

got reincarnated In another world but as a weak ass adventurer who is part of the hero party and got NTR'ed before being kicked out of the party now armed with an OP system I can do what I want which is having adventures and my own harem

Ahmed_Dazumi · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

chapter 3: helping a village pt 1

As the sun cast its warm glow upon the trio by the river, Elyra and Sylara, two sisters with silver and golden hair respectively, exchanged earnest glances. Their eyes carried a mixture of gratitude and desperation, and Elyra, the elder sister, spoke with a voice that resonated with both determination and vulnerability.

Elyra:Hiro, we come from a small village not far from here

Elyra began, her gaze fixed on mine.

Elyra:it's a peaceful place, or at least it used to be. Lately, we've been under constant threat from various monsters—goblins, wolves, and even more sinister creatures.

Sylara, the younger sister, nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the shared concern.

Sylara:Our village is on the brink. We've lost too many homes, too many lives. We were on a desperate supply run when those goblins ambushed us. We can't do this alone anymore. We need help.

I listened intently, the weight of their words settling upon my shoulders. The responsibility of protecting not just themselves but an entire community became apparent, and I felt the gravity of the decision that lay before me.

Elyra continued, her voice unwavering

Elyra:We understand that you have your own journey, your own reasons for being here. But Hiro, if you could lend us your strength, be it for a short while, it could mean everything for our village. We're begging you.

Sylara's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and her plea echoed her sister's sentiments,

Sylara:Please, Hiro. We have no one else to turn to. We can't bear to see our home destroyed, our people suffering. Your skills, your courage, they could be the hope we've been praying for.

I felt a profound sense of empathy for their plight, the echoes of their desperation resonating within me and also as they bowed the large breasts jiggled so did my decision making skills . The decision to help or to continue on my own journey became a poignant crossroads, and as the sun dipped lower in the sky, I weighed the potential impact of my choice I want boobs so obviously I'm saving this village

"I understand," I finally spoke, a solemn determination in my voice.

Hiro: I may not be a hero, but I can't stand idly by when people need help. I'll do what I can to assist your village and protect it from these threats.

And plus I want boobies

Elyra's eyes brightened with a mixture of relief and gratitude, and Sylara's tearful smile conveyed a depth of emotion. The bond forged in that moment, the shared commitment to a cause greater than ourselves, set the stage for a new chapter in our intertwined journeys through Mystaria.

As the three of us prepared to embark on the path toward Elyra and Sylara's village, the unknown adventures ahead seemed to align with a sense of purpose that transcended individual quests. Together, we stepped into the gathering shadows, ready to face the challenges that awaited, and perhaps, to kindle a beacon of hope for a village on the brink of despair.

The sisters, Elyra and Sylara, walked alongside me as we traversed the dense forest, the weight of their village's struggles hanging in the air like a palpable mist. As we moved, Elyra shared the unsettling experiences they had faced when seeking aid from adventurers.

Elyra:We've tried to hire adventurers before

she began, her voice tinged with frustration.

Elyra:But many of them demand exorbitant fees, far beyond what our village can afford. It's as if the value of our safety is measured solely in gold.

Sylara nodded in agreement,

Sylara:And some... some were outright audacious. They said they'd help us, but only if we agreed to give them our food and, unbelievably, some of our women and even us. As if we were bargaining chips rather than desperate people seeking help.

A mixture of anger and sympathy stirred within me, realizing the depths of exploitation faced by the sisters and their village . "That's despicable,"

I'm helping them because I want to.... I'm despicable too at least I don't make it obvious

I muttered, clenching my fists.

Hiro:No one should exploit the vulnerability of others for their own gain. It's appalling.

Yeah I'm a degenerate

Elyra sighed,

Elyra:We felt helpless, Hiro. We had no choice but to refuse those offers, even though it meant our village remained vulnerable. We couldn't sacrifice our dignity and the well-being of our people for the sake of mercenaries with questionable motives.

Sylara added

Sylara:That's why your willingness to help means so much to us. You didn't ask for riches or make inappropriate demands. Your decision to assist us out of genuine concern... it gives us hope.

The forest path opened up to reveal a clearing, and the distant silhouette of their village became visible. The urgency of the situation intensified as we approached, the vulnerability of the village juxtaposed against the backdrop of a world fraught with challenges.

Hiro: I may not be an experienced adventurer, but I won't stand by when people exploit others in need. We're in this together, and we'll find a way to protect your village

I affirmed, a sense of determination guiding my words. This is for a good cause, my Dick

Elyra's eyes sparkled with gratitude

Elyra:thank you, Hiro. Your words bring comfort to our hearts. We'll face the challenges ahead together, and with your help, maybe we can restore some semblance of peace to our home.

