
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

A Mother's Recovery, A Daughter's Resolve

The Esteem, ensuring his own comfort, had the servants diligently prepare the opulent guest quarters on the first floor of the Consort's palace for his temporary residence until the break of dawn. Balam, on the other hand, was escorted to his assigned quarters on the second floor, which had been meticulously arranged in anticipation of his return. There, a skilled physician named An attended to his injured leg and other minor wounds, commending the boy's remarkable display of bravery.

Daiyu was denied a place to rest, for she was expected to maintain an unwavering vigil over the unconscious consort until the first rays of dawn pierced the darkness. However, the Esteem was not fully without conscience.

Physician An had a middle-aged female apprentice who generally managed herbs and prescriptions. However, on this occasion, the older woman was specifically assigned to attend to Daiyu's wounds, creating an illusion of benevolence in the ruler's court. Yet, beneath her caregiver facade, she served as a potent spy for the Esteem, who clung tenaciously to his lingering suspicions regarding the true nature of the siblings.

The woman was horrified by the fresh cuts on the girl's back and arms but was utterly shocked at the older scars that crisscrossed the young girl's malnourished back and arms. Hadn't these children been sent to a holy place? How did this young girl suffer so much if all she was supposed to do was pray to the Maker and care for a child? The older woman shuddered to imagine what her life had been like, alone and scared, caring for an infant child in such a place.

As the cloak of deep evening descended upon the palace, Daiyu took her place on a chair by her mother's bedside, embodying the essence of filial piety. The heavy-set older maid, stationed just outside the consort's sleeping chambers, feigned waiting for orders while succumbing to boisterous, animal-like snores. Meanwhile, Fa Sai, now stationed in the outer chamber, diligently waiting, ready to fulfill her master's every command.

Once the room had emptied, Daiyu gently placed a small yellow pendant carved in the shape of an apricot blossom from a sliver of Ilvibole around her mother's neck. As the pendant nestled against her mother's clavicle, a visible relaxation washed over her body, and her slumbering countenance settled into an undisturbed serenity.

*Someone is approaching the window,* Zalgras's announcement sent a jolt of nervous energy coursing through Daiyu's veins, her mind racing at the creature's alert. Outside the barred windows loomed a perilous drop of several hundred feet, guarded by imperial patrols.

"Reporting to the young miss," came the hushed, whispered voice of Ai Zian from a window near the Consort's vanity table. Daiyu's shoulders relaxed at the sound as she stood to glide across the room with silent grace, positioning herself at the window overlooking the vast expanse of open water. There, she arched an eyebrow ever so slightly, her curiosity piqued.

The narrow ledge upon which the man knelt, like a giant bird of prey, seemed scarcely wide enough to accommodate his bulky frame. As her gaze ventured beyond, she caught sight of an imposing Imperial gunship resting in the distance, its presence imposing on the ocean's canvas.

Amidst the tranquil night, she could faintly discern the echoes of patrolling men, stationed a hundred feet below on the walls. Remarkably, the lone figure on the ledge outside the high window caused no alarm or outcry. Daiyu's curiosity intensified, her resolve strengthening to delve deeper into the origins of this enigmatic and disgraced soldier.

"Report," she uttered, her words laced with a hint of exhaustion, as she settled her fatigued body upon the intricately carved wooden ledge, positioned on the opposite side of the imposing iron bars. With the window slightly ajar, she leaned against the cool frame, drawing her knees close to her chest, assuming the role of a sorrowful yet caring daughter.

"The others are lodging nearby at the Willow's Rest, anticipating your command," The whisper of Ai Zian's voice wafted into the room, soft and gentle like a wisp of mist enveloping the moon. "As requested, here are the documents pertaining to the five founding families and the Xia clan." He murmured, his words weaving through the night air. With delicate precision, he extended his hand, presenting the rolled papers adorned with a supple blue ribbon, their weight, and significance palpable. Daiyu's slender fingers gracefully reached out, caressing the cool texture of the documents, the silky ribbon teasing her senses as she accepted them, placing them with utmost care upon the ledge beside her.

