2 Run away

Jesus, I didn't know that running away was so, hard! Like were am I going or how much money do I have? eh, let's just say that I'm going to a sleepover (I don't actually have any friends) And pack cloths and some random stuff, But not my phone. it has a tracker on it, So I will have to get a new phone, but maybe just a flip phone, Yeah? Alright let's do this!

Hey, dad I have a sleep over with one of my classmates?


why? come on dad, I need to know him better so we can do this project, that is half of our grade!

okay, fine! but you have to be home by 12 sharp or no phone for a month!

okay, then I'm on my way then!

alright then bye,

Man that was so easy, and now where should I go, hmmmmm, maybe a motel that's super cheap? hmmmm, eh, let's just go!

I only have 300 hundred bucks, so let's be careful! But first I need some coffee cause I'm tired.

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