
2: Unravel

Chapter 2:

I wake up with a headache.

Forcing the pain aside, I quickly look around to see the ones that beat me up gone. Finding them gone I let out a sigh of relief and loosen my tense shoulders.

I try to move carefully to not worsen my injuries only to be shocked that the pain was gone. No broken ribs or bruises.

I pull my shirt up only to see my hands being small. My heart start beating a bit faster in fear of not knowing what was and is happening.

Stopping myself from being hysterical, I move myself to a corner in an alley wall and curled myself into a ball. I fell asleep and went unconscious for the second time today while shaking in fear.


I was an orphan. Mother died due to a disease when I was still a child. I forget what she looks like now. Does that make me a bad child? My father raised me all alone and I try my best not to be a burden.

When I was in High School my father committed suicide. I was coming home only to notice that there was more silence in the house than usual. I saw my father's shoes in the door, so he was supposed to be still inside. Must be sleeping I thought at that time.

Then I saw my father's body hanging inside his room. Dangling by the noose in his neck. I screamed in horror as I would never forget my father's dead eyes.

He left all his money in my name. I was alone now. I tried drowning in alcohol and seeing a psychiatrist. I emancipated myself. It went on for half a year before I stopped. It was also a time when I met my now ex.

I must have been emotionally dependent on her without me realizing. Or I realized but chose to ignore it? It doesn't matter now. I have a more pressing concern.

Finishing my backstory, I try to make sense in where I was and finding out what to do from here. I wasted a day denying what was happening. My head could just not wrap around the concept of what was going on.

My mind trying to make sense of the events, rejecting the absurdity of it all. But I just tried to stop thinking about it for now because of the hunger I feel. It was like I haven't eaten for weeks.

So, I try to uncurl myself then find a food establishment to dine in. I check around the pockets of my jeans only to find 20 dollars.

I walk outside the alley only to trip over my oversized clothes. So, buying clothes and food. Whichever I find first. As I exit the alley, my hunger worsened. What perfume do the people here use?

The people were staring at me for obvious reasons. A kid around 8-10 ish walking in oversized clothes from an alley would definitely attract attention. I feel relieved and weirded out that none approached me. Isn't helping a lost child something you should do?

A bit more walking and not trying to slip under the curious gazes of the people around, I found a clothing store first.


A sweater, jogging pants and shoes was what I was wearing after I finished paying for some other clothes I wore and a bag to store it. I look at myself in a mirror for the very first time and saw a boy, with red hair and amber eyes.

I retained my amber eyes but why is my hair now red? Though it does look pretty good on me. The cashier, A woman with black hair and blue eyes looks at me with fascination.

"So, are you alone child? Where are your parents?" She asks.

"They're uhm, at the apartment in the moment. I just sneaked out." I told her.

Hoping she would not ask any more questions; I give my best smile. She just smiled back and then thanked me for my patronage.

As I walk out the door, a fragrant smell assaulted my nose again making me hungrier by the minute. So I went for a hotdog stand I just found to stave off my hunger for a little. It was already late in the afternoon. The sky having that orange tint.

As I lined up with other people, a bit off drool came out. Wiping it away I think to myself when was the last time this body ate?

Paying for 2 hotdogs in a bun and a bottle of water then going to a corner and biting the hotdog.

I froze after I chewed it once. I take a look at the hotdog. Standing up and taking my bag, I proceed to another alley then puked my guts out. There sure are a lot of alleys at this place but more than that the hotdog tasted like shit.

I take a drink from the water bottle to wash the taste off my tongue. My repressed hunger came back in full force. Like my stomach was eating itself. Then suddenly I smell something very fragrant.

Following the smell, I realize my mouth starting to water. Drooling at the smell.

My legs took me at the source and I saw made my skin crawl and my mind recoiled as I scream in horror. There I see someone eating another person. I took a step back and stumbled as I feel my legs turn to jelly.

Eyes black where it should be white, irises red and mouth covered with blood. She was the cashier lady.

"My my, I didn't expect to see you so soon child." She says sweetly.

She punctured the corpse by the shoulders using a red tail growing out of her back, then with a sickening crunch she ripped off an arm the threw it at me.

The horror I felt was then set aside as my hunger made itself known again. I find myself drooling amidst all the gore.

"You're probably an orphan huh, a common occurrence. Eat up little ghoul or your gonna die from hunger."

I took the arm and my body moving against my will and taking a bite. It tastes sooo good. I felt my hunger recede but kept eating as I was lost in how good it tasted. The next thing I knew, I feel my body stronger like it should be.

But my eyes widen as I realize what I had done. All I could do was stare at the lady as she looks on with amusement.

Tokyo Ghoul. Tokyo fucking ghoul. That was what I thought above my head as I look at her and her tails, red like blood that promise death to all her prey.

I only watched the first season of the anime and that was enough to get me hooked but I stopped watching when school projects flooded my schedule.

Having a staring match at her was like staring at death. She could literally kill then cannibalize me and not in that particular order.

"Now that you've eaten, clean yourself before the doves finds and eliminates you." She says to me with a smirk.

She left leaving an unfinished corpse. I ran out of there as fast as I can. Alleys are not safe!

I ran till I found what I assumed an abandoned warehouse. I curled myself fearing for what would happen to me from now on. A wish that all of this was just a twisted dream, is what I thought before passing out from stress.

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Note: Hello, I hope you like what you read. What are your opinions on how the mc reacted from finding out he got isekaid? Was it bland? Believable? An overreaction? Or maybe unconvincing.

The cashier lady was a ghoul. Was it to obvious in the beginning? Maybe it is if you watched the anime or read the manga. The mc is in a body of a child. In my opinion ghoul children either receive sympathy from adult ghouls or get sold off in an underground black market.

Have you ever thought what kagune you would like to own if you ever became a ghoul? I already have a kagune in mind and it also conforms the laws of the Tokyo ghoul world. So mc would not actually be OP and become god as it would not be in line of what my image of the Tokyo ghoul world is.

If you guys noticed I never once said the MC's name because I want him to start over from scratch.

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