"Excellent," she praised, her voice imbued with quiet satisfaction. "Return to the inn with the others. I will send word through Fa Sai when it is time for us to move again; no one is to casually roam the city without my orders." Her voice held an undertone of solemn authority, leaving no room for argument. The large shadow of a man paused for a moment, and Daiyu saw a flash of concern flicker in her dark eyes before he replied simply.

"Very well, young miss. Your words shall be heeded. Rest early, my lady." he whispered, his voice carrying a trace of the previous lingering concern. Daiyu felt a small wave of appreciation for his care as the figure vanished. Picking up the papers and started reading, delving into the information they held.

Of the original founding five Qinmay families, only three held their power base in the Capital, Song, Mao, and Lou.

Subject: Intel Report: Mao Family Profile and Contributions

Summary: The Mao family, consisting of three branches residing in a shared compound near the city's northwest port gate, has gained recognition in QinMay as a renowned and scholarly lineage. Known for producing tutors and advisors to the royal family since the country's inception, their intellectual contributions have left a lasting impact. Notable figures, such as Master Mao Da Jin, Lady Mao La Xu, and Master Mao Se Liang, have emerged from their ranks. However, certain peculiarities surround the family, including the military involvement of the third branch and the health issues faced by the main branch's second young master.

Historical Figures:

Master Mao Da Jin: Renowned for his role in reforming the imperial examination system, Master Jin recognized the flaws and proposed innovative changes to select officials based on merit and intellectual ability. His reforms revolutionized the examination process, attracting talented individuals throughout the empire and ensuring a fairer selection of officials.

Lady Mao La Xu: A gifted poetess, Lady Xu's verses captivated the hearts and minds of the QinMay populace. Her profound insights and delicate emotions found expression in her poetry, which became treasured throughout the empire. Lady Xu's works continue to inspire generations of poets, leaving an indelible mark on the literary landscape.

Master Mao Se Liang: A master calligrapher, Master Liang's brush strokes displayed elegance and precision. His exceptional skill elevated calligraphy to new heights, allowing it to convey deep emotions and philosophical concepts. His works adorned important documents, imperial decrees, and revered texts, enriching QinMay's cultural heritage.

Current Members:

Patriarch: Mao Liang Ming (Age: Sixty-Five)

First Wife (Deceased): Liu Tor Ying

Current Matriarch: Zhang Se Xiu (Age: Fifty-Six, Third Wife)

Second Wife (Deceased): Chen Var Mei

Main Branch: Eldest Son: Mao Ja Hao (Age: Forty-One)

Wife: Wang La Ling (Age: Thirty-Eight)

Son: Mao Ta Long (Age: Nineteen)

Daughter: Mao Di Mei (Age: Fourteen)

Second Branch:

Second Son: Mao La Bin (Age: Forty)

Wife: Chen Cal Ling (Age: Thirty-Two)

Son: Mao Fa Ming (Age: Twelve)

Daughter: Mao Ai Yan (Age: Ten)

Third Branch:

Third Son: Mao Ja Wei (Age: Forty)

First Wife: Liu Ta Li (Age: Thirty-Eight)

Daughter: Mao La Ying (Age: Fourteen)

Second Wife: Zhang Ver Jie (Age: Thirty-Seven)

Son: Mao Se Lei (Age: Twenty-Two)

Son: Mao Na Wei (Age: Twenty)

Son: Mao Ba Jun (Age: Eighteen)


While the Mao family's scholarly contributions have solidified their esteemed reputation, concerns remain regarding the military involvement of the third branch and the health condition of the second young master in the main branch. The family denies allegations of corrupt practices surrounding the military appointments. However, their intellectual legacy remains intact, and the Mao family continues to serve as a beacon of knowledge and wisdom in QinMay.

