
To be Prince of Europe

This is medieval Europe, yet not the real Europe. Because here, in addition to everything original from medieval Europe, there inexplicably exist mages, demihumans, monsters, and all sorts of dangerous and powerful creatures. Damian, who reincarnated here by accident, how will he survive in this strange European continent full of magical colors? "Don't worry, everything will be fine," Damian smiled after looking at the war system interface in front of him. "If it's just about surviving here, there shouldn't be a problem." The adventurous courage and passion, the blood and fire of war, the intrigues and power struggles of the court. Defeating dangerous enemies, gaining reliable allies, upgrading one's own system abilities, cultivating a powerful army unique to oneself, encountering various charming women, and finally——standing at the top of Europe amidst the adoration of the masses. In fact, he originally just wanted to survive on this medieval European continent. But unknowingly... power, wealth, authority, women, everything silently fell into his hands, until he became the prince of the entire Europe. "So, who exactly is spreading rumors that I became the prince by relying on my lower half??"

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73 Chs

Knight for Army

In August, the Gothingen County of Conosa gradually settled down. The troublemakers were all dealt with, and the goblin invaders of the territory were either driven away or killed. There were no more nomads or half-orcs to harass Gothingen for the time being.

So, Conosa gradually regained some power in peace. Seizing this opportunity, Conosa gathered her core leadership team, led by Damian and Joan, for a commendation ceremony.

Families like the Wagner knights were also in attendance.

Although Damian's peasant army made a significant contribution to the war, the knights who directly protected the Countess from orc insults received the most rewards.

Part of the wealth left by Howard and the Scoke brothers was distributed to the knights by Conosa. This included Joan's estate, which was said to provide fertile land for five knights and thirty-two soldiers to live on.

Although just a formal ceremony, at least as the court priest, Damian made his formal debut in front of many courtiers under Conosa's intentional guidance.

On the surface, people respected Damian, who came from a knightly family and was elevated in the church. But behind the scenes, many looked down on him.

Additionally, a sudden event almost caused a big stir.

Just as the investiture ceremony was coming to a close, Countess Conosa suddenly called out the name of Damian's subordinate, Greb. This ordinary small landowner and leader of archers was officially announced by Conosa: "I have decided to appoint Greb as the captain of Gothingen Castle Guard and archery instructor, granting him five hooks of farmland."

A hook, in this part of Germany, is roughly equivalent to 30 acres, or 180 acres. 5 hooks are thousands of acres of land.

Of course, land during this period was not as scarce as in the future. Thousands of acres of land were still not enough for an ordinary knight's livelihood. After all, a villager might need dozens of acres of land to cultivate.

But the underlying problem revealed here is worth pondering.

Greb himself was not stupid. He was just a neighboring small landowner, and over a hundred acres of his family's land had been taken away. When the Countess called him, he did not step forward but instead looked at his boss, Damian.

Conosa looked at Greb, unmoved, with a combination of embarrassment and anger.

Damian couldn't help but smile.

Didn't expect this, did you? The system has such an effect, making my subordinates loyal to me?

Damian didn't think Conosa was trying to steal his subordinate. A few days ago, Conosa even mentioned allowing Damian to find a mistress before getting married. She couldn't have changed her mind so quickly.

This countess, who was always weak in military matters, seemed eager to prove that she also had capable subordinates. She also positioned herself as Damian's fiancée and believed she could jointly exercise property disposal rights with him, hence her decision. But she forgot that Greb and others didn't know about Damian's secret relationship with her.

Damian signaled with his eyes for Greb to step forward quickly, and only then did he joyfully step forward and accept Conosa's investiture.

However, the Countess's originally joyful mood was shattered. Many nobles also realized that in military matters, it was still the court priest who could make decisions, so they were secretly disappointed with the Countess.

With a face ashen, Conosa looked like she wanted to pinch off the flesh around Damian's waist. This was too embarrassing for her!

But this scene at the ceremony was also seen by the onlookers Andreas and Shayla.

After everyone left, Andreas discussed with Shayla, saying:

"This Damian Bovendon is quite talented, and his army is impressive as well. Now that his subordinates are guarding Conosa's gate, as long as we can get him to join us, the tasks arranged by the Grand Duke can be completed. The only question is… how to get him to join us?" Andreas rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

As the current monastery dean, his status might not be very useful in Gothingen County.

"Give him land? A title?" Shayla suggested.

"No, no, no, he's just a common character, not worth it." Andreas, being a staunch bloodline adherent, immediately vetoed the suggestion.

Though Lady Shayla felt disdainful, her face displayed a worried expression. "In that case, you should think carefully about what price to offer while I stay in Gothingen Castle to test Lady Conosa. Besides, I can also try to win over Damian."

Andreas's face suddenly sank.

His marriage with Shayla had never been as idyllic as it seemed. The significant age gap between them made their relationship appear harmonious but was actually quite cold.

Lady Shayla's beauty could make butterflies chasing after her line up for miles, a fact Andreas was acutely aware of.

Despite his lack of erectile ability, he still stubbornly deterred those dirty butterflies deliberately approaching Shayla, fearing he might end up with a cuckold.

But upon reflection, with Damian's lowly lineage, would Shayla even appreciate him?

After much hesitation, he finally agreed to the plan.


"Bishop Matt and Andreas seem to be planning something. They left Gothingen Castle together, but Countess Shayla volunteered to stay," Knight Joan reported to Conosa in the castle.

Upon hearing this, Damian couldn't help but chuckle softly. "What else could they be plotting? Certainly not theology. Their theological knowledge isn't as extensive as mine."

"Hmph. So stubborn…" Conosa sat at the table, her slender waist swaying with each breath, her ample bosom extending along her white neck.

With a determined expression, she said to Damian, "I agree to your plan. But, I hope you can promise me one thing first."

"What? Loaning you my troops?" Damian joked.

"Exactly! I hope you can station longbowmen, spear units, and other troops in Gothingen Castle," Conosa almost pleaded, beseeching Damian.

This request, Damian could actually agree to.

Firstly, it was guaranteed under the system that as long as Damian didn't betray these troops, they would follow his orders. So, Conossa's plea is actually a disguised way of maintaining Damian's army, and it's the free kind too.

Secondly, Damian was currently concerned about the shortage of food. He had plenty of money, but it couldn't fill the soldiers' stomachs.

And at this moment, Conosa's sudden request solved Damian's problem.

"I… I'll officially use my guardianship to allow you and Joan to become couple. But remember! This is not an official marriage, just the friend marriage!" Conosa announced loudly, and her cheeks also flushing red as she declared her plan.

Lady Knight Joan's eyes widened in shock.

"What!? Me?"