
A Slice of Pizza

Leon was dreaming.

He was always dreaming.

And he hoped to continue dreaming.

Dreaming to the point where he could no longer tell whether or not he was awake or asleep. He was living life in a daze. He deluded himself in images where he was safe back at home, enjoying life in a world with the people he loved.

However, every so often he would wake from his delusions, only to realize that he was still stuck in this harsh reality of never returning home. Then, he'd force himself back into his dreams to fill in the empty holes of what reality has left him with.

This feeling of being stuck between delusion and reality was a hundred times better than living in a world that destroyed your entire being.

And as Leon was dreaming, he smelt a distinct scent.

One he hasn't smelled in many years.

It prompted him to open his eyes.

His surroundings were hazy. Spaces filled with white. Things that moved in a blur. The world was muddled around him, but his eyes followed the smell to a small stall. And soon, that small stall was the only thing he could see.


It was pizza.

The shape was different, but his tongue remembers.

Pizza was something he didn't eat very much, but it was always something that was there, something that was always sitting in his fridge. It's been ten, eleven years, since he had even smelled such a distinct, savory scent.

It reminded him of how pizza and parties go hand and hand. How the crust of the pizza was the best part. And something about pineapples. Pizza and pineapples . . . it didn't make any sense.

Leon could only remember bits and pieces, but the feelings were still there. It brought him a great sense of joy, a value of living. A glimpse of life that appeared in his eyes, something that Rey had seen only for a moment.

But with those feelings came a stinging sense of pain. One that weighs so heavily on your chest that you can't find a way to breathe. And then it spreads like a disease, making sure it pierces even the deepest part of your body. A place that you can't even scratch to ease the pain. Then, with nowhere to escape, the only thing you can do is to numb it with your thoughts. To run away and hide in that safe place where you delude yourself in all nice things.

And like this, Leon finds himself stuck between the lines of reality and delusion. A continuous cycle he uses to protect himself, yet also tortures his mind and body.

It doesn't matter how much a person can wish for something. It doesn't matter how hard they work for it. No matter what they sacrifice. There are just some things in life one can't have.

How true that was.

Knock. Knock.

Oh, look.

His mom must be back from the store.


Rey immediately dropped the greasy slice of bread and began checking his dear friend.

Leon's tears fell like a waterfall, yet he uttered no noise.

And like Rey has done every day, he wiped the tears away and cared for him until the tears would stop.

Rey grumbled, 'I knew he shouldn't have bought that thing!'

With a tsk, he disintegrated the pizza into nothingness.

Now, he didn't even feel hungry anymore. But he knew he still had to buy something to eat. He needed Leon to eat.


"-Sir," someone interrupted.

It was the same stranger who had told him that Leon wanted that greasy slice of bread. If it weren't for the fact that they were surrounded by civilians, Rey would have made sure that this stranger ceased to exist.

Rey glared, "Get lost,"

The stranger waved his hands in a flustered motion, "N-no, it's just . . . Can I have my money back?"

. . . .

Rey was silent and nonchalant for a moment, but he still reached into his inventory. And just as the stranger thought he would get his money back, Rey pulled out a grand-looking sword with a dark aura that surrounded him.

'If I just kill him real fast, I'm sure no one would notice,'

"L-listen!" the stranger squealed, "I-I gave you that money to buy your friend a Tomato Cheese Bread, but instead you ate it and even destroyed it! I deserve compensation!"


Rey swung the sword in the air, making the stranger fall to his knees.

"Get lost,"

"P-please! Just-" the stranger huffed and was about to retort, but feeling the heavy aura that Rey emanated, he ran off.

Seeing that the stranger left, Rey gave a sigh of relief and put the sword away.

He turned towards Leon to finish up his calming session. The pats on the head and the wiping of tears always worked. And whenever Leon is done crying, they'll continue to go on their way. He'll buy some real food this time.

Rey haven't even started when he heard the quick footsteps of the stranger returning. This time with a Tomato Cheese Bread in his hand.

'It seems that he wishes for death,'

Rey was about to brandish his sword again.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" the stranger yelled at the top of his lungs, catching many people's attention.

Rey twitched his eye in annoyance, but still, though reluctant, left his sword alone.

Thus, this was why he hated waiting. Why he hated giving second chances.

Something always happens.

And that something was always bad.

Or annoying.

"Please," the stranger huffed as he presented the bread to Rey, "Give it to him,"

If looks could kill, the stranger would be dead by now.

"I promise you!" the stranger pleaded, "Your friend will like it!"

Rey twitched.

"I am sure of it!"

He fisted his hands.

"It'll make him stop crying!"


Something inside Rey was triggered. A feeling of rage seemed to grow uncontrollably. A familiar feeling that he usually tries to control.

His eyes glowed a dim red.

'How dare a total stranger tell him what Leon likes and doesn't like,'

Rey slowly raised his hand, about to summon a spell.

'How dare a total stranger butt in where they don't belong,'

The clouds began to swirl, the sky turning dark.

'You think you know Leon better than I do?! You think you know what's best for him?! I've known him for years! I know him the best! Even if Leon wasn't Leon, I still-'

The determined look of the stranger made Rey falter. Those unwavering eyes, were so clear and straightforward.

