
Transmigrated Into a Parallel World.

In the world of Witrotean, where life and death were like air and water, where races like elves, vampires, and beasts roamed, where you could achieve any beauty, wealth, and desire as long as you had the power to get it, Rick was reincarnated in this perilous yet enchanting world after another human not quite different from him, reincarnated a thousand years ago. A certain race of people in this universe proudly called themselves wizards, while other races went by different names, but were still similarly doing great things. A handful of these people were almost godlike because of their overwhelming power and magic. They possess power strong enough to shatter islands with a flick or perhaps reverse time itself. In his previous life, Rick never had any fulfilling desires, his life was nothing more than average, and his desire was just to have a peaceful life. In the end, dying a simple yet plain death, he finds himself in a totally new world for reasons that only fate knows and destiny understands. (PS: This excerpt wasn't exactly as it's written in the story) Waking up into this world, the first thought that Rick had was, "Oh! Sh*t! I'm in that novel?" Yup, he was reincarnated in a random fantasy novel. A novel that told the story of myths and legends, the same as Witrotean. And the second thought that came to his mind was.  "No! It can't be... I am…Verlice?" Yup, he was reincarnated into the main character. Though it wasn't just any main character who gets all the beauties or has thousands of cheats… He was your MC that struggled to get where he reached... and the worst part? Heh... he died in the end. "Everything is already complicated…. but that stupid inevitable fate... " Rick lamented in tears over this thought, but a few seconds later he joked bitterly. "Maybe I should just die?" [NO!] A female voice resolved inside his head. "And why should I not do that?" He questioned without putting much of a thought into that voice [You obtained this system to avert the likelihood of that happening] "Is that so? That's nic- Wait! Who am I talking to?" Welcome to the journey of Rick, the guy who butchered the vampires, fought against the beasts, challenged the dragons, and took even the most impossible paths to avoid the fate that destiny had in store for him.

Zenick · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

CHAPTER (4): A golden card.

[Sure, Verlice]

[Uhmm, Verlice, I want to tell you something. Before you get out of this room, I'd advise you change the color of your hair. For safety reasons, do as I said]

"I don't understand, is it that my silver hair is too catchy or something?" Verlice asked as he moved toward the door. 

[No, I mean yes. I'll be honest, you won't expect what this world thinks of silver-haired wizards. Silver-haired wizards are deemed powerful and sometimes considered a threat to the world government. Too bad, you're still very weak and haven't even gotten a license to learn or practice magic. Change your hair color so you won't draw unnecessary attention in public. If others find out that you're a silver-haired wizard and still very weak, they will try to get their hands on you and exploit you for their own gain. One word of advice, don't tell anyone that you're a silver-haired wizard, and don't trust anyone in this world] 

"That was one hell of a long explanation, you know," Verlice confessed. "I'm not even strong, yet already considered a threat to the government, this is really funny. Anyway, I'll take your advice, but that'd be after I know about silver-haired wizards. In fact, I'd like to know more about silver-haired wizards. What's so unique about them that makes them powerful and fearsome?" 

[Silver-haired wizards are the rarest and strongest class of wizards. You won't understand what I'm saying until you learn more about this world and see how they respect silver-haired wizards. Don't worry, as we go on, I will explain better and you will also find out things on your own. For now, you need to change your hair color and start moving] 

"Fine," He shrugged. "Is there any dye or something that I'll use to do it?"

Lera nearly burst out in a fit of laughter when she heard that remark but managed to restrain herself.

[Are you for real? Do you think this is your old world where you'll have to do everything accordingly? C'mon, things are very different here. This is a world full of magic. Magic makes things easy and mana makes magic easy. You don't have to use a dye to change your hair color. You can simply achieve that with magic]

Verlice was confused when he heard those words. Didn't she say just a while ago that he wasn't allowed to use magic until he got a license? 

Well, even if he'd been allowed to use magic, did he know how to use it? The answer is no.

"Have you forgotten what you said a while ago, that I'm not allowed to use magic?" Verlice reminded.

[I know, but you don't necessarily have to use your own magic. You see that screen embedded on the wall at the right side of this room?]

"Yes, I can see it," Verlice answered as he looked around the room and sighted the screen she was talking about.

[Walk up to the screen and input these digits, '2392393'. Press the confirmation option when are done inputting those digits. Then move to a mirror after that and see what your hair will look like]

"Are you kidding me? How does that even solve the problem at that?" Verlice asked, confused.

