how to ride a horse; my father had left us when I was a baby.

"Then, there is no other way; you have to join me. It's going to be a long journey. We can't shift into werewolves as our enemies can smell our scents." He explained

"Where are we going to go actually?" I asked out of my curiosity; my eyes squinted.

"Alien's Kingdom."


We had been on our journey for the next hour, abandoning the beauty of Celestara Kingdom behind. I settled on the horseback leaning against Kane's bare chest under his warrior robe behind me with his hands controlling the rein.

With no distance between us, I could hear my own irregular heartbeat; my cheeks must have been blushed in coy now. I hoped Kane didn't hear my fluttering heart.

The horse's neigh pulled me back to my reality as Kane suddenly tugged the reins to stop the horse. My heart skipped a beat as my eyes witnessed two huge monkey-like creatures with their long tails getting in our way.

"Who are they?" I queried, trying to hide my fear and panic.

"They are aliens."

She can't read his story for his frigid nature shadows all his past.

Wow...thank you for keeping your pace with me. I hope you will keep reading.

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