
Trained for Sin.[Her obsessive brother]

"I don't want to marry Nii! I want to stay here, with you and Izuna nii, forever." Madara turned his head to meet her gaze. Soon he realized how close she was to him, her lips just inches away from his face. His gaze lingered on her delicate face. She had glowing skin, full lips, and a shapely nose. Her eyes sparkled in the golden light filtering in through the window, and Madara couldn't take his eyes away from her, he was completely entranced. "I will never let you go." ***** Princess Yuki was born to the Uchiha couple Tajima and Anko in an era where conflicts & battles arose between various nations, where several shinobi clans fought constantly in unending bitter wars. Shadowed by her prodigy brothers, the girl grew up sheltered. With her worth being measured on her beauty and bloodline, Yuki never felt she could change anything about this hateful world. Or so she thought. A story of trust, betrayal and Sin. ***** Please note:This fanfiction story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author. || I do not own the cover picture.|| I might as well just point out the topics that I have covered and hinted in the upcoming chapters, so that you all can know what you are getting into: ~Patriarchy ~Sexism ~Child marriage ~Incest ~Rape ~Victim blaming ~Virginity testing practices ~Arranged marriage & Dowry Depiction of these issues is a creative choice I've decided while writing. I hope you realize I've taken these liberties only because this is a fictional world—which allows me to explore, merge, break norms and worlds for the sake of my creativity. I'm not writing this to give a moral lesson/message or narrate social evils, or spread toxicity. Please, if you are below 13, do not read this fanfiction. ***** UPDATES every Wednesday and Sunday. ***** DISCLAIMER : Naruto and all characters of the Naruto series belongs to Masashi kishimoto. I'm simply recycling characters and transforming the work into a creative alternative universe of my own violation for no monetary gain,but for reading pleasure strictly. The only characters I own do not exist in the real Naruto series.

Arcshade · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs


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"We have a lot in common, you know. We...both have feelings for someone we shouldn't have." Madara whispered in her ear.

"Nii san I-I- d-don't-"

"Hashi. You love him, right?"

Madara had used his Sharingan to read her mind. Though he didn't read all of her memories, he saw many fragments of them.

His doubt proved to be right. Her 'Hashi-san' was none other than Hashirama Senju. In those fragmented memories he saw a younger Hashirama's laughing face, him taking down the Akiro clan ninja that had tried to harm her; him healing her arm, embracing her.

He was tempted to read all of her memories with that damned Senju, but stopped himself. Madara knew Yuki couldn't handle this level of strong hypnosis for longer than few minutes.

'She was lying to me even back then.'

A strong burning consumed him from within. Her memories of that Senju were full of admiration and love. He glared at her "You don't?"

Madara realized his sister has quite a talent for telling lies. But he won't buy her lies anymore. He knew how she felt for that man—much to his despair, her memories made it clear.

"I... That's... it's not" the girl fumbled with words, that blush never leaving her face.

"No." He twirled her hair around his fingers, "You 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 you love him, but you don't even know anything about him."

The dangerous glow in his eyes scared her. He looked so cold, distant. "I don't understand-"

"Do you know which clan he belongs to?" he cut in,voice chilling.

"But I-I know him enough to l-"

"Do you 𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗼𝗿 𝗻𝗼𝘁?"

This line of questioning deeply disturbed her. She could see what use he would have with this information.

Yuki could only shake her head as a 'no' faintly, all the while looking down to avoid his cold eyes.

"Right." His eyes squinted ever so slightly. "See, that's a problem. Your love for someone... especially that person, " with a quick twist of his wrist her hair was in his grasp, yanking her toward his face—causing her to scream in pain and shock, "𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙩,  𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨." He whispered harshly, glaring, her hair twisted around his hand.

"I don't like it at all."

She couldn't speak. She was terrified and her body shook, chilling her to the bone. Her vision became blurry as few tears escaped her eyes.

And then he released her. She stumbled back.

"Don't cry." His voice was sincere, but his eyes indicated something else. He cradled her face in his hands, wiping the tears away.

She wanted to pull away, but she didn't know if she could or should.

He was crazy. He was dangerous.

And he was...trying to soothe her!?

"I must punish you, Yuki."

"P-Punish?" she stuttered. Her gut twisting and turning at the instinct that it was the demand he made the previous night.

