
Till We Collide - BL

Actuel · 1.3K Affichage
  • 9 Shc
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  • NO.200+

What is Till We Collide - BL

Lisez le roman Till We Collide - BL écrit par l'auteur ladyrose_writes publié sur WebNovel. Felix is just a young man trying to navigate university life with the help of his wonderful best friend, but then he meets someone who catches his interest. Of course, he tries to avoid him and everyt...


Felix is just a young man trying to navigate university life with the help of his wonderful best friend, but then he meets someone who catches his interest. Of course, he tries to avoid him and everything that he's tried to runaway from for the longest time, but it seems like at the moment, he's stuck.

6 étiquettes
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General Audiencesmature rating