Note: Further investigation into the aforementioned peculiarities and their potential implications is recommended.

Subject: Intel Report: Song Family Profile and Contributions

Summary: The Song family, residing on a secluded island southwest of the city, has established themselves as a prominent lineage of esteemed doctors. Their reputation as godly healers is intricately linked to their cultivation of rare herbs in the surrounding forests. Recent revelations from the 'Church of The Maker' indicate that the older generation of Song doctors will receive a direct blessing, granting them unparalleled healing abilities. Legends abound with tales of the family's miraculous breakthroughs, particularly in times of plague and royal health crises. This report delves into the historical figures and their notable exploits, further solidifying the Song family's legendary status.

Historical Figures:

Master Song Ba Zhang: During the reign of Esteem Jian, the monarch was afflicted by a mysterious ailment, Master Zhang emerged as a revered physician. Employing profound knowledge of herbal remedies, he concocted a potent elixir, leveraging the sacred herbs exclusive to the Song family's secret arsenal. According to the Church of the Maker; With the Maker's grace upon him, Master Zhang administered the elixir, miraculously restoring the Esteem's health and sparing the kingdom from despair. This extraordinary feat solidified the family's reputation as divine healers.

Lady Song Fa Mei: In a time of devastating plague in QinMay, Lady Mei, a member of the Song family, played a pivotal role. Armed with ancient scriptures, she unearthed a long-lost remedy possessing extraordinary healing properties. Fearlessly venturing into the plague-stricken palace, Lady Mei tended to the infected with compassion and determination. The Maker's bestowed powers guided her, as the royal family, including the beloved princess, experienced a miraculous recovery. Her selfless actions and mystical gifts elevated the Song family's status, forever intertwining their legends with the histories of the royal lineage.

Current Family Members:

Main Branch:

Matriarch: Li Cal Mei (Age: Seventy)

Patriarch: Song Se Jian (Age: Seventy-Five)

Eldest Son: Song Ta Wei (Age: Forty-Five)

Wife: Zhang Da Jing (Age: Forty-Two)

Daughter: Song Ver Yi (Age: Twenty)

Son: Song Ai Ming (Age: Eighteen)

Second Branch:

Second Son: Song Ba Tao (Age: Forty-Three)

Wife: Chen Na Mei (Age: Forty)

Son: Song Fa Wei (Age: Sixteen)

Daughter: Song Lu Mei (Age: Fourteen)

Third Branch:

Third Son: Song Ai Jun (Age: Forty)

Wife: Wang Cal Yan (Age: Thirty-Eight)

Daughter: Song Di Ying (Age: Twelve)

Son: Song Ver Lei (Age: Ten)

Conclusion: The Song family's connection to the Church of The Maker and their legendary status as miraculous healers undoubtedly places them as influential figures within QinMay. Their righteous and devout reputation, bolstered by the remarkable achievements of historical figures such as Master Song Ba Zhang and Lady Song Fa Mei, solidifies their elevated position. However, whispers and rumors persist regarding the true extent of their involvement in the realm of medicine and the reach of their influence.

Speculations abound, suggesting that with the backing of the Church of The Maker, the Song family may be clandestinely orchestrating assassinations and high-level poisonings to further enhance their righteous image and protect their standing. Some even propose that they engineer high-profile medical events, allowing them to swoop in and save the day, thus securing additional fame and recognition. Despite these insinuations, no concrete evidence has been unearthed to substantiate these claims and no convictions have been made.

While the Song family's association with the Church of The Maker grants them an appearance above reproach, their rumored involvement in covert activities has led previous Esteems to harbor doubts. The family's reputation remains a subject of debate, with some viewing them as true saviors and others questioning their motives.

*If the Songs could heal the incurable, why is my mother and the great second master of the Mao family suffering so generously, eh?* She commented instinctively to Zalgras as she continued on, the creature grunting in agreement. Though there was some suspicion there, they had cured many that seemed beyond help by many other respected practitioners. It warranted a further look as to how and why the phenomenon occurred.