As we entered the village, the echoes of their struggles lingered in the air, a testament to the resilience of those who refused to compromise their principles.

The rustling leaves and ambient sounds of the village were interrupted by the arrival of a burly man accompanied by a makeshift vigilante group. Their laughter echoed through the air as they approached, their mocking gazes fixated on my seemingly childish form. Elyra and Sylara exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the tension that loomed in the encounter.

The burly man, adorned in makeshift armor and carrying a weathered axe, swaggered forward with a grin that exuded arrogance.

Burly man:Well, well, what do we have here? A pint-sized hero, or should I say, a child playing adventurer?

he jeered, his cohorts joining in the laughter.

I'm a shotacon what the fuck now I'm depressed

I squared my shoulders, suppressing the frustration that welled up within me. Elyra and Sylara stepped forward, their expressions a blend of caution and defiance.

Elyra:This is Hiro, and he's here to help us

Elyra declared, her tone firm.

The burly man's laughter intensified

Burly man: Help? Look at him! What's he gonna do, chase the monsters away with a toy sword?

His lackeys chortled in agreement, reveling in the mockery.

I'm even more depressed

Sylara, her patience wearing thin, retorted,

Sylara:you might want to reconsider underestimating him. He's proven himself more capable than he looks

Thank you syl

The burly man dismissed her words with a condescending wave.

Burlty man:Capable? I'll believe it when I see it. But fine, let's put your 'hero' to the test. We've got a little challenge for you, kid.

I'm depressed again

My eyes narrowed, a mix of irritation and determination in my gaze.

Hiro:What kind of challenge?

I asked, unwilling to back down in the face of their taunts.

He grinned, revealing a toothpick lodged between his teeth wow he's so rich they look like 24 carat gold oh my that's his teeth

I could sell those as gold and people wknobe able to tell the difference wow it even shines when pointing torch light at it

Burly man:There's a den of wolves not far from here. Take care of them, and maybe, just maybe, we'll consider letting you tag along with us.

I could invent tooth brush he'll thank me later

Elyra interjected,

Elyra:We're not here to compete. We need all the help we can get to protect our village.

The burly man chuckled

Burly man:Oh, it's not a competition, sweetheart. It's a test. Let's see if the 'mighty' Hiro can handle a pack of wolves. What do you say, hero?

Anything to get me away from your golden teeth it's blinding my eyes

I took a deep breath, suppressing the rising frustration.

Hiro:Fine. I'll prove my capabilities. But remember, I'm not doing this for your approval. I'm doing it for the safety of this village

And the boobies

Naaa I just want the Exps and the girls possibly

As I turned away, determined to face the challenge imposed upon me, the burly man's laughter lingered in the air. The makeshift vigilante group continued to mock, but amidst their jeers, a spark of determination ignited within me. The den of wolves became not just a test but an opportunity to demonstrate that strength comes in various forms, and even the seemingly smallest can wield the power to protect.

The dense forest enveloped me as I ventured towards the den of wolves, the burly man's laughter still echoing in my ears. Elyra and Sylara followed close behind, their expressions a mix of concern and support. The forest grew quieter, the only sounds the rustling leaves and the distant calls of birds.

As I approached the den, the atmosphere became tense. The air seemed charged with an impending struggle, and the distinct scent of wolves lingered. Emerging from the shadows, a pack of snarling wolves surrounded the entrance, their eyes gleaming with feral hunger.

I drew my worn-out short sword, its blade reflecting the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy. The wolves, sensing my presence, bared their teeth and prepared to pounce. A bead of sweat formed on my forehead as I focused on the task at hand.

Activating my Basic Short Sword Mastery, I felt a surge of heightened reflexes and precision. The first wolf lunged, its jaws snapping. With a swift movement, I parried its attack, countering with a well-placed strike that incapacitated the creature. The forest momentarily echoed with the clash of metal against fur.

The pack circled, testing my resolve. Their movements were swift and coordinated, but the enhanced agility from my skill allowed me to keep pace. As another wolf lunged, I executed an Arcane Dagger Strike, a burst of arcane energy enhancing my attack. The wolf yelped as the strike found its mark, dissuading its companions from further aggression.

Elyra and Sylara watched with bated breath, their trust evident in their eyes. The battle continued, each wolf met with a calculated response. The forest became a battleground, the dance between predator and defender unfolding amidst the ancient trees.

The wolves, realizing their advantage slipping away, grew more desperate. Their attacks became frenzied, testing the limits of my agility. With each clash, the Omni system registered the experience gained, a testament to the effectiveness of my honed skills.

As the last wolf fell, the den once filled with snarls now echoed with an eerie silence. The tattered short sword, stained with the marks of battle, gleamed in the dappled sunlight. I stood amidst the fallen wolves, a mixture of exhaustion and triumph coursing through me.

