
to live and to die

he was fire... she wanted him to burn her.. she was water, water can't be burnt

CJ_Willy · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

chapter 8

I had eaten more than 20 cotton candies and I was still craving for more.

what did they put in these things??

Aaron was just watching me, trying to understand if I had gone crazy or something.

I loved cotton candy when I was a kid, I use to go to all the cotton candy shops and buy them all and then loose all my teeth in a week.

"Okay on a scale of one to ten, how much fun are you having?" he asked.

"Eleven" I said grinning.

"You see, having fun isn't bad, it's pleasurable" he said.

I had totally forgotten all my worries and started acting like a child.

well don't blame me for that, it wasn't my fault that I had a sad childhood.

It was finally time for the auction and we went over there.

The books they were auctioning wasn't really my type, that until he reached the last.

"Okay, so we have something from the Shakespearean collection.." the man started.

"Midsummer night's dream, Othello, Romeo and Juliet and Cymberline, let's start with a 50 , who's in" he said.

"I'll take it for a 60" someone shouted from the crowd.

"No way, I'm gonna buy that, it's vintage" I said and started searching my purse for my money.

But I couldn't find it, I got confused, I still had money in my purse, I didn't loose it, but it was empty.

"What's wrong?" Aaron asked.

"I can't find my, I think I lost it" I said soberly searching for my money.

"100 dollars ..." I heard another person shout.

I sighed defeated, I wasn't going to get those books in the end.

"120 dollars" someone else said.

"120 dollars going... going.. going.."

"200 dollars" Aaron said and looked at me and smile.

Wait... what?

"200 dollars and that's the final" the man said and Aaron went to get the books and came over to me and handed them to me.

I just stared at him shocked and confused.

"Here, have them" he said after I didn't take the book from his hand.

"What?" I asked still very much confused.

He giggled , " just take them off my hands and let's get going, it's already getting late and the auction was pretty long" he said.

I slowly took it from him.

"Why did you get them for me?" I asked confused and surprised.

"Well for one, i brought you here, and I can't just let you go back home feeling all sad and all. Two, why not?"

"But you didn't get anything for yourself" I said.

"Doesn't matter, I come here every year, and I still had fun hanging out with you" he said and a small smile creeped out of my face.

"C'mon let's go" he said taking my hands and leading me out through the crowd.

"I have actually never been to an amusement park before" I didn't even realize I said that, wtf??!

"Why not?" he asked.

"I don't know, I just never thought about it" I lied. The truth was I was scared that I was going to get an attack in public and it scared me .

"Why don't you have friends" he asked.

I shrugged, unable to say anything.

He continued talking, " I mean you're actually very fun to be with and all. You're smart, you're interesting, you're funny, like why?"

I felt so emotional hearing this from someone.

"I guess I was always pushing people away. Maybe because I have insecurities and I'm afraid of them finding out" I said.

"Everyone has insecurities Brittney, everyone does" he said.

"it might get in the way and ruin our friendship, I just don't want to bother anyone with my problems" I said.

"A problem shared is a problem solved" he said.

"Trust me, not all problems can be solved" I said.

We finally reached the car and we got in.

"Have this at the back of your mind tho, as far as I know you now, at least a little about you, I'm going to unintrovert your introvercy, if there is any word like that" he said starting the car.

I chuckled. "My parents have tried changing me, still hasn't worked out" I said.

"Well I'm sure they are going to love me after now, cause you'll be seeing me a lot from now on, trust me" he said.

I laughed.

We talked a little about some other stuffs and we finally reached my house.

"See you tomorrow then" I said getting out of the car.

"Yeah uhhh... Brittney" he called.

I turned back.

" I prefer you with your glasses on" he said smirking and drove out not even turning back.

I stood there struggling not to blush.

I unconsciously touched my glasses and smiled.

I got back into the house and my parents were in the living room watching TV.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad",I said.

"Hey, how was the carnival" my dad asked.

"It was okay" I said.

"Had fun?" mom asked.

"Yeah, I guess" they both smiled.

"We're happy for that, do stuffs like this more often, its healthy" my Dad said.

"I'll try" I said walking upstairs.

"And we'd like to talk to Aaron" my mom said making me stop on my track.


"Yeah, to appreciate him for taking you out of your room" she said.

"No no no , Please don't do that, you're gonna boost his ego, and he's going to think I have a serious condition of not leaving my house" I said .

"Well, you kinda do, and it's obvious" my dad said tossing popcorn in his mouth.

"It's only obvious because he's realized I don't go outside, that'd just all" I said.

"Brittney, we think you should be hanging out with Aaron more often, he's been making you feel relaxed and you're free with him" my mom said.

"Aaron isn't the kinda guy I'll hang out with, he's schools celebrity, everyone bows at his feet, he's just going to bring up some unwanted attention to my angel. He has already introduced me to his gang, gang that I dislike , I'm not really in for that kinda attention mom" I said.

She sighed, I knew she wasn't happy, she just wants me to do something interesting, but Aaron wasn't that guy that I'd love to say changed my life. We are from two complete different worlds. I don't even match up to his standards, it's a waste of time building castles in the air like how it's a waste of time trying to make me survive when I know I'll be dead in some months from now.

"Whatever you want sweetie" she said sadly and looked back to the television.

I sighed and walked upstairs to my room .

I dropped my purse and stared at the calendar.

7 more months to my 18th birthday and then I'm finally gone, for good.

I started at my bucket list of things to do before I die.

The only things that were there was complete 5000 books and have perfect grades.

Should I change them? should I do something different, should I do something remarkable?

I sighed, I was still going to die anyway.

Then a thought hit me.

My brother...

Was he still alive?

Was he dead?

If he was still alive, where is he??

Who kidnapped him?

And why did the person kill my father and my uncle?..

I think I've found something to do .

I want to see my brother before he dies, and I'm going to.

Everyone that got close to finding my brother died, I'm going to die anyways so there was nothing to loose.

I tore a piece of paper and wrote.

"Operation find your missing brother"

Then I clipped it to my paper board and stared at it.

I need to do something, it's clearly impossible, but I'm going to find a way through, and quickly, before I die.