
Transmigrated Into a Parallel World.

In the world of Witrotean, where life and death were like air and water, where races like elves, vampires, and beasts roamed, where you could achieve any beauty, wealth, and desire as long as you had the power to get it, Rick was reincarnated in this perilous yet enchanting world after another human not quite different from him, reincarnated a thousand years ago. A certain race of people in this universe proudly called themselves wizards, while other races went by different names, but were still similarly doing great things. A handful of these people were almost godlike because of their overwhelming power and magic. They possess power strong enough to shatter islands with a flick or perhaps reverse time itself. In his previous life, Rick never had any fulfilling desires, his life was nothing more than average, and his desire was just to have a peaceful life. In the end, dying a simple yet plain death, he finds himself in a totally new world for reasons that only fate knows and destiny understands. (PS: This excerpt wasn't exactly as it's written in the story) Waking up into this world, the first thought that Rick had was, "Oh! Sh*t! I'm in that novel?" Yup, he was reincarnated in a random fantasy novel. A novel that told the story of myths and legends, the same as Witrotean. And the second thought that came to his mind was.  "No! It can't be... I am…Verlice?" Yup, he was reincarnated into the main character. Though it wasn't just any main character who gets all the beauties or has thousands of cheats… He was your MC that struggled to get where he reached... and the worst part? Heh... he died in the end. "Everything is already complicated…. but that stupid inevitable fate... " Rick lamented in tears over this thought, but a few seconds later he joked bitterly. "Maybe I should just die?" [NO!] A female voice resolved inside his head. "And why should I not do that?" He questioned without putting much of a thought into that voice [You obtained this system to avert the likelihood of that happening] "Is that so? That's nic- Wait! Who am I talking to?" Welcome to the journey of Rick, the guy who butchered the vampires, fought against the beasts, challenged the dragons, and took even the most impossible paths to avoid the fate that destiny had in store for him.

Zenick · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

CHAPTER (2): Transmigrated into a random novel.

Sometime later, Rick began to open his eyes slowly. His eyes were heavy and still drowsy.

The instant his eyes opened completely, a throbbing headache hit his head.

'Why do I feel so different?' He thought, wincing in pain at the slight headache.

At that very moment, a thought crossed his mind. And the sleepiness that lurked in his eyes disappeared instantly.

'How come? I should be dead by now. I clearly felt that my heart had stopped pulsating before I passed out.'

As he thought about it, the slight headache he had been suffering from for some while ago intensified drastically.

"Argg!" He winced in pain once again, caressing his head softly. "I need to get my pills right now."

He pushed himself off the ground to get his headache pills.

As he thought earlier, he did feel different. His whole body felt quite nimble, unlike usual times.

When he looked around his room to search for his medicine backpack, his jaw dropped in shock.

This wasn't his room.

He was somewhere else entirely. Where exactly, he didn't know, but he was sure this wasn't his room.

The room he was in right now had a futuristic and exquisite design. The high-quality pieces of furniture in the room weren't left out either, contrary to how his room used to look.

In fact, this room was much cooler than his quarters.

Merely looking at the room's interior, he could tell it was very expensive and high-class.

The room contained a king-sized bed, two large circular glass tables at both corners, a giant wardrobe, five extravagant seats, and much other extravagant property.

He couldn't afford a place like this even if he sell his entire fortune, so how come he ended up here?

Apart from the quality, the air around the room was something he couldn't get his mind off of.

In a way, the air strengthened him and made him feel more viable.

"Just what the fuck is going on here? Where am I? How the hell did I end up here? This is not my room." Rick pondered deeply.

As soon as he said that, a green screen materialized in his field vision.

[Welcome to a new world, host]

A female voice read out the messages.

"Who said that?!" Rick shouted, startled. The headache he was suffering a while ago vanished instantly.

He took a quick look around the room to see if someone was there but he saw no one.

[Don't worry, I'm not here to cause you harm. I'm only your AI assistant. You should get used to hearing from me because I'll always be here from now on. You're the only one who can hear me, so don't worry about others hearing me similarly.] 

