This is a story about a man named Daniel, a man who is transmigrated to Fairy Tail Universe. He is given several abilities and power by the Transmigration Center. Not only that, his journey on his new world will also be accompanied by his guide as well as his partner, Monica. . A/N: I will give the MC some abilities from Fairy Tail and Genshin Impact. In this story, the given abilities aren’t the strongest. However, due to his creativity, intelligence, and hard-working personality, he will be able to maximize his power . Disclaimer: Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima, Genshin Impact belongs to miHoYo, and the cover picture belongs to Emergency Food (
[Earth, 2021]
A man was walking down the street, heading to his office. His face looked so depressed. He held a bundle that contained documents. What happened to this man? He wanted to apply for job. Then, why did he look depressed? This was his 50th trial of signing on job vacancy.
How didn't you feel that life was extremelly hard when you couldn't get a single job even though you had put all of your efforts on your previous 49 trials. Recently, the difficulty level of this world increased from hard to extremelly hard. Mysterious plague suddenly appeared and infected almost the whole world. Massive lockdown were implemented by many countries. Economic performance were falling down and job vacancy were strictly limited by companies and entrepreneurs
Many people got depressed because of those conditions, including our MC. However, it wasn't our MC if he easily gave up. He kept trying his best to fulfill his needs. Thus, he kept trying applying for job although he had failed for many times previously.
On his way to reach the destined company, his smartphone rang. He directly checked it. It was his mother that smartphoned him, so he quickly accepted that call.
"Good afternoon, Daniel," said Daniel's Mom.
"Good afternoon too, Mom. What's the matter?" replied Daniel.
"It's nothing, Daniel. I just want to give some supports to my little son before he apply his job? Is it wrong?"
"Oh, of course it isn't, Mom. I thought you called me because something happens."
"Hehe there isn't any problems that happens here, Daniel. I just want to say that you must keep struggling to improve yourself. Life may get harder and harder as time goes by, but your courage shall not go down. Understand?"
"Yes, I'm understand, Mom. Thank you for your supports. They mean everything for me."
"You're welcome, Daniel. Now, it's almost 1 p.m. You should come to that company to give your application documents and have your interview there, right?"
"Yes. It's true, Mom. I must go now. I hope you will not be mad if I hang up the smartphone now. I will smartphone you later after I have lunch."
"Alright, Daniel. I'll be waiting for it. Goodbye and good luck for your job application."
"Thank you, Mom. Goodbye too."
Daniel hung up the smartphone and continued his trip to the destined company. He went there on foot since the distance from his house isn't too far. It only took 20 minutes to reach there by foot.
Daniel came in to the company's entrance and told the security that he had already made an appointment with the Human Resource Department for the job application as well as the interview session. The security then recorded Daniel's presence on the guest book and ask him to put his sign. After that, the security escorted Daniel to the Human Resource Department's room.
Deep in his heart, Daniel hoped that his application might be accepted by the Human Resource Department. Unfortunately, his 50th was rejected by them. The reason was their company still limit the number of new employees due to the difficulties that they experiences in the recent time
Onerously, Daniel went back to his house. He knew that in theory, he shouldn't feel depressed when his effort resulted on a failure. But still, he felt sad inside his heart. In order to release his stress, he walked to his desk and turned on his computer as soon as he reached his house. He intended to play video game for some hours.
Time passed so fast. Three hours had been spent by Daniel to play video game. Feeling tired, he turned off his computer and decided to take a nap for some minutes. An hour later, he woke up because he felt hungry. It was 6 p.m. already, guess it was time to get some foods for dinner.
Daniel washed his hair and face as well as brushed his teeth. He wore a brown T-shirt and black shorts. After that, he went to the nearest food stall. Any kinds of food was available to be bought from there, such as fried rice, fried noodle, and cap cai.
Daniel ordered a portion of fried rice with the additions of liver gizzard and omelet. He asked it to be wrapped and then he took it to his house to eat the food that he just bought. His house wasn't too big. Its size was only 4x6 meters. It was equipped had a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a bathroom, and a terrace.
Back to story. After he finished his dinner, Daniel smartphoned his mother, telling his mother that his 50th trial of job application was rejected again. Hearing the unpleasant news from her son, Daniel's Mother gave him some advices and courages, so he might be successful on his next application.
The conversation among them didn't last long since she didn't feel well and need to go sleep. Daniel then said to his mother to get well soon before he hung up the smartphone. He then looked up to the clock, but it was still 7 p.m. So, he decided to play video game again before he went to sleep.
