
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

-[chapter 16]-

Now then, I find myself sitting on the couch in the camper while I wait for Ben to return after discovering that the "Experts" are just thieves…

'Or were they traffickers?...' – I thought, I didn't remember very well what those idiots were. (Here I was really confused if they were thieves or traffickers, that's why in the previous chapter I was writing thieves instead of traffickers...)

Well, Ben is already gone, it shouldn't take long for Gwen and Max to realize... oh? It doesn't matter, they already realized it.

"Ben?... Don't tell me what!" – Max said and it seems annoyed he started looking for Ben, with a hint of hope that he hasn't gone. Well, Max asked for it, he should already know what his grandson is like. He should have kept an eye on it while we were here, although hey, I don't blame him either, he doesn't have x-ray vision to see through walls.

"You think Ben…" – Gwen said as she watched her grandfather leave the camper to see if Ben was outside.

"That he went with the sailor to look for the monster? Yes, it was to be expected from someone like Ben." – I said while I gave a sigh.

"Did you know?" – Gwen asked as he looked at me.

"I assumed so, although as Mr. Max is now, I also had some hope that I was wrong." – I said while I shook my head, it's not a lie, actually I did have some hope that Ben wouldn't go, you know I thought that, after all, Ben would listen to his grandfather.

'I underestimated Ben's obsession with being a hero.' – I thought, well, that's good too, as long as he doesn't turn into some evil version, all good.

[Time after]

I was sitting watching Gwen look for Ben with binoculars, if you're wondering why I haven't gone out to look for Ben. Max told me to stay, because it would be dangerous if he found me with the monster at the lake.

It wasn't like I wanted to go into the lake with a powerful monster in it either, call me a coward, but I want to live another day, plus I already did today's stupid thing and I won't repeat it.

"Is there any sign of ben and cho?" – Max asked as he left the camper.

'So that's the sailor's name...' – I thought, I hadn't really listened when Max told us about the sailor, you know why he was more asleep than awake.

"Not yet…" – Gwen responded, but then the sound of [Stinkfly]'s wings began to be heard along with the sound of the omnitrix.

Looking towards the direction of the sound, I see Ben and Cho, I mentally calculate the direction of the fall and yes, luckily they are going to fall in the same place as the original. I was sitting here the whole time just in case I needed to act fast and catch them both before they fell.

Since it would be bad if Ben got really hurt and couldn't tell the truth about the "Experts". Fortunately, I think next time I won't need to pretend as much.

I saw how Ben and Cho fell, just in case I activated [One for all] and prepared to run if necessary, but in the end the camper tent held up.

'Well, I was too worried.' – I thought as I listened to Ben complain about when the clock runs out of time.

[Time after]

"And the krakken nest is full of eggs, I know why it's attacking everyone, Jonah is stealing the eggs." – Ben explained.

"And I think I know who Jonah is, I checked a fish friends site and he's not registered on the environmental pages, but I found this. Jonah Melville, not a friend of all wildlife, travels around the world collecting rare animals, packages them up and sells them to private collectors." – Gwen said while showing images of the trafficker.

'So he was a trafficker, huh? ...'. – I thought, the truth is that this time I am listening to the explanations, not like the other times that I simply ignored them, the truth is that I didn't remember much about the current villain.

Well, while I was thinking, Ben realized why the Krakken had destroyed the dealer's ship... now I'll just call him that, no matter what his name is.

"It seems that we were both very stubborn" – Max said, I resisted commenting something.

"We must stop them, they said they would go for all the missing eggs" – Ben said.

"Finally! A fight I can participate in!" – I said excited… but, I realized that I said it out loud.

"hehe… I, I'm sorry I got excited." – I said while I laughed a little awkwardly.

The truth is I need to fight once at least. Before I didn't even fight, and although I fulfilled my task of drawing the monster's attention to me and preventing it from hurting an innocent person. But, when she attacked me I could only dodge trying to avoid being crushed.

All this about being in an unfavorable area for fighting such as water and that the opponent is very strong that she even ignored me, although I think it was because she was more worried about her Eggs. So that's why she ignored me, I was left wanting a fight.

Although they are just normal humans, but they have weapons and must have a lot of experience using them, so the difficulty increases a lot.

"This talk doesn't change anything, mom or not, the fight is mine." – Said the sailor as he got up and walked towards the door, but he stopped when he arrived and said. - "Let's go, it comes out in the dark."

So we all followed him, while doing so, I thought that I'm going to have to use my [Minor Illusion] skill on the sailor and the traffickers.

'But that will be after the fight...'. – I thought while smiling, there is no way I can use my skills other than [One for all] to take care of them quickly, I want my first fight against people with weapons and I want it today in difficult mode.

[Time after]

"It will be a long time before the police arrive." – Gwen said after finishing calling the police.

'Well, that's better.' – I thought, now I won't have to worry about the police arriving while we're fighting, it's not like it's going to take me so long to stop those guys.

"Ah! True, Mr. Cho" – I called the sailor by his name, it felt strange since I have been calling him a sailor in my mind all day.

"What??... huh?" – The sailor had said, but when he turned to see me he fell asleep.

"That's better, we can go now." – I said as I nodded and sat down again, but I realized that everyone was looking at me.

"Oh, don't worry, I just made him sleep to avoid trouble." – I said, I can't erase his memory, but I can make him think that all these hours have been a dream.

They simply saw me and didn't say anything, so Max decided it was time to leave, it didn't take us long to get to the place where the traffickers were.

"You guys see if you can find the eggs." – Ben said while he had a confident smile, I simply started going up the stairs.

