
Transmigrated Into The World Of Damanchi With A System

Transmigrated Into Bell Cranel's Body

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

The Dungeon [1]

[Daily Quest Completed]

[Daily Quest]

[Do 100 Push-ups (Done)]

[Do 100 Sit-ups (Done)]

[Do 100 Squats (Done)]

[Run 10km (Done)]

[Reward: 2 Attribute Points]

A silver haired young man with crimson eyes breathed as he sat down on the ground.

"It's been 30 days already," He muttered, "Since I found myself in the body of Bell Cranel in Danmachi,"

After saying that, he stood up and stretched. 

"Isn't it fucking cool?" He asked no one in particular.

The sun wasn't up yet, all he could see was the dark sky and the lights of the city from the distance… If he could compare the time here to that of his world, It would be 3: 00 in the morning.

"Status," He muttered in a low voice.

[Name: Bell Cranel]

[Level: 1, XP: 132 / 1000]

[Age: 14]

[STR: 72]

[VIT: 13]

[DEX: 90]

[AGI: 130]

[MAG: 0]

[AP: 60]


[Gamer's Body (LV. Max / Passive): This enables you to see your life as a game]

[Ero Scent (LV. 1 / Deactivated): Your body releases a scent that makes women around you horny]

[The Eyes Of Eros (LV. 1 / Deactivated): This skill gives you the ability to see how much affection a woman has for you]





Bell gave a deflated sigh as looking at his stats always made him annoyed but finally, He was heading to the dungeon and so therefore any increase would help him out.

He distributed his Attribute points amongst his stats equally, including even the Magic stat.

[STR: 93]

[VIT: 20]

[DEX: 100]

[AGI: 140]

[MAG: 10]

[AP: 0]

Bell felt the power surging through his veins and a little sigh escaped his lips.

"I feel a little bit safe now," Bell said.

The city of Orarion was amazing and big, It was the only city that had a dungeon and that was where Bell was heading.

Adventurers set out to enter the Dungeon early in the morning and that was what Bell was doing, The sun was high in the sky and it's rays beating down on the people below but it wasn't intense, Since It was early in the morning.

It didn't take long for him to reach the portal and enter the dungeon.

Bell appeared in the dungeon immediately and a feeling of fear crept up in his heart.

"Alright, From Bell's memories… The only monsters on the first floor are Goblins and even then, They are not that strong. I should stop being afraid," Bell muttered and inhaled deeply.


A small blue portal appeared at his side and Bell put his hands inside only to bring out a Longsword.

[Item: Steel Longsword]

[Quality: Common]

After feeling the reassurance with his weapon, He started walking. The first floor wasn't particularly large and there were few monsters in the area. This was known as the hunting grounds of beginning hunters and the reason for the few monsters in the area was simply because Adventurers found the Goblins here far easy to take care of.

"Maybe I will get a better haul in the 2nd floor," Bell muttered only to hear distinct growling, He turned behind and saw multiple goblins baring their fangs at him.

'They're 10 in number,' He thought, 'Am I lucky or what?'

Grabbing his sword and entering a battle stance, Bell waited for his adversaries to attack. 

'Going in for the attack will result in me receiving more damage,' Bell thought, 'Waiting and counterattacking is the most profitable option that will help me save more energy and resist getting too injured,'

Bell didn't trust he would go out of this one unscathed but he had to kill monsters.

The first goblin rushed at him and Bell maintained his position, After closing in the distance between them, It proceeded to try and punch him but Bell pushed his body to the right, narrowly dodging the attack.

His sword gleamed in the dim light of the dungeon as he stabbed it forward to the head of the Goblin, The blade connected and blood splattered on the ground as the Goblin fell limp to the ground. 

Bell withdrew his blade and parried a slash attack from a Goblin fluidly with the side of his sword, The beasts here attacked on instinct as they didn't have Sapience. 

Before the Goblin could react, He gripped his sword with his other hand increasing it's stability and slashed the hands of the other Goblin. He didn't get the chance to finish off the goblin though as another goblin interrupted him, aiming to take a bite of his arm.

Once again withdrawing his sword, Bell quickly neutralized the other goblin's attempt, this time he laced more speed in his sword and the sword responded. 

It pierced through the head of the Goblin immediately and blood stained the blade, Bell then narrowed his eyes at the goblin without hands, The sword abided by his will and soon went into the head of the goblin, silencing it immediately.

Bell's instincts sharpened as he battled against the goblins, his sword becoming a blur of movements with each swing and finally, He had finished them off.

Their magic cores graced the ground and Bell let out a sigh as he collected them, putting them into his Inventory which was the safest place to keep them. They could not be stolen from here.

'But this surely is strange,' Bell thought, 'So much goblins gathered on the first floor- This surely isn't a coincidence,'

And then his instincts flared, warning him that something was coming.

 Pushing off the ground instantly, Bell dodged an attack from a Goblin. His crimson eyes landed on the goblin as he held the sword close to him. He relaxed his muscles to get a proper strike in once he landed and that was what happened, Once his legs touched the ground, His body already shot forward aiming to decapitate the goblin immediately.

Bell closed the distance immediately and swung his sword forward, his earlier relaxation doing him good as the sword was instantly engraved in the back of the Goblin but it didn't go through completely-


This did nothing to deter Bell's determination as he drew back the sword, blood erupting from the back of the monster. He swung again and this time the monster was slashed in half, it's body vanishing instantly.


Author's Note:

A Damanchi fic…