She then moved on to the Lou clan.

Subject: Intel Report: Lou Family Profile and Contributions

Summary: The Lou Family once a formidable and illustrious military lineage, has left an indelible mark on the annals of the Great QinMay Empire. Led by the legendary General Bai Feng, they played a vital role in the empire's establishment and expansion. However, tragedy struck the Lou family when a devastating plague broke out three lunar years ago, resulting in the loss of the main branch and the majority of the remaining branches.

Survivors from the Lou family include a young miss from the third branch, who was ten years old at the time, the first-born young master of the second branch, who was thirteen lunar years old, and the patriarch of the first branch, an elderly man approaching his seventieth birthday. Since the incident, the Lou family has retreated to their large estate in the southeast, rarely venturing beyond the covered bridge that separates them from the bustling Capital. They rely on a limited number of servants who gather supplies from the surrounding fruitful forests, rivers, and lake.

Current Family Members:

First Branch:

Patriarch: Lou Ai Heng (Alive) - Age: Seventy-five

Matriarch: Wang Ba Mei (Deceased) - Age: Sixty-eight

Eldest Son: Lou Tor Cheng (Deceased) - Age: Forty-five

Wife: Zhang La Hua (Deceased) - Age: Forty-two

Son: Lou Se Ming (Deceased) - Age: Twenty

Daughter: Lou Na Ying (Alive) - Age: Eighteen

Second Branch:

Eldest Son: Lou Cal Tao (Deceased) - Age: Forty

Wife: Chen Di Mei (Deceased) - Age: Thirty-eight

Son: Lou Ja Wei (Alive) - Age: Sixteen

Son: Lou Da Lei (Deceased) - Age: Ten

Third Branch:

Eldest Son: Lou Fa Jun (Deceased) - Age: Thirty-eight

Wife: Zhou Ta Jing (Deceased) - Age: Thirty-six

Daughter: Lou La Li (Alive) - Age: Fifteen

Son: Lou Ver Lei (Deceased) - Age: Ten

Daughter: Lou Ja Mei (Deceased) - Age: Four


While the Lou family's ancestral estate stands as a poignant reminder of their fallen greatness, the surviving members continue to bear the weight of their family's legacy. Isolated and haunted by memories of past battles, they strive to preserve the Lou family's heritage. Servants occasionally came and went to gather needed supplies not provided by the forest teeming with fruit trees, rivers, or the lake flush with wild game and fish that surrounded their vast deserted family estate. However, the family members themselves have not physically been seen in two years.

In contrast to the three prominent families, the Chen and Kuang clans had no distinct presence in the Capital. Rather than having their power centers within the city, these two clans maintained satellite residences while their main bases of influence lay far beyond the Capital's boundaries.

The Chen clan's principal residence stood eight days east, situated on the border between Qinmay and the vassal state of Xudong. With a long-standing tradition of military prowess, the Chen clan diligently safeguarded the border region and presided over the bustling trade city of Shigor. Their role in maintaining security and overseeing trade contributed to their prominence and influence in the region.

Similarly, the Kuang clan held sway over the southern border of Qinmay and the minor kingdom of Onkhan. Renowned for their exceptional tactical acumen, the clan possessed a repertoire of secret martial techniques that were only imparted to the five most deserving male members of each generation. This remarkable martial prowess made the southern region the preferred location for any martial tournament seeking recognition.

Although the Chen and Kuang clans maintained substantial residences within the Capital, only a select few members resided there to serve the court. However, Ai Zian, the investigator, noted that the current occupants and their positions within the clan hierarchy were still under scrutiny. Recent developments had led to the clans shifting their residents just two days prior to her arrival, raising questions about their intentions and motivations.

Further investigation into the Chen and Kuang clans, their activities, and the sudden relocation of occupants was deemed necessary to uncover any potential implications or hidden agendas behind these actions.