[Just do as I say, Verlice]

"Fine, I will do as you said," He agreed halfheartedly before he walked up to the digital screen on the right side of the room and did exactly as he was told.

And as soon as he pressed the confirmation button, he felt an abrupt warm sensation in his head, which quickly died off after a second.

"What was that feeling?" He muttered to himself as he moved toward the mirror on the left side of the room to take a look at his hair, just as Lera instructed.

However, arriving in front of the mirror and looking at his own reflection, he was shocked. He now had well-trimmed short black hair instead of the silver hair he previously had after he woke up.

"I see, magic is good. Can you also help me change my attire?" Verlice asked, intrigued. 

He was wearing the clothes from his old world; a gray shirt and plain black pants, but he craved a change.

[Unfortunately, I can't. A while ago was literally the only magic I can help you with until you get a license. Even though it was legally prohibited, I still helped you with it just because of your safety. You should be thankful, you know]

"I understand, but I'm not thankful. You brought me here, I didn't come here myself," Verlice fired back, rather annoyed.

Suddenly, a gentle knock was heard on the door. At first, he thought it was just his imagination, but when the knock persisted, he realized it was reality.

"Who would that be? I don't fucking know anyone here?" Verlice muttered, confused and a little bit afraid as well.

[Don't worry, I don't think it's someone that wants to kill you. Answer the door first. Who knows, it might be the room service or the hotel management. Just so you know, you're lodged in a hotel] 

"Hotel?!" Verlice exclaimed in shock. "What the fuck? Is this where my journey begins? Does that mean I don't even have a fucking house? Can you please explain this?!"

Another knock came on the door at that instant. This time, a lot louder.

"Room service sir, your order has arrived," A voice announced from outside the door.

[Can you please answer the door first? They will barge in here anytime soon if you don't get the door. Don't forget to play along with whatever you're asked] Lera sounded.

"I'll answer the door but you still owe me an explanation," Verlice replied in a pissed tone before walking up to the door and swinging it open.

"Hello, how may I help you?" He asked with a poker smile.

The person at the door was a tall middle-aged man with short brown curly hair and round sunglasses covering his eyes.

"Good morning sir, Verlice. Hope you had a wonderful night here. I brought your breakfast like we usually do when you lodge here," The man replied with a smile as he handed Verlice a cart containing four unique plates all covered up with a black wrap, and two bottles of vodkas.

"Here is your golden card, you handed it over to me when you lodged here last night. I understand you were drunk last night, but don't worry, your card is safe. You're one of our top customers so that's the least we could do for you," The middle-aged man explained with a smile.

"Golden card?!" Verlice blurted in shock. 

He was confused at first but eventually decided to play along, just like Lera said.

"I understand you were drunk last night, so maybe you couldn't remember everything that happened. Don't worry, I will expla.."

"I've remembered everything that happened last night. Don't bother explaining anything. And you can leave now," Verlice quickly interrupted before he grabbed the golden card in the man's hand, pulled the cart full of food inside, and shut the door.

"Whatever," The man shrugged before walking away.

Back inside the room, Verlice was standing right in front of the door, deep in thought. He was confused about the whole thing.

'What the fuck just happened there? A golden card? How?'

[Looks like the original owner of your body was filthy rich. Well, you're quite lucky, you won't have trouble feeding and lodging]

Verlice thought a few more seconds before he finally let out, "I think you're right. Now that I'm rich, I won't have to bother about my living expenses anymore. C'mon, let's get out of here quickly. I don't think I can play along anymore if someone that knows Verlice shows up."

Excitement was evident in his voice. In his past life, he was poor and couldn't afford the things he desired, besides the basic necessities of life, so now he was gonna enjoy every bit of richness.

"Maybe I should have a taste of this food," He muttered before he moved forward to unwrap the black wrap covering the dish.

Seeing the content of the plate, Verlice smiled cheerfully.

"Steaks, my favorite."

Quickly, he sat down and began digging in. 

[I thought we were leavi…]

"Shut up, I'm eating. I wasn't able to have such good food in my past life, so let me have it now in peace, will you?"

[.....] Lera was short of words.

Verlice wasted no time and finished the whole food on the plate.

"Alright, let's start going now," Verlice said after gulping down a liter of water. 

He wasn't a heavy drinker, so taking just a sip of the vodka might make him pass out. Because of that, he retorted to drinking just water.

[Whatever], Lera nonchalantly replied.

Shortly thereafter, Verlice exited the room and headed straight to the elevator at the far end of the hallway.

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