
to live and to die

he was fire... she wanted him to burn her.. she was water, water can't be burnt

CJ_Willy · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

chapter 10

I dragged him under a coconut tree and looked around making sure no one was around or could see us.

I ran my fingers into my hair and looked at him confused.

"Okay so here's the thing, I'm a fucken complicated person Aaron, so goddamn complicated, and I can't start explaining everything about me to you because I'm just gonna mess up your mind.

I told you I don't have friends because I don't want to bother them with my problems... this... this is one of my problems and yesterday I had so much in my mind I wasn't thinking straight and I just released it on you and I'm sorry." I waited for him to say something... anything..but he didn't, so I took a deep breath in and released it and continued.

"I'm a twin, I had a twin brother that was kidnapped when I was born, and I'm just tryna find him before I..." then I paused and swallowed, I can't tell him that yet.

"And when my parents started investigations, my real father was assassinated and so was my uncle and ever since then, everything died down until the now, and I want to find him, that's just it" I said.

He exhaled and handed me the novel with the files.

He still didn't say anything, and it was killing me inside.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry about yesterday, that wasn't what I meant, I'm just ... fuck I'm complicated, honestly you've been so kind to me, like literally the only human being that has been so kind to me, I'm grateful, I'm very grateful and I'm sorry, I just messed things up, but I'm a mess, a fucken mess...", my voice trailed off.

I couldn't even look at him, I just stared at the ground,. waiting for him to say something, anything at all.

"Yo Aaron, hey Aaron, principal Collins wants to speak to you" I turned to see Josh walking towards us.

"Why" he asked.

"He said it's a you mom, something like that" Josh said.

He sighed and walked away, without even saying anything to me.

Congratulations Brittney, you've successfully made a fool of yourself.

I looked towards the school gate, wondering if I should just go home and rest.

Or I should just leave school and continue with my investigations, what am I doing here anyway?

I could miss school a week and still pick up in a day.

Just immediately, the bell rang.

I sighed, I can't deal with this trauma here in school, and I can't let my parents know what happened.

Then an idea hit me.

The school nurse!

She knows about my health issue.

I walked back into school and went into her office, holding my chest.

"My God, Hampton what is it?" she asked walking up to me.

"My chest...can't breathe" I faked.

"Just calm down, just calm down" she said taking me gently to the bed and putting me on an oxygen tank.

She called my mother immediately and told her to come over.

I felt bad putting my mother under unnecessary pressure, but I needed to think straight,I can't concentrate in school today.

20 minutes after, my mother showed up looking very worried.

"She's okay, she didn't have an attack, just some symptoms, I'll advise you take her home to rest", the nurse said.

My mother nodded and after some minutes, we left school and she dropped me at home.

I knew she was coming from work, but now, she had to skip work completely just so that she could stay at home and take care of me.

Gladly, I didn't go to school for a week, because after two days, I had a real attack and it was because I choked on water... again!!!

And this time around.. nobody cared to check if I was still alive or not .

I woke up one morning and walked downstairs, planning to go back to school the next day, and I met my parents in the living room, grinning once they saw me.

I knew that smile...

Something was up..

"Why are you both smiling at me like that" I asked.

"We have good news" my mother said.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the fridge.

"If it's about my health, probably that you found a solution which will cost you you're entire savings, no" I said bluntly.

"No, it's not that, that topic is for another day, when you're settled" my dad said.

"So what is it this time?" I asked not very interested.

They looked at themselves before they turned to me..

"Your class is going on a two weeks vacation to a boot camp and you're going" they chorused.

I spat out water from my mouth.

"What?!" I shrieked..

They repeated themselves.

"Why!?" I asked again.

"Well it's part of the schools routine, and you're going" my mother said.

"I can't, I have health issues" I said.

"The school nurse will be going with you", my mother said.

"What if I have an attack in public"

"Well just tell them you have Asthma", my dad said.

"What if.."

