Nick Devolver is a powerful ranger with a respectable team. After tragically dying on a mission he is sent back to when he first started. He decides to surpass his past self and reach a new height of power. But, there is something wrong… (Main fic is on, go there for faster updates.)
My name is Nick Devolver. I was a skilled Pokémon trainer that was a squad leader of the 5th ranger division. I possesed 5 Pokémon that I prided myself in.
I was deemed "the spiral"according to my peers, I don't really understand why they call me that but it sounds cool and that's all that really matters.
I was walking through a Ranger based stationed in Olivine city, it is a pretty new ranger base so the place wasn't the most advanced but it still felt good to be in air conditioning after patrolling out with Sven the Lucario for so long.
I poured myself a nice chill cup of water and was about to drink it when…
An siren blared throughout the ranger base almost instantly, I cursed before gulping the cup of water in one swoop and hurriedly ran out the door.
I pulled out my Pokenav to see an emergency message say the following "Steelix and Ryhperior ramping and fighting, A Class emergency, West of olivine"
Steelix and Rhyperior frequently fought over land but it never got too severe due most of the time, but it seems a full on fight between a bunch of those massive shits got a bit out of hand.
I released Skye the Altaria before leaping onto it and commanding her to to fly towards the west.
Skye slowly got closer to the ground so that I could observe what was going on more clearly, I saw a large Steelix fighting against a Medium sized Rhyperior.
The Rhyperior roared before releasing a powerful stone which was counteracted by an even more powerful earthquake from the Steelix.
"This is going to be annoying" I said before having Skye dive straight down towards the two beasts fighting, I cursed as some rocks narrowly missed My Altaria but all was well.
"Kore, use hydro pump and whirlpool" I commanded as I released a large kingdra who instantly released a massive blast of water at the two behmethods.
The two beasts let out a roar of pain from the attack and My kingdra wasted no time to release a whirlpool which constantly dealt damage to the both of them.
The Rhyperior released stone edge at Kingdra who narrowly avoided the attack.
My eyes widened as I hastily commanded Kore.
I yelled as the Steelix Released a heavy slam onto Kingdra who tried to counterattack with a semi-hydro pump.
Steelix lifted it's massive tail off as Kingdra almost instantly used a surf which hitter both the Rhyperior and the Steelix.
I grinned with pride before commanding Altaria to soar through the skies and launch dragon pulses to provide aid for Kore who launched a flurry of water based attacks.
"Sven, FOCUS BLAST!" I yelled before releasing my Lucario who steadily landed and charged a focus blast.
The Rhyperior released an rock slide at Lucario but I knew that it was going to attack when Lucario was charging so I preemptively released another Pokémon.
Titanica the Aggron who easily blocked the attack for Sven the Lucario who then leapt into the air and released the focus blast at the Steelix.
"Titanica, Earthquake!"
Since none of my other Pokémon was on ground Titanica could release an Earthquake without worries.
The Rhyperior grunted in pain before preparing to release an earthquake of it's own but was stopped after it was hit by an surf-aura sphere combo.
"Sven, Bone rush on the Rhyperior and Kore use surf!" I hollered and not long after Sven leapt into the air and released a flurry of attacks while Sven released an surf when Sven was done which completely decimated the Rhyperior and only the Steelix was left.
"Skye,Dragon pulse!" I yelled, "Titanica use focus Punch!"
I released my final Pokémon, Loki the weavile.
"Everyone else, give it your best shot!"
Loki released a flurry of night slashes at the Steelix with immense speeds while it could only retaliate with a rock slide which got crushed by the surf that Kore released.Titanica released a focus punch which slammed into the massive metal snake which was followed by multiple aura spheres and Dragon pulses.
The Steelix finally fell after that flurry of attacks and I climbed off of Skye.
"Y'all did great" I praised which caused my team to let out a round of affection. I simply grinned before taking out my Pokenav.
My eyes widened as the report changed to "Wild mega Steelix and a horde of Steelix having gone on a rampage."