He smirked, "I believe you already know."

"Are you blackmailing me?" 

"I'm not. I'm just giving you options." Madara replied, that smirk still plastered on his face.

"Options? How can you... "

"I can give you a list of laws that you have broken because of your 'secret outings'" he replied as he walked towards his table, "Now...whether you want to shoulder your punishment by yourself or distribute it to others...That's your choice." he continued while picking up something from his drawer.


Madara walked towards her and lifted her chin to face him. "You can either choose to accept me or you can choose to say goodbye to your precious maid. I will also have to kill your 'Hashi san' and punish Izuna for keeping all this from me."

The girl trembled, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Don't hurt them...please."

He raised his eyebrow, "And?"


"I don't have much patience, Yuki."

"I...Accept you." Yuki mumbled, her voice shaking. 

"Accept me as what?"

"I accept you as my man!" she cried out in humiliation.

After a few seconds of silence that felt like an eternity to her, Madara spoke again,

"Kiss me."

Her head jerked back. He was insane. She was sure of it now.

"What?" she gasped.

"Kiss me." he repeated. 

"I-I... N-No, I-can't! "She had not expected that—she was overwhelmed. 

"And why is that? You just accepted me as your man." he smiled at her, amused.

"w-what do you mean why? You are my brother! This is too sudden!" she retorted. 

"Then just imagine me as your man," 

"NO! I'm n-not mentally prepared." she almost screamed, anything, to stop him with this insanity.




"Oh... I see."For a moment he had a frivolous impulse to  𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺. 

Eyes dropping from sight for a moment, Madara took a step back, bringing his hands together in a hand sign.


"No..." she gasped.

"What's the matter?" Hashi's voice echoed in the room. "Now, can you see me as your man?"

"Please stop..." she stumbled back till her back hit the wall. 

"Please nii!"

"Stop what?" He trapped her to the wall.

Her throat clenched, holding down dry sobs. "Nii san... How do you?" she mumbled. "This is..."

"I made it easier for you, Yuki."

'Why did he take that form?'

"You don't want to kiss me?" Hashi looked at her.


Her eyes slid towards him, glistening with tears. She knew it wasn't real...but he looked just like him! She knew he had used his Sharingan to get information out of her, but she still couldn't believe her eyes.

'This... Shouldn't be possible! Nii san has never even met him! Then how can he take that form so perfectly?'

'Even his aura feels like him.'

' This doesn't make sense!'

"Yuki." he breathed, hovering his lips over hers.

This wasn't Hashi. She  KNEW  this was not him, but...but...

She turned her head, tortured. She yearned for that loud, friendly, charming person and felt miserable for being tempted by this.

"Kiss me, Yuki," he whispered, sliding his hand to her cheek and gently turning her face towards him. And then he smiled.

That smile.

"I love you." he muttered.

Her eyes grew wide as he pressed his lips to hers. And she broke. She wrapped her arms around the impostor's neck as he kissed her, feeling him nibble her bottom lip.

As her mind fixed on his lips, everything else dissolved around her in a sensuous eddy.  

But once she pulled apart, disgust filled her mind. Soon the poof of smoke appeared—her illusion gone.

"That...was good." he murmured, staring at her, thinking something she didn't want to know, "Now,let's continue."

She felt disgusted. "That...that should've been enough."

"It wasn't."

"That shouldn't have happened." Tears ran down her face.

She met his gaze with stern and accusing eyes. Then courage gave way to shame, and Yuki was seized with a spasm of crying. 

"You chose this option, Yuki. You can't back down now."

She shuddered. 'He's mad!'

Madara lifted her chin up, he found himself wiping her tears from around her eyes and her cheeks. But she disengaged herself and leaned against the wall, her chest heaving. 

Realizing she can't back down now, she pecked him on the lips.

He smirked, irritated, and shook his head. "Not like this, dear sister."

He leaned closer. "I want you to kiss me like you mean it. Like how you did when you imagined me as  𝗵𝗶𝗺."

She would have never thought that a day would come when she could feel such hate towards Madara.

Gritting her teeth, Yuki wrapped her arms around his neck, still cringing at the feel of him, then closed her eyes, bringing her face up and connecting her lips to his.


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Author's Note :

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