Rick was dumbfounded by what he just heard. 

'What system is she talking about? What did she mean by a new world? How the fuck did she get inside my head?' Rick thought, stupefied.

"I'm lost here, who the hell are you? Does this have anything to do with me being here and not in my room?" Rick asked, confused.

[Yes. You're not in your old world any longer. Right now, you're inside one of the books you read in the past. I'll leave it up to you to figure out the book by yourself. Like I said, I'm the AI assistant]

"What?! book?! Are you kidding me or what? How the hell is that possible?" He asked, confused.

Rick couldn't believe what the voice had just said. What kind of joke was this? As far as he knew, this kind of thing only happens in fantasy stories and not in reality.

[This isn't a joke, host. At this moment, you're inside a novel. You're here in the role of the main character. All right, enough with the questions. Proceed to activate your system completely. Allow me to go on with the activation]

'This is really serious. How the hell did I end up inside a goddamn book? Does that mean I'm not in my hometown anymore? What about my job? Even my education. How am I supposed to survive now?' Rick thought worriedly.

If he loses his job, life will be really difficult for him.

He hadn't even finished his college education yet before this happened, so it was gonna be really hard to find a decent-paying job.

The thought of all this made him quite frustrated. He almost pulled his hair out in frustration.

Speaking of hair, he noticed that it had changed a lot. His hair used to be spiky and thorny, but when he touched it a while ago, it felt much smoother than usual.

This wasn't his normal hair texture.

"Don't tell me that's what I think it's," He muttered in panic as he hurried to the mirror on the other side of the room.

As he stood in front of the mirror looking at his reflection, he stumbled back in shock and horror.

The person staring back at him was wholly different from his old self.

His original self was neither handsome nor ugly. He was just between the lines.

But the person starting back at him was the true definition of handsome.

He now had silver hair, unlike the green spiky hair he had in his last life. With that hair alone, he'd certainly attract numerous attention if he goes out in public. Not only that but he even has a pair of glittering green eyes now. In the past, he had hazy blue eyes.

His skin was also affected. Unlike his old skin, which was choppy and full of scars, his current skin was smooth and scar-free.

The glittering short silver hair embellished the already existing beauty in him.

"Is... Is this real? Whose face is this? I look better than ever," Rick stuttered, stupefied.

[This is your new look from now on. Unfortunately, I've to advise you to change your hair color for safety reasons. It's too catchy, don't you think?]

"Honestly, I love this new change. My previous skin was the exact opposite of this. Nevertheless, I'm still having a hard time believing that I'm actually inside a novel. I don't remember reading a book with a silver-haired MC. Can you please help me with the name of the novel?" Rick asked politely.

[As I said before, you'll have to find out yourself. I can't help you with that. Please allow me to fully activate your system. It's only halfway activated at the moment]

Rick thought for a while. "Are you sure this won't cause any problems for me? All this still seems like a dream to me. This only happens in fantasy stories, I can't believe it's happening in reality. After collapsing due to increased blood pressure, I found myself in an exquisite room far above my status. I only hope that this won't cause any problems for me. My whole life is already a mess, I don't want to add to it."

[I assure you, this will do no harm. Not that you have a choice anyway. The system will activate itself with or without your permission]

"Just go ahead with it. I haven't had a choice since I was born, so this is nothing new to me," Rick replied bitterly.


Instantly, a new green screen with multiple rows materialized in Rick's field of vision.

[System initializing…]

[System initialized!]

[===Status Page Begins===]

Name: Verlice Blaze

Race: Wizard

Strength: F [10]

Agility: F [10]

Speed: F [10]

Stamina: F [10]

Intelligence: F [10]

Mana yield: F [10]

Charm: F [10]

Occupation: Unregistered Adventurer/Unlicensed wizard.

Rank: F

[===Status Page Ends===]

Rick's eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw the data on the green screen. He was amazed.

However, his amazement was gradually replaced by fear when the data in the fourth row reminded him of something.

'Of all the novels I read in the past, why does it have to be this particular one? Why? Why?'

If you happen to see typos, do tell me in the comment section so I can have them corrected quickly.

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