
to live and to die

he was fire... she wanted him to burn her.. she was water, water can't be burnt

CJ_Willy · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

chapter 11

Authors note:

Sorry about late update, I promise I'll keep you updated.

love, Cj.


I smirked and adjusted myself on my chair.

"So tell me more sir" I said.

"I don't know any other thing, for God sake this is something that happened nearly 18 years ago how am I supposed to remember all that" he said.

"But you know that if the case is being revisited, it could make you loose your entire hospital and even put you in jail and in serious trouble" I said.

He adjusted his glasses and went uneasy on the chair.

"What exactly do you want miss", it came out as a whisper.

"I want to know exactly what happened during the abduction and how it happened and who is responsible for it" I said.

"I don't know anything about it, I don't know how it happened and I don't know who is responsible for it, I wasn't even in the country when it happened, okay? I just got a call that morning from the police that an abduction just took place in my hospital, do you know how devastated I was? I was in jail for weeks till the case finally died down, I almost lost my hospital, do you think I use toys to build this place? I did everything I could to find who took the baby but it didn't work out and I also had to save my hospital, so that's it miss, no more questions" he said and stood up.

"One more question" I said

"What?!" he asked very impatiently.

"What does this hospital have to do with that baby factory - Litman medical center" I asked.

"It was a medical center that was few blocks away from here, we were also part of their donors and we helped them until after this case came up and the center was pulled down, the end" he said and walked out of the office.

I sat there trying to process everything, and I just knew deep down, he wasn't saying everything. I read his expressions, I took note of everything he said, I took note of the way he responded to things.

He knows something, and I'm gonna get it.


I walked into my house and saw my mom sipping coffee, unconscious from her surrounding.

She had a sad look on her face, I knew it was my fault.

I sighed, what was so bad in boot camp anyway. I mean it won't be bad to at least try something new before I.. you know.

I walked up to her and hugged her from behind.

She had gone through too much because of me.

"I'm sorry about earlier", I said.

She didn't say anything.

"So I gave what you and Dad said a thought, a very long thought, and yes I'll go to boot camp... just this month"

she turned around and wrapped her arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you" she whispered.

It's funny how she's thanking me for choosing to have fun.

Then I left her and went to my dad's room.

He was doing some work.

"Can I come in" I said at the door.

He looked up and saw it was me and dropped his laptop.

"Of course, why not" he said smiling.

"I'm sorry about earlier" I said

"it's okay Brittney, we understand why-"

"No it's not even that, it's okay, I'll go" I said.

.He suddenly beamed .

"I'm happy about that" he said.

I nodded and left.

I had lessons with Aaron today, I don't know if I should just go there and look more stupid or just stay at home and read, I've missed a lot of lessons, I had a lot to cover up .

I went to my room and emailed my teachers to please send the lesson notes that I was sick and that's why I didn't attend class.

They all responded because they knew I was a serious student.

I used the whole day to read.

Later that day my parents and I went to see a movie, we had fun and we came back home.

Before I knew it, it was Monday already, and the we were to leave for the camp by the next day.

All my classmates were talking about how fun it was going to be.

It was going to be a gathering of so many grade 12 students across the country.

Which I wasn't happy about because I thought it was just us so I could manage.

To them, whoever brought up the idea was amazing, but to me, this was horrible.

I heard the basket ball team guys making bets about increasing their body counts by ten!! ... seriously!!?

Mrs Benson later explained to us that there was going to be a leadership meeting in the camp too.

Today was longer than usual...I just wanted it to end so that I could go home and finish Harry Potter.

As expected, no one even noticed I was gone for a week.

I didn't even care checking out for Aaron or whatever, I just humiliated myself, and I just hope he doesn't tell anyone about it.

Cafeteria was still Cafeteria, the usual pranks and stunts stuff happening.

But I never saw today's own coming.

Someone walked up to my table and sat across from me.

I got scared when I noticed people were recording it.

Oh no ...

All my years in this school and I never thought I would one day be a victim of this.

I swallowed hard and pretended not to notice her presence.

"Hey red hair" the girl said.

I looked up at her giving her no Expression on my face, but God knows deep down I was screaming.

"So what's the news spreading round that everyone is talking about" she asked.

I swallowed hard, what news?! did Aaron tell anyone!?

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot, she's like very lame, she doesn't have a phone probably, I don't blame her" she said and her friends giggled.