"Brittney please, we are begging you, please go, just have fun for once in your life, please" my mother said.

I groaned, "I don't want to go, I can't go, I just don't, okay? I have a lot to run away from in school, now living with...?! please no" I said.

I saw my mom's face go pale again. It hurt to see her that way.

Fuck I'm just hurting everyone's feelings these days.

Truth is I don't want to go for the camp and be feeling all left out.

I don't have anyone to talk to and I'll be feeling way lonely than I am already.

And then Aaron, fuck I can't even look at Aaron again.

I've made a total fool of myself and told him my issues, imagine if I also told him about my health issues and he acted the same way?


I want to do something fun, I want to explore and all, but right now, my number one priority is to find my brother.

I didn't say anything, I just walked out of the house.

Where was I going to? I had no idea.

I didn't have a bestie or something that I could go over to her house, and everyone else was in school.

My cousin Ashley that was like my only friend stays in Canada now and so I'm literally on my own.

After some minutes of walking, a thought hit me.

I grabbed my phone and searched for the location of the hospital I was born in

Surprisingly, it was a hour drive from where I was.

Glad that I had some money in my pocket, I took a cab.

I arrived there and stared at the place.

"Gregory Hospital"

It was a private organization. Or I thought so.

Then I paused to think, what am I even doing here? what do I think I want to do? just walk in the be like, I'm here for a case of an abducted twin 17 years ago?

I sighed and walked in.

I summoned courage and walked to the reception and met an old lady there.

Whatever would come out of my mouth should come out, I don't care.

"Good morning ma'am" I said.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" she asked friendly.

"I'd like to see the owner of the hospital, if it's possible?" I said.

"Do you have an appointment with him?" she asked.

I swallowed.

"No but.....uhhhhh.. actually..I'm a student here and uhhh..I'm on a uhhhh.. project...to meet with different hospital owners and interview them...yeahh" I lied scratchings my hair nervously.

"I understand sweetie, but I'm sorry, it doesn't work that way" she said.

I sighed, " So how can I see him?"

"You have to book an appointment first, and he has to accept and give you a date that he'll be available" she explained.

"How long is that gonna take?" I asked.

"Uhh, maybe two weeks, or three if he doesn't finds it appealing" she said .

I sighed disappointed and thanked her and started walking outside.

Suddenly, an average aged man walked in all dressed up in a doctor's outfit walked in with two men beside him.

I just knew that it was either the owner, or the manager.

I summoned courage and walked up to him.

"Good morning sir" I said walking behind him, he didn't look back, he kept on walking.

"Sir Please I hope you're not offended, but please I would love to have a word with you" I said still following him behind.

"Please book an appointment with my manager" he said not even turning.

"sir please, just few minutes of your time please" I said.

"Please I'm busy" he said about to enter his office.

I stood there about to give up.

"Please, if I were your daughter will you push me out like that" I said very sober.

He stood in front of his door and stared at me.

"Tell one of the doctors to handle you then" he said.

"It's not medical related",I said.

He stared at me, not liking where the conversation was going.

"Come in" he said.

I followed him into his office and sat down, staring at the place.

Then my eyes landed on something, it was a photo of him standing with one of the donors I had seen online in the baby factory.

He stood shaking hands with him.

The picture was dated 19 years ago, even before I was born.

"What do you want, make it quick" he said.

I cleared my throat.

"I'm a student from uhm... that's not important, and I'm doing a research on an abduction that took place in your hospital about 17 years ago" I started.

I saw the way he stared at me when I said it, he didn't like the conversation.

I continued.

..."What do you have to say about it? finding out that a baby was kidnapped right under your roof , don't you think it would have spoilt the image of your hospital, what did you do about it?" I asked.

He cleared his throat, " I put hands with the parent of the abducted baby to carry out investigations, and it was a long time ago I can barely remember what happened" he said trying to shift the questions aside.

I smirked, he has something to say, and I was going to get it from him.