I hastily leapt onto Skye but it was too late when I heard an ear piercing roar and I looked up to see an Steelix that had gemstones sticking out from it's core and tail, rocks floated around him as it's mere presence shook fear into every living organism near me.
There won't be any reinforcement anytime soon so it means I will have to fend it off.
The mega Steelix slammed it's massive tail which caused an earthquake and caused a rock slide. "Kore use surf!" I commanded, "Everyone else dodge the rock and get off of land!"
Skye took off with me on it and dodged the rock slides, Sven leapt onto the boulders and released aura spheres and bone rush to crush the Rocks.
Loki swiftly navigated through the trees before leaping into the air with a night slash and slicing through some boulders before using his superb speed to instantly release attacks at the massive Steelix.
My eyes widened as the mega Steelix shrugged the attack of before releasing an heavy slam which Loki narrowly dodged.
"Skye, support Loki." I commanded before suddenly jumping off of Skye and using my Ranger equipment to latch onto one of the trees.
Skye released an barrage of attacks at the Steelix and narrowly dodged the massive iron snake's attacks.
I observed the mega Pokémon, wild mega evolutions are incredibly rare and even rarer when the Pokémon is not in constant pain. But it seems the mega Steelix while not in pain, still cannot control the power and has gone into a crazed frenzy.
I let out a whistle which brought Sven the Lucario to me, the stoic Pokémon arriving almost instantly.
I had two options, mega evolve Skye or Mega evolve Sven.
When it comes to raw power mega evolving Titanica would probably be the best due to her raw power being the strongest but. But Sven has the type advantage and is also just overall stronger.
My Pokémon all released a bunch of powerful attacks, Purple beams and explosions filled everywhere as Loki expertly released hidden strikes and Titanica let out a mighty roar before going head on against the beast that is the mega Steelix. Kore released a barrage of hydro pumps from afar as support.
"Let's go Sven." I commanded amidst the chaos of the battle.
"Mega evolution."
A brilliant beautiful light shined from Sven's body as he released a roar of power as spike pricked around his limbs and his hair grew to be wavy and his color changed to incorporate more red and yellow as his eyes turned orange to signify that it is battle ready.
"Focus blast and aura combo." I calmly commanded before Sven leapt into the air to where it was right atop of the chaos and charged up a focus blast before releasing it straight on the Steelix.
The Steelix let out a roar of pain before releasing a stone edge at Lucario who promptly destroyed the stone swiftly with a clean bone rush.
The Lucario then released an barrage of aura spheres before charging in with a close combat and promptly leaping out of harm's way as the Steelix then got bombarded by attacks and explosions.
The Steelix seemed to have had enough as it roared before suddenly releasing a massive rock slide.
My eyes widened as in the corner of my eyes I saw a weavile stuck, "LOKI DODGE!" I yelled but suddenly the Steelix slammed the part of the forest where Loki was with a heavy slam.
A part of me knew that it was impossible for Loki to be able to withstand such a vicious attack but I still believed in him, but all hope was gone when the Steelix lifted half of its body only for blood to drip off of it.
"SKYE, QUICKLY!"I shouted before hopping onto Skye and quickly heading over to where Loki was striked.
A lump formed in my throat as I saw his bloody and battered body…
Everything seemed to stop and my heart skipped too many beats when I heard a loud roar.
I cocked my head around only to see Titanica and the massive Steelix struggling, My blood was cold as fear ran through me as the only thing I could do was hold Loki's lifeless body.
"t-Titanica…TITANICA!" I hollered, "restrain it with Giga impact and stone edge!"
The hulking beast charged straight at the mega Steelix with insane force but the Pokémon barely budged even after Titanica's follow up stone edge.
The Steelix suddenly released an earthquake which shook everything and caused trees to fall down as I was forced onto Skye.
Sven released an barrage of powerful focus blasts which all collided in the mega Steelix but the beast only let out an even more powerful roar before slamming Titanica with an powerful superpower.
"Sven, Double team!" I hollered as Clones of Sven were created, "Aura combo!"
The Steelix angrily released an wave of rock slides as the Lucario clones released a chain of attacks finished off with an barrage of aura spheres.
