
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Fighting A Demi God - [ Chapter - 36 ]

She wanted to get that mana as well now but she needed to focus on the Kraken and she multi casted multiple deep dark bullets directly at the boss then it pierced it's skin with insane speed.

The stars moved at a quick speed as well and pierced it's tentacles and even cut some off as Kameko appeared in front of the Kraken's head then did a cross slash dealing loads of damage to it.

Rei then appeared behind Kameko and then stabbed the boss with his hell sword and then he activated it's ability while it was stabbed in the Kraken and then from the inside fires that had an insane heat were burning.

All of their attacks were boosted thanks to Pru and when he saw that a dark pulse of energy was coming at the boss he used the two spells, "Strengthen" and "Time Increase" which made the attack stronger and faster.

When the dark pulse hit the Kraken it was immediately pushed back and it left a huge mark on the Kraken as Nari used blink and was now floating in the sky and was about to cast a spell but then suddenly magic circles appeared.

They were all water spells and they were insanely strong than normal and they all started blasting at Nari, her cape protected her from most of the spells and Pru helped as well but she took a few hits and was knocked back.

So then Kameko went up and started using a lot of aura in every slash and each slash he made was blocked by the Kraken because it sacrificed it's tentacles to protect it's main body but it was running out of tentacles.

Asteria disappeared unto the shadows after shooting it's attack but then it appeared again in multiple places at once even Nari was suprised and he was actually a new skill it learned while they were in the siren's sea.

It was called, "Star Clone" which was a better version of the shadow wolves, "Shadow Clone" because it was colored and it had the same stats as the real body and it could use the main body's skills as well.

Then from every angle possible Asteria shot loads of stars at the boss but he wasn't in the group that was shooting stars and then suddenly Asteris and his clone appeared at both sides of the Kraken then slashed it.

Nari got back up and teleported once again multi casted with insane speed and then continuously kept shooting deep dark spells and she also shot a few fire spells that has a dense amount of fire mana imbued in it.

After dealin that much damage to it Nari appraised it to check it's health and it was really low and so Nari told everyone to stop attacking because she got an idea while fighting and so they stopped.

She then started gathering all her mana into one spell she realized a way to transfer her mana into a different mana but it will be a bit smaller than how it was before and so Nari tranfered almost all her mana into deep dark mana.

The deep dark mana started gathering in her hand and it should be more than enough to kill the Kraken since the amount of mana she was going to shoot but her mana would take a while to recover.

But it would recover as normal and it wouldn't recover only deep dark mana so it was a good and so she casted all of her mana into that one spell to finish the Kraken but then it stopped moving and attacking.

So then suddenly they heard a voice, "Umm, please don't kill me!" Nari stopped gathering the mana and kept it inside and asked, "Who's talking?" the voice then said, "It's me the Kraken! Don't kill me! I'll join you!".

When she looked at the Kraken it was now bowing it's head and then she asked, "So can I tame you? If not then I'll just kill you." the Kraken's eyes widened and then said, "Of course! Why wouldn't I want to be a servant of someone as strong as you?".

It went closer to Nari like a dog and when she activated the taming spell he accepted it straight away while Kameko was watching the whole thing and whispered, "Is this Demi God a coward?".

Nari giggled and said, "Well it's good we have someone as strong as him." so then Nari transfered her mana equally as possible then added some healing mana and started healing the Kraken up to it's stronger state.

After that Nari asked, "Can you change into a smaller form?" the Kraken then said, "Of course master!" Nari didn't like being called master and so she said, "Just call me Nari and can you change into a smaller form now.".

Then it started shrinking down into a smaller and cute form and so then Nari started thinking for a new name for the Kraken and she came up with the name "Dati" which comes from the latin word "Ydatinos".

The Kraken started praising Nari for her naming sense even though she knew it was a bad name herself and so after that they started heading back with Dati on her shoulder so then they went home with no disturbances.

Which was a bit weird since there were usually monsters that try to attack them along the way when they are travelling and so then Dati said, "Oh your wandering why isn't there any monsters? It's because of my aura!".