
Trapped in a Fantasy World with a Harem of Luscious Lovers!

After a fatal accident, Kazuki Sato is reincarnated in a mysterious world with magic, where he finds himself enrolling in a prestigious magic academy. To his surprise, he is quickly surrounded by a harem of alluring women who each vie for his attention. As he studies the ways of magic, he navigates the intricacies of his newfound relationships, all while trying to uncover the secrets of the world he's trapped in. Will Kazuki Sato be able to survive in this new reality, or will he succumb to the temptation of his luscious lovers?

AlexisStorm · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 4: The Headmaster's Wisdom

Kazuki's encounter with the demon king left him shaken. He couldn't believe that he had come face to face with one of the most powerful beings in the world. He didn't know what to do next, so he decided to seek the help of the headmaster.

He arrived at the headmaster's office and was greeted by a kindly old man with a long white beard.

"Ah, Kazuki," the headmaster said. "What brings you here?"

Kazuki took a deep breath and explained the situation with Yui and the demon king. The headmaster listened patiently, nodding along as he spoke.

"I see," the headmaster said, stroking his beard. "Well, first of all, you should know that the demon king is only slightly evil. He's not a major threat to the academy or its students."

Kazuki felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had been worried that the demon king would come after him or Yui, but it seemed like they were safe for now.

"However," the headmaster continued, "it's always best to be cautious when dealing with the demon king. I would suggest that you avoid any unnecessary encounters with him."

Kazuki nodded, feeling grateful for the headmaster's advice.

"Thank you, sir," he said. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

The headmaster smiled kindly.

"Of course, my boy. And if you ever need any more advice or assistance, you know where to find me."

Kazuki left the headmaster's office feeling more confident and reassured. He knew that he could rely on the headmaster to guide him through the challenges of this new world. As he headed back to his room, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He was ready to face whatever came his way, as long as he had Yui by his side.

Kazuki Sato lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was having trouble sleeping, and the events of the day were running through his mind.

He had met with the headmaster, who had assured him that the academy was well-protected from the demon king.

But Kazuki couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in his stomach. Just as he was beginning to doze off, he heard a soft knock at his door.

Kazuki sat up, his heart pounding. He hesitated for a moment before getting up and opening the door.

To his surprise, the demon king was standing outside his room, a seductive smile on his face. "Hello, Kazuki," the demon king purred. "May I come in?" Kazuki hesitated for a moment before stepping aside and allowing the demon king to enter his room.

"What do you want?" Kazuki asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

The demon king smirked and moved closer to Kazuki, trapping him against the wall. "I want you, Kazuki," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "You're different from the other humans. There's something special about you."

Kazuki felt a shiver run down his spine. He knew that he was in danger, but he couldn't help but feel a strange attraction to the demon king.

The demon king leaned in, his lips hovering just inches from Kazuki's. "Let me show you what true pleasure is," he whispered, before pressing his lips to Kazuki's.

Kazuki was shocked at first, but soon found himself lost in the kiss. He had never felt anything like it before, and he couldn't resist the temptation.

As the demon king deepened the kiss, Kazuki felt his body respond. He knew that this was wrong, but he couldn't bring himself to stop. Suddenly, there was a loud knocking at the door.

"Kazuki, are you okay?" Yui's voice called out.

The demon king pulled away from Kazuki, his eyes narrowing. "You have a visitor," he hissed. "I'll be back, Kazuki. And you'll come to me willingly."

With that, the demon king vanished into thin air. Kazuki slumped against the wall, his heart pounding. He knew that he had narrowly escaped something dangerous, but he couldn't shake the feeling of longing that had settled in his chest.

He opened the door to find Yui standing there, concern etched on her face. "Kazuki, what happened?" she asked, moving closer to him. Kazuki hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "It's nothing," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Just a bad dream." Yui looked at him for a moment before nodding. "Well, if you need anything, just let me know," she said, before turning to leave.

As Kazuki closed the door, he couldn't help but think about the demon king. He knew that he was in danger, but he couldn't bring himself to resist the temptation of the demon king's touch.