
Tokyo revengers: Gangsta's Dream

In the heart of a crime-ridden city, Kayne, a ruthless thug feared for his violence and cruelty, falls prey to a cunning conspiracy orchestrated by his adversaries. Betrayed and mercilessly slain during a mission for his boss, he finds himself engulfed in an infinite void. Yet, instead of fading into obscurity, Kayne awakens in the body of Takemichi Hanagaki, the protagonist of his beloved manga, Tokyo Revengers. Bewildered by this unexpected twist of fate, he swiftly comprehends that he has been granted an extraordinary chance to alter his own destiny and that of those he cherished in his previous existence. Resolutely set on avoiding the errors of his past, Kayne decides to harness his knowledge of the manga to ascend to the pinnacle of strength. But will his unwavering determination be sufficient to conquer the formidable obstacles that await him?

Ghost_flame07 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

On the road to revenge.

Misaki was sitting in her office, one hand on her forehead, the other nervously tapping on the desk. Chizu stood in front of her, arms crossed, waiting for instructions.

Since joining the Meibukai, Misaki and Chizu had developed a relationship of trust and complicity. Misaki knew she could count on Chizu under any circumstances, and Chizu deeply respected her boss's strength and determination. Their friendship went far beyond gang business.

"Chizu, we absolutely must find out if these guys had any connection with the Xelno and if not, why they targeted us," said Misaki, looking up to meet her friend's gaze. "I don't want us to move forward blindly. We need to find information on these bastards."

Chizu nodded, placing a comforting hand on Misaki's shoulder. "I'll mobilize our informants and dig into the usual contacts. By the way, maybe that guy you saved, Takemichi, could help us too."

Misaki nodded, feeling the tension dissipate slightly thanks to Chizu's support. "Yes, speaking of that, could you find Takemichi, I'm afraid that hothead will do something stupid."

Chizu raised an eyebrow and a mischievous smile appeared on her lips. "This is the first time I've seen you worry about a guy, could it be that..."

"Stop talking nonsense," Misaki interrupted. "I just don't want him to drag us into his mess."

Chizu laughed softly. "Anyway, I couldn't blame you, he's quite handsome, isn't he?"

Misaki blushed with anger when she heard her friend's jokes. She threw a teddy bear that was on the desk at her while softly cursing her. Chizu burst out laughing before heading out. It wasn't easy to see the boss smile, much less act like a child, there were sides of her that only Chizu knew, so whenever she had the chance, she teased her a little. It was like a kind of therapy.

After she left, Misaki sighed, a discreet smile playing on her lips. "Thank you, Chizu," she thought out loud.


[Meanwhile in one of the Xelno warehouses]

The warehouse stood in an abandoned industrial area of Tokyo, its peeling concrete walls covered in graffiti, betraying an appearance of dilapidation and neglect. The windows were broken or boarded up, and weeds grew between the cracks in the sidewalk. From the outside, it seemed to be just another abandoned building among many, a relic of a forgotten industrial past.

However, behind this decrepit facade hid a very different reality. The warehouse was one of the Xelno hideouts. Guards patrolled or rather had a good time, after all only someone who didn't know how to write the word death would be crazy enough to attack them.

On the roof of a neighboring building, Takemichi observed the warehouse with a macabre smile. He had been watching the comings and goings for three hours now, studying the guards' routine and the few weaknesses he found in security. The sun was about to rise, he knew it would be the right time to strike. He put on an improvised balaclava made from an old shirt he had found, carefully adjusting the fabric to cover his face.

"It's time to sow chaos," he murmured, his eyes shining with icy determination.

Takemichi silently slipped into the warehouse through a poorly guarded service entrance. His gait was assured, each of his steps calculated to avoid the cameras and guards.

"These bastards, they even have surveillance cameras..." he thought as he snuck in.

He moved like a shadow, invisible and elusive. When he encountered his first opponent, a guard casually exiting a room with his beer in hand, unaware of the danger. He didn't waste a second, with lightning speed, Takemichi grabbed the man by the neck and knocked him backwards, knocking him out against the wall.

He continued his advance. Using the darkness to his advantage. Two other guards were patrolling an adjacent hallway. Takemichi threw a rock to divert their attention, then slipped behind them, simultaneously striking them at the base of the skull. They collapsed without a sound.

Further on, a surveillance room was occupied by three Xelno members, sipping a beer while chatting, unsuspecting of the imminent threat. Takemichi watched them for a moment, assessing the situation.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but you also killed Hinata without hesitation," he thought, trying to justify the act he was about to commit.

He abruptly opened the door and, before they could react, threw two well-sharpened knives he had picked up earlier. The first two fell instantly, while the third tried to draw his weapon. Takemichi disarmed him with a quick kick and knocked him out with a precise blow to the chin.

He progressed methodically, neutralizing each Xelno member he encountered with ruthless efficiency. Another guard was surprised while smoking a cigarette, his neck twisted in a deadly hold. Two others tried to surround him in a warehouse filled with crates, but Takemichi used his environment to his advantage, striking them with quick, precise movements. They didn't stand a chance.

"You thugs, did you really think you had a chance against someone with military training?" he said as he stepped over their bodies lying on the ground, before continuing on his way.

Finally, he reached a vast room that apparently served as a garage for the Xelno. Motorcycles and a few cars were lined up. Takemichi approached a black motorcycle, its sleek and aggressive design immediately catching his attention. The bike was a high-performance model, equipped with a powerful engine and reinforced tires. The gas tank was adorned with skulls, adding a menacing touch to its look.

Suddenly an alarm sounded, the Xelno had finally discovered that they might be under attack. Takemichi rushed to a corner, where several gas cans were stored, and splashed several cars with them before pulling a lighter from his pocket and igniting it. Flames began to lick the crates and vehicles, spreading rapidly through the garage.

Takemichi mounted the bike, enjoying the feel of the leather under his hands. Before leaving, he whispered in a dark, determined voice, "This is just the beginning. The chaos is only beginning."

He accelerated, the bike roaring beneath him as he rode through the burning warehouse. Angry and disoriented Xelno members tried to stop him, but he avoided them with impressive skill. He split the crowd, dodging the desperate bat swings of his pursuers with almost supernatural precision.

The flames and smoke added to the confusion, making it difficult for the Xelno to understand what was happening. Takemichi, for his part, remained focused, his objective clear in his mind. He reached the main exit of the warehouse, leaving behind a real hell of fire and destruction.

As he sped away on his newly acquired motorcycle, he took one last look at the burning warehouse, a dark smile stretching his lips under his mask. "No one can stop what has begun," he thought, feeling the adrenaline pulsing through his veins.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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