It didn't take long for Ben to start moving the Omnitrix and choosing which alien to transform into, after doing so he gave me enough time to use [Evaluating Eye] on him while the Krakken came out of the water.

[Name: Benjamin Tennyson] [Age: 10] [danger level: H+]

'You finally arrive' - I thought after using [Assessing Eye] on Ben and then jumping on the krakken.

Mama Krakken climbed up to break through the wood that was above the water while I activated 10% of [One for all].


While the krakken roared in the direction of the traffickers, I took the opportunity to get off her and surround her.

The traffickers started shooting at the krakken and I ran towards the eggs, which were in a container.

"What? But who the hell are you?" – Said one of the traffickers as he saw me appear on the scene, the other trafficker heard his friend scream, but when he turned to see me. Mama Krakken used some of her tentacles from his mouth and sent him flying.

The trafficker had been a little surprised to see how his partner flew away. But he quickly came out of his state of shock, when he saw me running in his direction he tried to shoot me. But I didn't give him time as I quickly and restrainingly hit him in the stomach, sending him flying away. I heard him scream in pain while blood came out of his mouth.

I shrugged it off as I watched the trafficking boss grab the eggs before Mama Krakken or I grabbed them.

The guy in his robot started shooting at Mama Krakken and I had to hide. Because if those shots can make Mama Krakken retreat, I don't want to imagine what they could do to me if they hit me somewhere that is not covered by the Trench Coat.

Fortunately, Ben came out of the water with a big jump and arrived at the trafficker boss. Taking advantage of the moment, I left where I was hiding and headed towards the direction where they were.

Seeing Ben and the trafficking boss, I imagine that Ben said the same thing as the original to the Trafficking boss and then tried to take the eggs from him. But he tried to shoot him, but Ben destroyed the gun with a bite, Ben then took the eggs from his robotic hand and jumped to grab them, but the trafficker boss gave him a blow that sent him flying.

I took advantage and jumped to grab the egg container before it broke. I got out of the way while I saw the trafficker look at me and then quickly go to where I was, Mama Krakken did too, but the direction I went was hers.

And I did something that I should have done the first time I saw the Krakken, the truth is I forgot to do it. (X2, if I had remembered, this situation would have ended in the previous chapter.)

I activated [Relaxing Aura] to calm Mama Krakken down a bit and used [thought communication] to tell her not to worry and that she was going to give him her eggs. Fortunately by using thought communication my words became understandable to her and she stayed a little quiet while she waited for me to give her her Eggs.

Unfortunately I can't understand it since my skill level is too low. Although I was able to interpret what she was trying to tell me with her grunting and it was that she was rushing me, that and why she looked very restless.

"YOU GIVE ME MY EGGS!!" – I heard the trafficker shout, of course I ignored him, but I saw how Ben jumped towards the robot.

"DESTROY THAT THING YOU'RE HOLDING ON, SO HE CAN'T GET INTO THE WATER!!" – I yelled at Ben while he was holding the container, I put it on the ground and opened the lid to start taking them out.

*Weak explosion sound*

"NOOOOOOO!! Don't do that, you stupid monster! – I heard the scream and the words of the trafficker again along with some sounds of explosions, I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw that he destroyed both propellers to move in the water.

*sound of electricity* *sound of falling*

"HMM?" – I can hear the sound of electricity and then I heard the noise of a fall, when I look in the direction I see that Ben had fallen to the ground and I saw that the Trafficker was already close to where I was.

The only thing that gave me time was to cross my arms waiting for the blow, but it never came. When I lowered my arms a little I saw that Mama Krakken had grabbed the trafficker's robot and gave it a bite that broke it in two.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!" -The dealer started to fall and started screaming like an idiot because Mama Krakken had lifted him up too high, but before he fell to the ground I caught him.

"This is for causing me a lot of trouble." – I said while I deactivated the facial concealment and put the trafficker in my genjutsu… in an illusion where he would go through a series of situations that will cause him to have traumas.

I do this because I hate those who hurt animals indiscriminately like him.

Then I let him go and when he fell to the ground I kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying.

"Now there are no more distractions." – I said as he took out the eggs and handed them to the krakken while she told him with [communication of thoughts] that he should try to find a more secluded place for her to raise her babies.

*Roar of gratitude*-Mama Krakken gave me a roar of gratitude after grabbing her Eggs and then heading to the water.

"GOODBYE, TAKE CARE!!" – I yelled at him while I waved.

"Is the krakken gone?" – I heard Gwen's voice from behind and when I looked they were hidden behind the door of the building.

"Yes, don't worry, this is over, now we just have to wait for the police to arrive so they can take these traffickers away" – I responded while turning to look at the trafficker boss.

'Well I should think better about my options next time when something like this happens.' - I thought as he raised my gaze to the sky. It really bothers me that I could have easily solved this by doing what I did now if I had thought a little more.

Although it's not like it was my fault (it's mine :v), the first time the krakken appeared I was more asleep than awake and afterwards I was more concerned about it not crushing me to think about anything else.

[Time after]

It didn't take long for the police to arrive, fortunately the traffickers had with them a lot of incriminating evidence that will give them a good few years in prison and well, after all these events now we are back to the camper to sleep.

'Luckily the next fight is going to be against not too strong aliens.' – I thought as he quickly fell asleep.


This chapter was for yesterday, but I had to rewrite part of the chapter, so I couldn't upload it yesterday.

Well, I don't have much more to say, except that the next chapter will most likely be on Thursday or Friday.

I hope you liked the chapter.