Just like Leon.

Rey's hand trembled slightly, his eyes filled with doubt and hesitation.

The dark cloud began to wisp away as if it was never there in the first place. And though the skies were clear again, Rey could only feel a bitter hostility that whirled inside of himself.

He grits his teeth.

He wanted to destroy something, anything. Just like what he intended to do in the first place. But he caved into his conscious.

He knew it wasn't the right thing to do. Throwing his frustrations at those around him, he wouldn't be any better than his past enemies.

Rey chuckled at his own pitiful self.

He found his own sore spot.


He already knew what it was. He just didn't want to admit it.

The idea that Leon was a total stranger to him.

Whenever someone talked to Leon, it made Rey angry, but it was mostly fear that he felt.

Fear that there could be someone who sees something that even he couldn't see. That they could find a way to bring Leon back even though he himself couldn't do it. Even though he's been by Leon's side this whole time. Even though he's the one who should know Leon the best.

It was fear that there could be someone who can help Leon who wasn't himself.

He swiftly turned around to face Leon. He stood there for a couple minutes calming himself down. His eyes returned to their usual black color.

The stranger was confused at first. Mostly because of the darkening of the sky and its sudden disappearance, but nonetheless thought nothing of it. He stared questioningly at Rey's back, just wondering what he was doing.

It didn't take very long until Rey turned back around. They stared at each other for a couple minutes.

" . . . Um," the stranger started, "the bre-"


'EEEkkk!!' the stranger cried.

Rey observed the Tomato Cheese Bread that he just snatched to make sure there was nothing wrong with it. And as expected, it was just a greasy slice of bread.

Rey took a glance at Leon, still unsure if he wanted Leon to eat such a thing.

Leon wasn't any different. He still had small tears that continued to fall.


Rey ripped the bread into smaller pieces before stuffing them into Leon's mouth. Then, he waited to see the results.

. . . .

As expected.

There was nothing.

Leon only continued to cry.

Despite seeing Rey's back, the stranger could feel a death glare stabbing into himself.

Then, seeing Rey reach into his inventory, the stranger immediately raised his hands.

"W-wait!" the stranger pleaded, "We just have to wait! Give it some time!"

Rey didn't stop.

The stranger felt like he should yell again, this time for help. But just as his mouth opened, he heard the sounds of jingles.

A bag of coins was tossed right onto the stranger's face.

"Get lost," Rey demanded, nonchalantly.

The stranger was bewildered, not yet processing the situation.

"Your compensation," Rey muttered.

"Oh, right,"

Just as the stranger was about to turn around and leave, he stopped. He decided to make his way around Rey, peeking over his shoulder to see the result of his work.

From what he can see, the depressed man was still depressed. In fact, tears have started to fall even harder and faster. His shoulders have begun to shake and even the sound of whimpers can actually be heard now.

'Shit,' the stranger was definitely sure he would die now. He looked down at the bag of money in his hand and shuddered in fear, 'Is he telling me to live my last breath before he comes for me?!'

"Your name," Rey asked but didn't turn around.

". . ."

"What's your name?"

". . . Uh . . ."

"I won't ask again,"


This time, Rey turned his head but with the darkest glare and aura surrounding him.

"M-My name is Seven!" the stranger yelled in panic, "I'm lucky number Seven, the seventh son in the seventh generation of my family! SEVEN IS MY NAME!!!"

"Pitiful," Rey blurted before turning his attention back to Leon, ". . . and thank you,"

Seven stood bewildered once more, 'Pitiful? And thanks?'

Seven couldn't see it, but for the first time in a long time, Rey had a smile on his face. Though it was a small smile, it was a smile nonetheless. A smile of relief, because for the first time, Rey wasn't spiraling down this dark tunnel anymore. He wasn't watching Leon's condition get worse. He had finally gotten somewhere. A step further into helping Leon.

With how much Leon was crying, a bystander wouldn't understand with just a look. But with the many days that Rey have spent with Leon, he could tell there was change. A really small, but slight change.

This cry of Leon's wasn't one of pain, but one filled with joy. A grieving joy, like something he found after it's been lost for a long time.

"Leon," Rey called as he gave Leon a crushing hug, "We found one, we found one,"

A greasy slice of bread.

Rey would've never thought that such a thing could be something that Leon enjoys. He'll have to buy a lot for their journey.

This was a small step, but a step in the right direction.

After releasing Leon from his hold, Rey turned towards Seven, finally acknowledging his presence. He reached out his hand.

"I'm Rey Atland,"

Seven was hesitant, but still shook Rey's hand, ". . . Nice to meet you,"

"Is that enough?" Rey asked as he pointed at the bag of coins sitting in Seven's hand.

"Uh . . . Yes?"

"Good," Rey went back to feeding Leon, "Start packing and buy what you need, I'll see you at the gate tomorrow morning,"

". . . . Huh?"

"You're joining us to Tevalon,"

"I am?"

"If you're not at the gate by dawn, I will find you,"

". . . . Sorry?"

"Now get lost,"

". . . ."

And just like that, Seven was recruited into Rey's party.

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