
Transmigration.... At when Japan 1970?!

Sushil, a 26-year-old from East India, undergoes an extraordinary twist of fate. His soul transmigrates into the life of Hiroshi, a 15-year-old billionaire orphan in 1976 Japan. But is this world just your typical Japan, or is there something more beneath the surface? Embark on a riveting journey as Hiroshi and discover the secrets of this intriguing new world. { A/N- Get ready for a story that moves at a steady pace, keeping things interesting without dragging on. I'm not a fan of slow stories either, so don't worry about getting bored. And guess what? Our hero won't bump into famous anime/manga characters until we hit the 10-chapter mark. As for the world-building, I'm playing around with the idea of creating a whole immersive world, but who knows? I might change my mind. It's a bit up in the air, so let's see where the adventure takes us! }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 3- New Goals!

When Hiroshi woke up the next day, he realized the strange events from yesterday weren't a dream. He had truly found himself in 1970s Japan.

"This is real. I'm in the past, and I need to figure out what to do." Hiroshi thought to himself

After a quick bath, he joined Priya for a heartfelt breakfast. Hiroshi complimented Priya's cooking, and they talked about the future.

Hiroshi: "I need time to understand everything. I'll skip high school this year and join next year."

Priya agreed, knowing Hiroshi needed to make his own decisions.

After eating, Priya suggested Hiroshi explore the neighborhood.

"Sometimes, answers are close by. Take a walk and see what you discover."

Hiroshi agreed and stepped into the streets, curious about what this new world might offer.


As Hiroshi strolled through the quiet streets of 1970s Japan, the simplicity of everyday life unfolded before him. The traditional architecture, the soft hum of activity, and the occasional passerby painted a canvas of a bygone era.

Hiroshi took in the sights and sounds, his senses heightened by the novelty of the surroundings. Shop fronts adorned with retro signage, children playing in the streets, and the distant chime of a temple bell created a nostalgic symphony.

Intrigued by a nearby café's modern vibe, Hiroshi decided to check it out. When he opened the door, a gentle bell chimed, and the inviting scent of freshly ground coffee hit him.

The place had a mix of comfy and stylish. Soft jazz music played, and the air smelled like freshly ground coffee. A beautiful waitress greeted him.

Waitress: "Konnichiwa! Find a seat anywhere, and I'll be right with you."

Hiroshi picked a table by a big window, offering a view of the world outside. The waitress returned with a menu, looking at the menu, Hiroshi was surprised to see cappuccino listed. He didn't expect this classic coffee choice to be available during this time. Intrigued, he decided to order it, adding an unexpected twist to his café experience.

Waitress: "Great choice! I'll bring it over in a moment."

Hiroshi enjoyed sipping his cappuccino, and nearby, high school friends chatted happily about their favorite anime.

Boy 1: "Galactic Railroad Chronicles is so unique, right?"

Girl 1: "Totally! Detective Zaborger's suspense is intense!"

Girl 2:"Princess Mary's a classic romance and The Star's Tear is super emotional."

As Hiroshi sat, quietly soaking in the lively anime chat, his mind started to swirl with ideas. Memories of anime, manga, and novels from his past life bubbled up, and a spark of inspiration ignited.

Hiroshi:"Maybe I can share these treasures with this world, become a pioneer in the AGC industry."

Excitement buzzed within him, but he knew he needed to first understand the current state of the industry. And who better to help than his knowledgeable sister, Priya? With this plan in mind, Hiroshi finished his cappuccino and started his journey home, thoughts of a potential future adventure echoing in his mind.

As Hiroshi arrived home, Priya, the caretaker and now a confidante, welcomed him with a warm smile. Intrigued by his trip, she asked about his day, prompting Hiroshi to share not only his experiences but also a newfound dream of becoming a writer, venturing into the world of novels, manga, and anime.

Hiroshi:"I believe I can bring something special to the AGC industry."

Priya, taken aback by this unexpected revelation, recalled Hiroshi's past as someone more inclined towards books than creative pursuits. She pondered on the shift but sensed a deeper motive behind his sudden passion – perhaps a way to divert his attention from the pain of losing his parents.

Priya:"I'll gather information about the industry for you. It could be a fresh start, a new chapter for you."

With a promise to explore the industry on his behalf, Priya supported Hiroshi's dreams, understanding that sometimes, unconventional paths lead to unexpected healing and growth.