Haha, very funny.

"So rumors went out that you're sleeping around with Aaron Maxwell" she said.

Everyone in the cafeteria gasped.

"What the fuck?" I heard Aaron say from his table.

I didn't say anything, I didn't react, I just continued eating.

As long as it wasn't true, I didn't give a fuck.

"And, we also heard that you got pregnant for him and did an abortion, that's why you haven't been in school lately, witness said they even saw you in a hospital" she added.

Everyone gasped again and started mumuring and laughing.

"Witness also has it that they've seen you a couple of times at Aaron's house...at night" she finished..

Everyone started going crazy.

..." it's always the quiet ones.."

..." I knew she was a bitch, I just didn't have evidence..."

".. she does look like a slut tho.."

.."who the fuck is she?..."

..." no wonder I've been seeing two of them together of recent..."

I didn't even respond to any, I just kept on eating my food.

This was comedy to me.

The girl started looking stupid because I wasn't saying anything.

"So what do you have to say about that?" she asked.

I took a sip from my bottle water and looked at her.

"Are you done yet? please when you're done take that liability that you call a body out of my table" I said and everyone gasped and started laughing.

Yeahh.... this is not the kinda mood you should meet me with and mess with.

"The fuck did you just say to me bitch?"

I sighed.

"Look, ill advise you get a better life, because this is just a big failure. I mean don't you have better things to do with your sorrowful life other than stalking people? wow so you and your"witness" stalked me all the way to the hospital, wow? I mean how are your grades doing? is this the reason you sighed up for highschool? I'm ashamed to call you my gender.

And so what if I'm sleeping around with Aaron, what if I did the abortion, how the fuck is that supposed to make you more better than you are now? pathetic loser , excuse me" I said and immediately got up and left the cafeteria that I had successfully left ablaze with everyone screaming from different directions from the hall.

I got outside and started trying to calm myself down.

Fuck I was messed up.

I need a friend... someone to talk to.

I just unfortunately released all my anger on that idiot for thinking she can just pick on anyone she could meet.

"Hey Brittney right?" I turned around and saw Josh standing beside me.

I didn't reply him.

"Look uhm, sorry about what happened in there with Bianca" he continued. Ohhhh, so the idiots name was Bianca.

"And fuck I wasn't expecting that from you, at all, like I had to stand up to check if it was you talking, that's pretty shitty, I mean wow that was fucken crazy". he continued.

i just nodded.

"And uhm..Aaron is.." I quickly cut him off.

"It's okay, don't just talk about that, I'm okay, just vented a lot of shits on her, that's all" I said .

"Cool uhm, so about Boot camp, you coming?" he asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Seriously? I wasn't expecting that, I thought you're too introverted for stuffs like that" he said.

"It's educational" I replied casually.

He nodded.

"Cool, and uhm, keep up with the flame, you look better that way" he said he walked away .

I sighed as the bell rung.

Today is just going to end in shit.

I went back to class to clear my head.

Everyone started coming in to hail me.

"Nice job Brittney...

"Fuck Brittney that was a ripper attitude...

"I never knew you were so fucken crazy..."

I groaned and put my head on my table.

Then, I perceive a very familiar scent beside me...I could feel his shadow hoovering above me.

My heart pounding.

Just then, a teacher walked in.

"Alright, settle down you animals..." I lifted my head up and he turned away from me and walked to his seat.


I stared at the clock patiently waiting for the torture to be over soon because my mind was everything away from this school.

I was thinking about what the owner of Gregory Hospital told me.

Just when it felt like it could get worse, the bell finally rang.

I immediately left the class and walked straight to my locker to arrange my stuffs.

I took off my hoodie and stuffed it in my bag.

I turned left and saw Aaron walking towards me... shit.

As soon as I closed my locker I felt cold liquid run down from my hair, down to my feet.

"Next time, don't mess with me" I heard Bianca way.

"Bianca what the fuck?!" Aaron shrieked.

Then everything around me wasn't talking anymore.

I was unconscious of my surrounding.

I looked at my hair and saw it was a mixture of ginger and yellow... mustard.. she fucken spilled mustard on me.

Everyone was recording this...fuck this shit.

"Are you okay?" i turned and saw Josh beside me.

I didn't say anything.

I just grabbed my bag and walked straight into the bathroom.

After a long while of trying to get the mustard off, I was grateful I took off my hoodie.