Elyra and Sylara approached, their expressions a blend of relief and admiration.

Elyra:You did it, Hiro

Elyra said, a genuine smile gracing her features.

I nodded, catching my breath.

Hiro:It's not about the size of the blade but how you wield it. I told you, I'm not here for their approval. I'm here to protect your village.

And the boobies

The burly man and his vigilante group emerged from the shadows, their mocking demeanor replaced with reluctant acknowledgment. The forest bore witness to a transformation—the underestimated hero proving that strength resided not just in stature but in skill, determination, and the unwavering will to protect.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, the victorious trio, now joined by Elyra and Sylara, emerged from the forest, leaving behind the den of wolves. The journey through Mystaria continued, each battle, each challenge shaping the narrative of an unlikely hero and the bonds forged in the crucible of adversity.

The revelation that the Nightshades were low-ranked demons weighed heavily on the air, casting a shadow over the group. Elyra and Sylara, their expressions now tinged with sorrow, exchanged somber glances. The reality of their village being a low-ranked settlement seemed to compound the challenges they faced.

I furrowed my brow, a mix of determination and frustration building within me.

Hiro:Low-ranked demons? Why haven't the adventurers' guilds or authorities stepped in to deal with this threat? It's their duty to protect the realms from such creatures.

Sylara sighed, her voice tinged with a sense of resignation

Sylara:Our village, it's not considered important or strategic. We're off the beaten path, and low-ranked demons aren't typically a priority for the larger guilds. We're left to fend for ourselves.

Elyra added

Elyra:The Nightshades exploit this vulnerability. They target villages like ours, where resources are scarce, and defenses are meager. It's a cruel cycle of despair, and we've felt the brunt of it.

I clenched my fists, a face of injustice fueling my determination.

Hiro:This is unacceptable. No village should be left defenseless against demonic threats. We need to find a way to make the guilds take notice and provide the support your village deserves.

The burly man, who had been listening intently, scratched his head, a semblance of understanding dawning on his face.

Burly man:Guess we didn't realize how bad it was. If those demons are causing havoc, we can't just stand by.

Sylara nodded

Sylara:We appreciate your willingness to help, but the truth is, our village doesn't have much to offer in return. We're a simple community, just trying to survive.

I placed a hand on Sylara's shoulder, offering reassurance.

Hiro:your village may be low-ranked, but that doesn't diminish its value. Every life matters, and every community deserves protection. We'll find a way to make the guilds understand the gravity of this situation.

Elyra looked up, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Elyra:You'd really do that for us? Even though we have nothing to offer in return?

Girl your chest alone is worth fighting demons for

I nodded,

Hiro :We're in this together. No one should live in fear, and every village deserves a chance to thrive. We'll figure out a way to make the guilds take notice and provide the help your village needs.

As the group contemplated the challenges ahead, the determination to change the fate of the low-ranked village and confront the demonic threat resonated in the gathering dusk. The echoes of their resolve and the shared burden of the journey ahead seemed to blend with the rustling leaves, hinting at the possibilities that awaited in Mystaria's intricate tapestry.

The burly man, catching wind of my determination to seek aid from the guilds, interrupted with a gruff tone,

Burly man:Shut the hell up. I'll handle this myself. We don't need the fancy guilds to clean up our mess.

Elyra and Sylara exchanged glances, a mixture of surprise and uncertainty in their eyes. I turned my attention to the burly man, his stern expression daring me to challenge his decision.

Hiro : kget it. You want to handle it on your own terms

I acknowledged, recognizing the pride in his words.

Hiro:But we need to be realistic. Dealing with low-ranked demons is no easy task, and the guilds have the resources and expertise to assist. It's not about showing weakness; it's about ensuring the safety of your village.

He scowled,

Burly man:I don't need lectures. We've been handling our problems just fine without relying on guilds or anyone else.

Hiro:We appreciate your willingness to help, truly, but facing demons is a perilous task. If there's a chance the guilds could provide support, we should consider it. It's not a sign of weakness, but a strategic move to ensure the safety of our home.

The burly man grumbled, clearly torn between his pride and the pragmatic perspective presented. I spoke again,

Hiro:respect your decision to handle it your way, but let's at least explore all options. If we can make the guilds understand the severity of the situation, they might offer assistance without compromising your efforts.

The tension lingered, the forest seemingly holding its breath. Elyra and Sylara's hope for additional support clashed with the burly man's determination to handle matters independently. The decision on how to confront the demonic threat became a delicate balance between pride, practicality, and the shared goal of safeguarding the village from the looming darkness that awaited in the heart of Mystaria.