"Titanica, Superpower!" I commanded, "Skye, provide support with ranged attacks."
Skye released a bunch of ice beams and dragon pulses as Titanica slammed into the mega Steelix who promptly retaliated with a superpower of it's own.
"At this rate Titanica can't fight for any longer"
"Sven, Focus barrage!"
The Steelix seemed to be even more pissed off as it released a stone edge right at Lucario who narrowly missed but then he was hit by a powerful heavy slam.
"SVEN!!!" I roared as I urged Skye to fly closer, but in my panic I couldn't react to the stone edge flying straight at me.
Skye expertly dodged the attacks and I saw Sven leap into the air with an aura sphere.
He was bruised but was still able to fight but before he could release the aura sphere the Steelix released a rock slide which forced Sven on the defense.
I knew Titanica wasn't In good condition but she was our only hope for now, I should've mega evolved her instead. My lapse in judgment has caused this mess.
I crunched my entire body as I knew the only way for my Pokémon to survive this was…
"It's too risky." I cursed, "TITANICA RETURN!"
My Aggron let out a roar of surprise and anger but couldn't do anything but return to her Pokeball.
"Mega evolving two Pokémon at the same time doesn't harm the Pokémon itself…"
"But instead it damages the trainer."
I knew that was the only way to beat this beat, Loki is already dead and I can't stand for anymore.
"Titanica, Mega evolve." I calmly stated before releasing the beast and using my keystone.
The iron beast roared with power as even more steel plates covered its body and its already massive body grew even larger.
"Skye, provide support for Sven an-" Before I could finish an sharp pain coursed through my body as I nearly fell.
"KORE, SUPPORT THEM WITH SKYE!" I hollered as another sharp pain shot through my chest.
The energy used for one mega evolution is draining for the trainer already as it forces a link between the trainer and Pokémon, but for two Pokémon it is deadly due to the energy being forcefully used from the trainer's body.
Since this place is relatively new the only reinforcements coming would be weak and would only pointlessly get themselves killed so strong reinforcements were coming anytime soon.
"TITANIC-" Another sharp pain coursed through my body as I nearly fell.
"SUPERPOWER!" I yelled as Titanica let out a terrifying roar before an orange energy gathered in her hand and she slammed on the Steelix who fell onto the floor before retaliating with a stone edge.
"SVEN, FOCUS BLAST!" I yelled once again as Sven wasted no time to release the attack.
Titanica slammed the Steelix onto the ground and held it as Sven released a ferocious barrage of strikes.
"KORE, HYDRO CA-" I suddenly spewed out blood as an even more intense pain shocked my body.
My vision started to fade and I knew I had to end this quickly.
"Kore, use hydro cannon!" I shouted before enduring the pain with a grunt as waves of waves of pain filled my body.
"Skye, continue to launch dragon pulses." I ordered, "SVEN AND TITANICA, ATTACK WITH ALL YOUR FORCE!"
"Everyone GO!" I yelled as explosions shook the forest and chaos broke out.
Amidst the chaos the Steelix managed to temporality break free and charged straight at Skye and me.
My eyes widened as an stone edge came flying towards me.
"Skye can definitely dodge this…"
"But I can't"
It would be pointless for me to risk skye's life so I instead leapt off and pushed Skye away from the stone edge.
I hitted the ground with a thud as I saw dragon pulses and mighty roars fill the forest.
My body was at its limit as I suddenly vomited blood, I had received blunt force damage from falling from a relatively high altitude.
"Fu…cking hell"
I spewed blood again, this time even more violently. My entire body was screaming and my vision blurred.
I saw from a distance Loki's limp, lifeless body.
"This is how I die huh"
I stared into the sky as the Steelix fell, having been finally defeated.
"Well at least that monster was defeated."
At this point I had accepted my fate.
"Thank you, I lived a great life and had wonderful pokemon…what more could I have asked for?" I said, with a faint smile.
I hitched one last breath before falling over, unconscious.
I felt a cold sweet embrace of death…
And realized that all of what I just said was lies.