Daiyu massaged her temples, her mind tirelessly reviewing and organizing the information at hand. Even with the available details, she struggled to pinpoint the exact identity of the "Physician Song" who had visited her mother's chambers earlier that day. She didn't fault Ai Zian for omitting any sketches in his report; time had been limited, and he had already gathered and sorted an extensive amount of intelligence during his stay in the city. Deep in thought, she closed her eyes and gently pressed the bridge of her nose.

*The older female has small traces of poison in her system; she listens at the doorway periodically, then shifts back to her bench. Do you think she is waiting for you to fall asleep?* Zalgras interrupted her musings about the founding families.

*We will deal with her in time.* Was her placid response.

*That is wise. Now that the poison has been eliminated, it will no longer affect your mother, regardless of how much she may ingest. The same holds true for any substance of similar or lesser potency. They would require a more potent poison to harm her now* Zalgras's tone carried a sense of pride and self-assurance. Daiyu smiled to herself, proceeding to dispose of the thin rice paper sheets by feeding them into a large burning brazier, the acrid burning smell dissipating quickly through the still parted window. She then moved around the room, meticulously arranging everything, before resuming her position on a stool beside her mother's bedside.

*The Song clan's connection to the church is apparent, although I cannot determine if it involves all members or only a select few. It would be reassuring to discover that some of them remain honorable. Additionally, I require further information regarding the Ma clan. I suspect that someone within their third branch has struck a deal with the church* Doubts swirled in Daiyu's mind as she pondered the possible connections between the Song clan and the church. Uncertainty clouded her thoughts as to whether all members of the clan were involved or just a select few. She desperately hoped that at least some of them remained honorable. A nagging suspicion lingered.

*If things progress as planned, my opportunity to establish a rapport with them will come when I heal the second young master. Xia's sudden rise to prominence is suspicious, though not entirely uncommon. I must gather more resources and manpower to conduct a thorough investigation...* Her words trailed off as she absentmindedly addressed Zalgras, the entity that seemed to silently contemplate her information and assumptions. Finding no contribution to make at the moment, Zalgras remained silent.

"Yuyu?" a soft, dry voice emerged from behind the curtain, causing Daiyu to pull back the silken fabric. Before her stood her mother, the woman's face still pale but now displaying a flicker of liveliness compared to when Daiyu first arrived.

"This unfilial daughter greets her mother," she said, offering a sheepish smile as she reached out and took the older woman's hand. As she locked eyes with her mother, Daiyu couldn't help but feel a wave of emotions wash over her. She detected recognition and joy deep within her mother's sapphire gaze, and it tugged at her heartstrings her eyes stung and her nose suddenly felt sour.

"My son, is Balam with you?" the mother inquired, and Daiyu nodded softly. As the woman attempted to sit up, Daiyu moved forward, gently lifting her frail body into a more comfortable position. She then poured a glass of water from a delicately crafted porcelain pitcher, speaking in a hushed tone.

"He is resting in his second-floor quarters. You will see him in the morning when he is more rested," she reassured her mother, placing the glass of water down and using a delicately embroidered handkerchief to wipe her mother's mouth with utmost care. Discreetly sweeping away the woman's own tears.

"By the Maker, your hands, my child, you are injured!" the woman exclaimed in a weak voice, barely louder than a whisper.

"It is fine, mother. The wound is healing, and my master provided me with ointment to prevent scars. Now, the priority is for you to get better," Daiyu reassured her concerned mother, her voice filled with tenderness and love.

"YuYu, it's not safe; you should take..." the woman began, her eyes widening as if suddenly recalling something shocking. Daiyu leaned in close under the guise of adjusting her mother's pillow whispering in her ear gently.

"It will be fine, mother. Balam and I are here. We will not leave you again. Moreover, thanks to my master's techniques, the poison you suffered from has been detoxified. Once you are fully healed, no such poison will be able to harm you in the future."