When he was about to turn on his computer, Daniel was interrupted with a sound of knocking on the door of his house. He opened the door to see who had knocked it. However, he didn't find anyone. The was only a small box with the words 'for Daniel' on it.
Seeing the suspicious thing suddenly appeared in front of his house, Daniel couldn't help but felt threatened. However, several minutes later, the threatened feeling was replaced by curiousity. As the result, he brought it to his house.
Daniel opened the box only to found a flashdisk and a letter inside it. The letter said that the flashdisk didn't contain any dangerous game. Otherwise, it only a interesting Fairy Tail game inside it.
'Fairy Tail game....can it be the game that I and my friend, Harold discuss recently?' Both of Daniel and Harold were fans of Fairy Tail. Although they weren't huge fans of the series, they knew enough about it because they watched its episodes from episode 1 to the last episode. They even played several of its video game.
'Yes, this could be the game that Harold said to be given to me. Okay then. Let's thanks him for this game and then play it,' thought Daniel. He took his smartphone and chatted Harold to thank him. After that, he inserted the flashdisk to the Central Processing Unit of his computer.
Strangely, the folder of the game couldn't be copied. Daniel clicked on the folder and it only contained an exe file. It was really strange because normally, a game would be consisted of many files.
However, Daniel didn't put any concerns about it and tried to copy-paste the exe file. Like the folder, the file couldn't be copied. He then tried to click on it and it worked.
The whole screen of Daniel's computer turned to be black. A few seconds later, several pictures of guilds in Fairy Tail series. There were the pictures of Fairy Tail, Sabertooth, Lamia Scales, Mermaid Heels, Oracion Seis, Grimoire Heart, and Tartaros
'Probably, this is the guild which my Avatar will start his journey. Hmm...It seemed that Sabertooth is a cool guild. I mean, they are cooler than Fairy Tail since they rely on the concept of power besides the idea of friendship,' thought Daniel as he directed the cursor to the Sabertooth's picture. As soon as he clicked the Sabertooth picture, a question appeared on the black screen of his computer.
"Do you really like Fairy Tail series? [Yes] [No]"
Without any hesitation, Daniel clicked on 'yes' answer. The question quickly disappeared. It was switched with another question.
"What is your favorite character in Fairy Tail? Please elaborate your reason."
Again, Daniel answered the second question without feeling any hesitation. He thought that they were the question that he needed to fill before he made the game account. 'Probably these were such game survey question.'
He clicked the answer column and filled that with his answers. After that, he submitted his answer by clicking the enter button. He said that his favorite character in Fairy Tail were Ultear Milkovich, Lucy Heartfilia, Hisui E. Fiore, and Mirajane Straus. He didn't just attracted to their beauties, but he also liked their power. Time manipulation, Celestial Magic, and Take Over Satan Soul somehow managed to make him interested to them. Hisui was the only character that he liked purely because of her beauty.
After Daniel answered the second question, the third question appeared on the screen. He found that it sounded a bit strange for a game survey. It similar with a question on the isekai light novels that he ever read.
"Do you want to be transmigrated to the Fairy Tail universe? [Yes] [No]"
This time, Daniel felt a bit hesitated. He thought that it was impossible for him to be sent to the anime world after he filled this question. The hesitation gradually went out of his mind after he ensured himself that it was probably the question to determine the story of his Avatar on the game.
'Probably this game's theme was about my character that was transmigated from his world to the Fairy Tail world. If it was right, this game would be interesting. I guess it isn't wrong for me to answer the third question.'
Getting rid of his hesitation, Daniel clicked on the 'Yes' button on his computer screen. As soon as he did that, his computer suddenly shone brightly. A beam of red light stroke him. He felt that his body became lighter and lighter.
Gradually, Daniel was disappeared as if the red light from his computer swallowed him up. After he completely vanished, the light that stroke him also vanish. Some words appeared on his computer.
"Welcome to the Fairy Tail Universe. Now, you have entered the transmigration center. You will be escorted to your best guide, Monica! :D"
Daniel was going to be transmigrated to the Fairy Tail Universe. He no longer existed in the Real World. He completely vanished, leaving all of his belongings except the clothes that he wore right before he disappeared. Not long after that, his smartphone rang. It was a chat from Harold.
"Good evening, Daniel. Sorry for just replying. I just wake up from my sleep hehe.
Thank for what, bruh? I haven't sent the game file to you yet. I planned to do it on the next three days since I still dwell on my grandmother's house. There are no internet access in here, so I can't sent you the game file yet.
Please be patient, bruh."