
mysterious friend


I swear I tried all I can to keep Tarvina besides me without feeling any hurtful feelings I couldn't understand but I just couldn't. I didn't have any hint why such misfortune was happening to me.

I can't love her but I have to try to return the kindness of her sticking around me Despite the cold shoulder I kept on giving her. I had to plan to go out of this city. Maybe a change of environment will work for both of us .

Maybe the whole thing will change and I will learn to love her. I had planned everything very well. I told Kala to make some preparations though we argued on it as he didn't want me to go there for some unknown reasons. Same goes to Ishaan who didn't look well .

He kept on filling himself some drinks.

Me : wassup ? I've never seen you restless like this

Ishaan : you always restless but I've never asked you why ?( he replied nonchalantly) where is your Queen ? You both seem to be working it out ..

We looked at the direction were Tarvina was drinking .

Me : I'm trying to keep up with her

Ishaan : I can see she couldn't keep her hands off you hard chest boy ( he said laughing at him , )

Me : it's not funny you know that ..( he said totally annoyed)

Ishaan : though I'm here to warn you not to go on that vacation because many lives will be endangered and lots of things will take a turn on us ,

There we go again with his usual mysterious behavior. How we met was kinda weird , He was the one who saved me from a crisis which nearly bought my Company down to it's knees. He just helped without asking for anything in return. I doubted his kindess first but came to realise he had pure intentions though sometimes i don't get the way he is .He was weird in many ways. If you see him for the first you will think he is a handsome grim reaper demon. He was always in black clothes no matter what the occasion is. He loved keeping long untied hair. He had cold black pearls which was so intimidating. He had symmetrical sharp features. He was seven feet tall with drooling physique .He hardly talked even if we were friends.

When he is taking a stroll in the streets you would imagine him to be walking on slow motion people dropping dead from touching him. That's the most fascinating and terrifying thing about him .

He had no clear defined character of his . He calls me cold but I think he is ice cold . I've never seen him with a woman before.

Me : and the reason bro? ,

Ishaan : do I have to give you a reason every time ?

Me : you never gave me one before that's why I'm asking ? ( he said knowing he had no explanation)

Ishaan : Sean , I know you don't like changing things once you are decided but-( he was quickly cut off before explaining himself)

Me : then we are good if you well aware of that ..find yourself a woman I think you need one

I patted his shoulder and winked at him . I noticed Tarvina staggering up the stairs . What's wrong with her today.

Mom : follow her this is the right chance ...( his mom said walking towards him)

Me : she need her privacy ...( he said trying to avoid the topic)

Mom : Sean, ( she said with a pleading look)

Me : fine but I have to attend to my guests I can't just disappear

Voice : leave everything to me ( it was Kala who just joined them )

Everyone seemed to be pushing me to a tight corner . I just grinned at Kala

Me : you will pay for it ( he said to Kala who just laughed off)

I knew things were going to be awkward with Tarvina . To make matters worst she was drunk and it was her first time to do so , it was going to make her act stupid .

I followed I found her sitting on the bed anxiously.

We did some talks and things got out of hand. I felt bad leaving her in pain but it was worth it .

I decided to get to my room . I took a shower wore my pyjamas. That's when I noticed a book on my bed . The book cover was of a woman with a half body of a serpent. What's that? Who left thud book behind .

I wanted to throw it away as I was very tired but something just stopped me I guess was too curious to know what was inside.

I lay down on bed with the book. Page one was written about serpents when they shed their skin .

The serpent is a universal symbol of death , healing and rebirth. As it crawls on the ground with grace and fluidity it is connected to earth and the powers of healing and changing fates . The venom and curse of this mysterious power animal can cause death or badluck . Once you came across a serpent be careful

There were many images of serpent and serpents goddesses.

Does such even exist..I just brushed it off throwing the book away.

I had to sleep to wake up early.