"Now is not a time to beat the grass; if we were to flee abruptly, those who watch us would discern our awareness, though this does not mean we can not start fighting back. Your attendant is coming this way, mother; we must be more natural." Daiyu whispered, her voice barely audible. She withdrew slightly, locking her sapphire eyes with her mother's identical gaze. The unspoken understanding between them unfolded, revealing that her mother had already sensed the truth and desired to shield her young children from harm. A flicker of astonishment widened her mother's eyes, followed swiftly by a gentle transformation as her face softened into an expression of tender affection.

"Mistress! Oh, blessed be the Maker! The Esteem will be overjoyed! How are you feeling...," the middle-aged servant burst into the room, her arrival disrupting the conversation. She couldn't discern the nature of the exchange, but to her relief, it seemed that neither the mother nor the daughter harbored suspicions towards her.

Yet, a creeping sense of panic began to gnaw at the servant's chest upon seeing the unexpectedly "lively" Consort Zheng. Her mission had been to keep the woman teetering on the edge of life and death until the accursed prince arrived, only to administer the final dose that would solidify the boy's "cursed" status. Her hidden employer would not be pleased with the current turn of events.

"Everything is as the Maker wills it, La Hina. Please leave me in peace to enjoy the company of my dear child," Consort Zheng dismissed the overly attentive maid, who had begun preparing a supposedly invigorating tea to soothe the Consort's seemingly parched throat.

"Mistress, don't be absurd! How could I depart after witnessing such a miraculous event? You must be thirsty and hungry. Perhaps a bath would be more to the consort's liking? Even at this late hour, I could..." Each suggestion presented an ample opportunity for the maid to reintroduce the weakened and defenseless Consort to the poison. Her cornflower-colored hands trembled as she busied herself with the teapot, her words tumbling out in an excited rush, her pink gaze fixated on the teacup.

"Is it customary for servants in the Esteem's employ to question their mistress's words? Or perhaps your head is filled with porridge? My mother was quite clear in her instructions and dismissed you. Perhaps you should be grateful she is your mistress and not I. In Taihar, such insolence towards one's master would be met with a flogging using a spiked whip, followed by exposure to the frigid air until sunrise. Perhaps my extended time in the Holy Monastery has left me unfamiliar with the customs of this land. Is this considered acceptable behavior for a servant, Mother?" The girl's tone was mild, but a chilling aura emanated from her frozen gaze, as if La Hina were a bug she contemplated either squashing or allowing to survive.

"The servant has overstepped her bounds, my child; you are right in admonishing her. Such behavior is unacceptable in this land as well. However, the punishment may not be as severe here. Once it is reported, she may yet live," the woman spoke softly, her voice tinged with curiosity as she assessed the situation. La Hina broke into a cold sweat of shock, her face growing paler than the almost lifeless figure lying behind the curtains. How could the feeble and inconsequential Consort Zheng utter such words? She was supposed to be an easy target for manipulation—what had caused this unexpected twist of events?

"Fa Sai! To me." The violet-skinned woman appeared swiftly, her crystal blue eyes cold as the winter's north wind. She settled into a dignified bow.

"At your command, my lady?" At the sight of the young Taiharn woman, La Hina seemed disgusted her face contorting like a sundried prune.

"Miss, a creature of such low birth should not be permitted to enter.." The middle-aged servant began to rage, her hands on her hips.

"Mother, with your permission?" Daiyu inquired softly, her voice laced with respect and concern, as the older maid started to rant about the perceived lack of dignity in a Taiharn servant entering the bed chambers of the Esteem's Consort. The irony of the situation was not lost on Daiyu, considering both she and her mother were also Taiharn. Zheng Ba Aming nodded understandingly, her voice growing quieter from the sudden exertion.