I wore it back.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Aaron's whole squad, except Kenzie, right in front of Bianca, she didn't look like she cared about what they were saying.

I just walked pass them to my locker and took out my books.

Josh walked up to me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

You know, some questions are just not worth an answer.

Someone just poured mustard on me and you're asking if I'm okay?!

I nodded.

"Brittney, look Aaron..." I cut him off again.

"Look I have to go, my dad is waiting for me" I said swinging my bag on my shoulder and walked out.

As expected, my dad was there waiting.

"You're late today" he said when I got into the car.

"I'm sorry" I said not looking at him.

"You smell like mustard" he added.

"Probably because someone poured it on me" I said casually.

He looked at me.


"Look I don't want to talk about it" I said.

"No you have to" he insisted.

"Some stupid girl accused me of being pregnant for Aaron and had an abortion last week while I was struggling with my life and then I just sparked and everything and got really pissed and after school she poured mustard on me" I summarize.

"Is she crazy? I'm calling your principal right now" he said getting his phone out of his pocket

"No please don't,I can handle this, trust me" I said.

He looked at me concerned.

"I'm sorry dear" he said and kissed my forehead.

"It's okay" I said.

"Let's go get it drink before you go home" he said driving away.


Tuesday came quicker than I wanted.

My dad drove me to the parking and dropped me off.

I stared around.

Everyone was in pairs, they had friends to talk to and all. I didn't have any.

I just took a seat near the flower garden and brought out my Harry Potter.

I had loaded my bag with novels that were going to last me till the end of this camp.

I looked up and my eyes locked with Aaron, it's like I knew he was staring at me.

He was with his guys.

He started walking towards me.

"Aaron!" someone shouted his name.

It was his sister.

He smiled and started walking towards her.

He carried her up and kissed her cheek.

"What are you doing here?" he asked her.

"Mummy is over there in the car, you left your phone at home" she said.

"Awwn thanks baby girl" he said collecting it from her and went to meet his mother.

It was time for us to put our bags in the the back and start getting inside.

I went to the bathroom quickly and used my inhaler first ... just incase dust would affect me.

By the time I came back, the bus was filled and the only empty seat was beside Kenzie. I went over there and sat beside her.

She didn't say anything, she just rolled her eyes.

She doesn't hate me, neither does she like me...we are just there.

She was so engrossed in her phone throughout the trip.

Finally we arrived .

Mrs Benson and Mr Farell Came with us and they addressed us a little before letting us get out of the bus .

Other schools were there and boy they didn't look friendly.

Mrs Benson asked us to vote Captain and assistant and they quickly voted Josh and Kenzie, but Kenzie said she doesn't like responsibilities and so she gave it to Aaron.

Josh and Aaron decided to break the ice with the other schools and went over to them for a chat.

In less than five minutes, all the girls were already falling apart because of and I quote " their hotness " Kenzie then sluggishly went over to them after Aaron asked her to come.

Lucy tagged along too, yep that was all we needed and they were already talking and socializing.

I felt really weird and left out and left the hall where we all were and went outside.

I called my dad and told him that we had arrived, he said he would pass the news down to my mother and added that I should have fun.


I walked around a bit and got back to the hall when they started doing the orientation. I sat alone at the back and watched our camp master's lip move unable to hear his voice.

My mind was far from the earth.

I want to find my twin brother, and I want to find him fast before I die.

I don't think I can continue struggling to live.

I got out my phone and plugged in my earphone allowing Harry styles music take me away.

...." in this world..

.... it's just us...

.... and oh it's not the same as it was..x2

....as it was..

....as it was..

...as it was ..

.... and oh it's not the same..."

Finally it was over and we were asked to go outside and get our roommates.

Each person had one roommate and we were given a piece of paper with a number on it and whoever chooses your number becomes your roommate .

I just prayed whoever it was , the person would be okay, and accessable. I need someone to move with in this place.

I looked at my card and saw number 7.

Okay, room 7, who's going there?

I shrugged and started finding the place and luckily I did without having to ask those weird guys staring at me like I'm their dinner.

I opened the room, it wasn't so bad. It had two beds and a medium sized toilet.

I picked one of the beds and sat on it feeling a bit comfortable.

This was going to be the first time since I can remember myself that I am sleeping in a place that isn't my house or the hospital.

Then the door started opening.

That must be my roommate.

The door opened and guess who is standing there?