"Do as you see fit, daughter, this noble consort grants you permission to act in my name." Zheng Ba Aming authorized with a solemn nod. Fueled by a surge of anger and indignation towards the woman who had attempted to poison her mother and tarnish her family's reputation, Daiyu rose from her stool and swiftly closed the distance to the still-ranting maid. In a swift and decisive motion, she unleashed a resounding slap that echoed through the room, the force of it propelling the larger middle-aged woman to the floor in front of the vanity table. The impact was so powerful that the older woman's face immediately swelled, rendering her sudden shock and protest nothing more than indignant, muffled sounds.

"Fa Sai, there are guards at the entrance to these rooms; drag her out and explain that my mother has no use for such a noisy and gossipy woman. Having such a servant may even compromise the safety of the entire Imperial palace." Fa Sai straightened in acknowledgment, stepping toward the woman. Still unflatteringly sprawled on the floor.

In one swift motion, Fa Sai tugged the woman to her feet, causing a painful protest from her elbow joint. Without hesitation, Fa Sai maneuvered behind her, using the captured hand to guide and steer her out of the room. The woman's tear-filled eyes continued to curse Fa Sai while begging for her mistress' forgiveness.

"Yuyu, this is?" Consort Zheng inquired, revealing a small flower pendant hidden beneath her robes.

"A gift I procured for you, Balam, and myself. My master claims that the design is blessed by the Maker and brings good health to the wearer. I cannot verify its truth, but the design is dignified and unique. I wanted to present one to my mother as well. Please do not disregard my humble trinket," Daiyu explained, her smile resembling that of an innocent child, as she touched the small flower pendant at the base of her own throat.

"Of course, I appreciate the gift my daughter has bestowed upon me. It becomes even more special knowing that my children carry the same charm. It is a beautiful way to connect us," Consort Zheng replied, her pale lips curling into a tender smile that illuminated her face like a blossoming flower in spring.

"This daughter is pleased you do not despise her gift; now you must rest. I will sleep on the sofa in the outer room, and Fa Sai will be nearby, ever vigilant. She is one of my trusted companions, and I have found her to be exceptionally reliable. Feel free to rely on her as well," Daiyu assisted her mother in settling back into the covers, observing as the woman drowsily nodded before closing her eyes and surrendering herself to a restorative slumber.

Daiyu observed her delicate mother as she slept, a mix of emotions welling up inside her. It was a strange and unfamiliar feeling to have a mother again after such a long time without experiencing the warmth of familial love. With a sigh, Daiyu reluctantly tore her gaze away from her mother and found solace in the ethereal moonlight, its gentle rays dancing upon the dark undulating waters outside the elegant windows.

In the tranquility of that moment, a profound realization dawned upon Daiyu. The course of history would be forever altered from this point onward. Her family would confront numerous challenges and obstacles along the way, demanding unwavering resilience and a relentless pursuit of advantage. This current encounter, although significant, was merely a small skirmish in the grand battlefield of a much larger war—one that would begin anew with the rising of the sun on the morrow.

A resolute determination burned brightly within Daiyu's eyes as she gazed down at her small, bandaged hands—reminders of the battles she had fought and the strength she had gained. A dark smile played on her lips, fueled by the knowledge of what her enemies perceived in her, her mother, and her brother. They saw fragility, vulnerability, and the potential to be easily bullied and manipulated. But that was where their fatal mistake lay.

In that moment, Daiyu knew with absolute certainty that her enemies would fail. They underestimated the indomitable spirit that resided within her family, she had seen the sharp cunning in her mother's eyes tonight, the determination to protect her children. She had witnessed Balam's hidden cunning and determination to persevere. Their enemies failed to see the fire that burned within their hearts, the resilience forged through adversity, and the unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle in their path.

They would be seen as fragile victims; yet they were all warriors ready to wage war against those who sought to bring them down. Daiyu clenched her fists, feeling the power surging through her veins. They would be the architects of their own destiny, and there would be blood spilled but it would not belong to her family.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

R_Castlecreators' thoughts